Ordinance 1915-88 ~ .;ir,Il;t ,,-.r I i ~ .! ~, #88 Al'l ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE Ol!' A PUBLIC PARK, PROVIDING THE TERMS Ol!' PAYMENT AND AUTHOR IZ ING THE MAYOR AND TOWN CLERK TO EXECUTE LAND CONTRACTS AND PROMISSORY NOTE FOR THE PURCHASE PRICE THEREOl!' . \ WHEREAS, The Ocean Beach Realty Company has proposed to sell to the Town of Miami Beach, a strip of land lying along the Atlantic Ocean in the Town 11mi ts of the Town of Miami Beach, l!'lor ida, de- scribed as follows, to-wit: Bounded on the East by the Atlantic Ocean, on the North by the Riohard Carney tract, on the West by Ocean Drive, and on the South by the Edmund Wilson tract. said tract of land containing approximately twenty acres, and having a frontage of 41.20 feet along the high water mark of the At1antio Ocean; and, Whereas, said The Ooean Beach Realty Company has agreed to sell said property for Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00), payable on or hefore twenty years after date, with interest from January 1st, 1917, at the rate of 5% per annum; and WHEREAS, said The Ocean Beaoh Realty Company have furthermore obligated and bound themselves, in case said property is purchased, to plant said strip of land in Bermuda grass and care for same, without charge to the Town of Miami Beach, until January 1st, 1917; and Whareas a great majority of the resident citizens, as well as many land owners in the Town of Miami Beach, have petitioned the Town Council of the Town of Miami Beach to purchase said property for park purposes; and WHEREAS said property is suitable for park purposes, and is worth the amount of money above designated; therefore, BE IT ORDAIN~D by the Town Counoil of the Town of Miami Beaoh that the proposition made by The Ooean Beach Realty Company be and the same is hereby accepted. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, That J. N. LUlIIIIlUS, Mayor of the fJ!own of Miami Beach, and J. F. Canova, Town Clerk, be authorized and empowered to oonsumate the purchase of said property, and to execute, in the name of the Town of Miami Beach, contraots for the purphase of said property, and a promissory note for the purohase price thereof. BE IT FURTIUR ORDAINED, That the Town of Miami Beach buy and de- dicate the strip of land above described as a permanent park for the Town of Miami Beach, at thQ. price, and on the terms above designated. DONE AND ORDERED on this the 5th day of .October, A. D., 1925. (Signed). Thos. J. Pancoast President of Council Attest: (Signed) J. F. Canova (SEAL) Town Clerk Approved this 6th day of October, A. D., 1915.. (Signed) J. N. Lummus Mayor - ._. ~:~Jf~'.:},~ ';;'i~"'n"~ , ~~, \~ :? ,,:..i.,;,;~"'lIIIIi"L_':~'" ~.... -,' // ,.. "'iI!III " #88 All ORDI PROVI])IlIG THE T CLERIC TO EXECUTE PRICE THEREOF. DING FOR THE PURCHASE OF A Pu:BLIC PABIC, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND TOWN CTS AND PROMISSORY NOTE FOR TEE PURCHASE ....***************** ~each Realt7 Compan7 has proposed to sell a strip of land 17ing along the Atlantio .~ the Town of Miami Beach, Florida, described ~,( Bo"q."'II*t:he East by the Atlantio Ooean, on the Norih 1ft. Riohard Garney traot, on the West b7 Ooe...., and on the South by the Edmund Wilson tr" '. :.:.,,' ia14 tract of lall4 ' approxi:mate17 twenty aores, and haviI18 a frontage of 4120t. '82:1g the high water mark of the Atlantio Ooean; and, w.H.I!lkEAS, ;"" Ocean Beaoh Realt:r Compan7 has agreed to sell sa1d propert:rf_ '. y Thousand Dollars <$40,000.00), payable on or before twenv · atter date, with interest trom JanuB.r7 1st, 19l'1, at the rat. of ',."i annum; and W.ti.I!ikJ!;AS '.,.. Ocean Beach Realt:r Oompan7 have further- more obligated and ,. .,.'....mselves, in case said propert7 is purchased, to plant said str1",~,.~,_,,,,1. in Bermuda grass and car. for same, with- out charge to the .._.lI1ami Beaoh, until Januar7 1st, 191'1; and . WHEREAS ,.~. maJ ori t7 of the resident oi tizens, as well as ma.n.7 land owne_~;;,."ToWll of Miami Beaoh, have petitioned the Town Counoil of th, f~ ot Miami Beaoh to purohase said property tor pa.rk :p1lrposes J."<, ~'\l:A.St:'~,;:~....t"art7 is suitable for park purposes, and is wo~th the amoun,.r~~.y designated; therefore, BE IT 0 Beaoh that hhe pro' be and the same is 'J.,W the Town Council of the Town ()~ Miami :made by The Ooean Beach Real t7 Company ~oepted. BE IT., INED, The. t J. :Ii. Lummus, Mayor of the :'~m~~w::i t~e~..:rth:' p~a:~::~ ~~W~a~~e~~~l1~~t;~t:~~i~~d exeoute, in the naa,.~.~i Town of Miami Beaoh, oontracts for the puro_se of said pro,..,. and a promisso1"7 note for the purohase 1>r10e th.reo~. BE IT 1'.V....O)U1A.INED, Tha t the Town of Miami Beaoh buy and dedioate the ....".1and above desoribed as a 1>ermanant park for the Town of Miami lfeU1i\at the 1>r108, and. on the terms above designated. DONE AND 0D.IIlI>> on this 5th da~ of Oatober, A.D. 1915. :(Signed) Thomas J. panooas1o Pres1den1o of the Oouncil. <Signed) JJN.Lummns, )[&7or. ,h,',~,,,,,-;_,,,'~' . ,~3.iia;..... ~~ ....-.v,'._ ;c' :I ~I' .' .~.~IL}~>",> ~:~::.'S:'~ f