Council Index Card InfoLUMMUS PARK - From Council Index cards Minute Book Page 6-20-28 e-2o-Ja 5=20-31 6-3-31 6-28-33 8-7-33 5/13/36 7/28/37 12/3/3v 1/4/39 2/1/39 n/20/40 1 /38 12/6/39 lo/28/42 12/15/48 1/5/49 1/19/49 4/6/49 7/20/49 1 o. 5/59 5/lo/5o 6-7~57 Council asked to proceed with beautification City Mgr. authorized to proceed with 'central section at cost of appx. $13,500 City Mgr. authorized to proceed with beautification of remainder Request for winding walk ) Estimates ordered prepared ) Petition of Ocean Drive property owners between 8th and ~th Streets for landscaping Above improvement again~.equested Lummus Park which contains Re. present reversionary clause New Fo~ of Deed presented ~~(~7~ 12 Council accepts new deed, Mayor & Clerk authorized · to sign new Agreement Deed to L~u~us Park 12 Assignment of contract covering use Of Park in co.u{,ercial way, to J. N. LummUs and E. L. Stapp J. N. L~m~us proposes to construct bather's parking spaces in park Con=nunication from Lummus & Stapp offersing to sell all rights in L~.,LUS Park for$15,000 City Manager to negotiate for final settlement City Mgr. a~thorized to build fence on north boundary line of Lummus Park Mr. Renshaw reports fence or wall not yet built $2,000 appropriated for whiteway system in L~Lu. US Park 8 323 8 .329 8 376 9 54 11 36 11 55 95 95 118 {4 438 16 202 16 435' 17 433 17 469 19 414 Letter from Stapp & Lummus offering to sell all title in Lu~l, us Park for $10,000 cash - accepted by City 16 City Mgr. instructed to install showers and drinking fountains in LUmmus Park 18/ Use of strip in Lm~us Park authorized for " erection of searchlight by Army 21 Aaron Courshon asks for better illumination and som rec. facilities 27 A. Courshon's requests for lighting and walks in Lmm~us Park taken under advisement Action deffered on requests for improvements 487 406 454 240 Signs indicating name of park tobe replaced Request of A. Courson that City allocate $30,000 in 1949-50 budget fer lighting park granted Contract awarded to Astor for lighting City Attorney explains te~ms of the title under which the City now holds Lummus Park, in reply to objection to commercial use of park Citizens protest commercialization of park $3~D0 appropriated to cover cost of placing palm trees on sand beach between 6th and 10th Sts 27 272 27 382 28 23 28 251 29 346 '29 346 39 378