Letter from Clerk 1/12/1938,Tinu~z7 1~, 1938
Msesre~. J. N. lammus and Z. L. St~pp,
o/o 8tapp, (kmrlary, Ward and Ward,'
DO1-511 8eybola Bulldingo
Mtaml, Florida. ,
Oerr~lemen t
Answering your letter of .Janmary nth, beg ~o
advise tha~ we have every ln~entim to ~m lnue
to pet you .on the ,present lainmum Pax~ C traot
until we are in a position 'to e~nsumatem~e final'
settlement as authorized b~ the Oity Courtoil on
· JanUary. 5th, 193S-
Che~ks for the month ~rX Deeember are beiag mai~ed
Yours ,very truly, ,