Miscellaneous Letters ';"iF""Jp:r~"";lll:'ll"'''~~I~~!i:'\;P'!~~~\,V~il'f~"''''',~ , \ jJ., ri' . . ...,..., ; ,...,......7.; ,~-- 1i-:!<t:..J;'t""'~-r-).'~ '~~~''''\'''''~~j fJJ.""T''''' . .87 9th, 1~H6. \ -. _1'. E. L.t. ~P. At",. t aeno14 .8U14i... . 1Il8id.. 1'101'14&. Dear 11.1*1 !b18 18 to .....1.... .....lpt o-t .JOV 1~. ot 1Ia7' ftll, a44N'8ee4 to 411'" IIaMIJn' 1ln8haw. ~th" w1\b ."'IlS:l nd ,... thl Gee_leach Raa1" QoipaD7 to J. 11. 'h L ~. ana. L 1.. stapp. tId.._"." wU1 be bJ'oqht to the .ttenti1on 0" tbe 01t7 OouIlcll at 1hetJt aext "'1DC. - . l'OUft '"17 t:N17. Q. 1f. !(IILD8OtI. OIft OtERI CII.. \ \ . ' ,\ - .. '. I, \ \.\ \' .:~~.. \ \.~..\.'V.'::' .' f~\' . I \( )\1 \\ ,\~. \,. ,\ . !\~'~ , i I \ i~, ,;/ \. {,' ~ '. ...', ..-,.. -,':- .,. Miami, Florida December 31, 1937. The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Florida Through Mr. Claude Renshaw, City Manap;er. Gentlemen: Referring to a conversation between Mr. Renshaw and Mr. Inmmus on December 30th, 1937, wherein our proposition of November 5th was discussed relative to Lummus Park, we beg to advise th~t we will make the price Ten Thousand Dollars (f10,000.00) cash, provided it is accepted at your meeting January 5, 1938, and the matter closed promptly; otherwise we will let the contract we now have with the City of Miami Beach continue in course. Yours truly, ~4 Yt-: . . . ~ ~ ,- ~ Miami. Florida. May 8th. 1936. City of Miami Beach. Miami Beach, Florida. Attention Mr. Claude A. Renshaw, Ci ty Manap:er. The undersigned. J. N. Imnmus and E.L. Stapp. hereby formally notify the City of Miami Beach. Florida. a municipal corporation, that they have become the assignees of all the rtght, title and interest of The Ocean Beach Realty Company, a Florida corporation, in and to that oertain contract or deed dated the 28th day of June, A. D. 1933, between The Ocean Beach Realty Company and the City of Miami Beach covering the use of Lummus Park. Miami Beach, Florida, as will show by an executed copy of the assignment from The Ocean Beach Realty Company, the original of wrrich has this day been delivered to the said J. N. Dummus and E. L. stapp. Gentlemen: You will note that the interest of J. N. Dummus is a four-fifths interest and the interest of E. L. Stapp is a one-fifth interest, and in making your future disbursements under this contract you will make a disbursement of four-fifths interest to J. N. Dummus and of one-fifth interest to E. L. stapp. You will mail the disbUrsement of the four-fifths interest to J. N. Lummus at 341 N. W. 39th street, Miami. Florida, and the one-fifth interest to E. L. stapp at 501 Seybold Building, Miami, Florida. These directions will serve until further written notioe by either of the parties with reference to the dis- bursement of their particular portions.