Assignment L-5129 : I BOOK 1865 PAGE473 I I { KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. that WHEREAS. The Ocean Beach Realty Company, a Florida !I corporation having its principal place of business in the City II of Miami Beach, Florida, has heretofore, by assignment dated \\ . the 8th day of Ma:y, A. D. 1936. and recorded in Deed Book 1703 I !I at page 18 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, as- signed to J. N. Lummus, of Miami, Florida an undivided 4/5th interest and to E. L. Stapp, of Miami, Florida, an undivided 1/5th interest in and to all the right, title and interest of the said The Ocean Beach Realty Company vested in it under and by virtue of that certain contract, deed or indenture dated the 28th day of June, A. D. 1933 and recorded with the Clerk I of the Circuit Court of Dade County, Florida on August 14th. II II ~ I I I I , 1933 and filed for record under Clerk's File No. J-9791, which said instrument covered in particular that certain property situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, and in the City of Miami Beach, formerly the Town of Miami Beach, more particularly described as follows: ;'j "I !I :1 il 'I II The said property is also more particular described as tba t cer- II' Bounded on the East by the Atlantic Ocean, on the North by the Richard Carney Tract, on the West by Ocean Drive, and on the South by the Edmund Wilson Tract; TOGETHER with all common law riparian rights now vested in the grantor; said tract of land above described containing approximately twenty (20) acres, more or less. tain property situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of the north half of Section 3, Township 54 South of Range 42 East, at the intersection of said South line as aforesaid with the East line of Ocean Drive, as shown on a plat of Ocean Beach Addition No. 1 as recorded in Plat Book 3, at Page 11. of the Dade County Public Recorda; thence north along the east side of said Ocean Drive, parallel with and 30 feet east of the west side of said Ocean Drive to the north line of the aforesaid plat, plat 1. 800K 186 PAGE 474 '; book and page as aforesaid; thence con- tinuing north along the ea.t side of the said Ocean Drive parallel with and 30 feet east of the west side of said Ocean Drive as shown on a plat of Ocean Beach Addition No. 2-~ as recorded in Plat Book 2-~ at Page 56~ Dade County Public Records~ to the north line of said plat of Ocean Beach Addition No.2-as aforesaid~ said north line being the south line of the Richard Carney Tract; thence east along the last described line to tbeAtlantic Ocean; thence southwardly in a meandering line along the shore of said Atlantic Ocean to the SO\1th line of Ocean Beach Addition No. l~ plat book and page as aforesaid~ if projected eastwardly into the Atlantic Ocean~ said south line being the south line of the north half of Section 3~ Township 54 South of Range 42- ~ast~ and the north line of the ~dmund Wilson Tract; thence west along the last described line to the point and place of beginning; TOGEl'HER with all common law riparian rights belonging or incident thereto. and WHEREAS the said J. N. Lummus and the said E. L. Stapp are still the owners md holders of the said interests so assigned~ and WHEREAS the said City of Miami Beach~ by proper re- solution of its city council~ has authorized and approved of the purchase of all the right~ title and interest held by the said J. N. Lummus and the said E. L. Stapp for the sum of -Ten Thous- and Dollars ~ NOW, 'l'BREFORE ~ WITNESSETH: That invlew of the premises and in considera~ion of the said sum of Ten Thousand Dollars~ lawful money of the Ug,lted States of Amer1ca~ to the uttdersigned parties in hand paid~ re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged~ the saidunderslgned par- ties~ to-wit: J. N. Lummu.s~ jo1ned by his wife; Al1ee A. ImalrU8'~ and the said E. L. Stapp~ joined by his wife~ Ethel H. Stapp, do hereby sell~ assign~ transfer and set over unto"€he said City of Miami Beach~ a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida~ all of their r1Sht~ title and interest, of '" 2-. _1865 _4i5 whatsoever kind or nature, held or claimed to be held by the said parties by virtue of the said original contract and the said assignment as above set forth covering the property above described. The undersigned parties further acknowledge receipt of all payments due under said contract to date hereof and here- by waive any right to further accounting of the amounts due un- der said contract. It is understood that this assignment to the said City of Miami Beach is delivered simultaneously with the deliv- ery of a special warranty deed from The Ocean Beach Realty Com- pany to the said City of Miami Beach, and quit claim deeds from the undersigned parties to the said City of Miami Beach, all for the purpose of confirming the title to the property above described to the said City of Miami Beach free and clear and discharged of all and any claims of the said parties and of The Ocean Beach Realty Company which they may have had or claim to have in and to the property above described or from any claims by reason of their use or occupancy of the same. and seals IN W}TNESS WHEREOF we have this ~ day of January, A. hereunto set our hands D. 1938, at Miami, Dade County, Florida. (SEAL) (SEAL) ~,. 1* -p ~dd ,t! i~- ( SEAL) (SEAL) r .. -'-, BOOKl865IPA&E476 i ! I I] STATE OF FLORIDA: COUNTY OF DADE : I# an officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds according to the laws of the State of Florida# duly qualified and acting# HEREBY CERTIFY that J. N. Lummus# Alice A. Lummus# E. L. Stapp and Ethel H. StapP# to me personally lm own # this day acknowledged before me tha t they executed the foregoing asslgn:l!Jent; AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that I know the , persons making said aclmowledgment to be the individuals de- scribed in and who executed the said assignment; AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that said Alice A. Lummus and Ethel H. Stapp are lmown to me to be the wives of said J. N. Lummus and E. L. Stapp # respectively# and that this day they acknowledged before me# separately and apart fram their respective husbands# that they executed the s aid assignment for the purpose of renouncing and relinquishing their respective dowers and right of dowers and separate estates in and to the lands therein described# and that they executed the same freely and voluntarily and without cam- pulsion# constraint# apprehension or fear of or from their re- spective husbands. IN WITNESS WHEREOF # I hereunto set rrry hand and of- ficial seal at Miami# said County and State# this !o~ day of January # A. D. 1938. _\,,\\\\\Iltflillll-l ,::,;" ~. R o/) /11 c> <",'- ........... 1,/ .::::~.. ~ .... .....0 ~:~ j:~.... "eO. A _..' ..", ':.:. "" -- : (') t /""'1 '. .::; .- ::, '. :..\ -- ...~-.;" - ~- I!lM. ~~.:. ~ ~ - ~ ? : 2#" ,:.... '. t:J. f , ,.... ". .' "'" ~ "'."" '0 '-of ~.- . ~ .;::r ~.~.....(\ .... ... ....., $' "'.',1, II "'. ..~.. .::;:.: ",,', ;- .....,..... ~ '11./. F L 011 \ ~ \. "" '1IIIIIlIlllUIIII\\\ . My expires: ,~te of Florida Countl of Dad~ ~ This inMmm~nt was filed fot' ~ordthel ~day of~ _ 19~ 4'l' ..;?, 'P. . ~( .. --- . ~~at ~_:_~t__'_M.and duly recf)~ded in BookL.?6_~_~ -..------~___on Pa~.4_!.,2-..!-m_Fil~ No.~~L-:l~ E. B. LEATHERMAN. ~rk ~ Court e~-~_~f'L_n____D, Q.