N-27 Indian Creek Drive -.. J ~ ~ . ,. BOOK2064 PAGE541 w.AlUWfty HID !HIS IHDENftJRE, Jlade th1s 14.'11 , da7o~ J'1 -} . D. 19410, between OIn OF IlIAJ4I BEAOB,a Jlunlc1pal corporation, exist1ng under the 1... of the state of 'lorida, party ot the first part, and JANE R. BOLINARI, ot the County of Dade and State of 'lorida, party of the second part; , I 1 f II I .I .I I % g: That the said party of the first part, for and ln conslderatlon ot the sum ot Ten Dollars and other good and valuable oonsideratlon, to 1 t 1n hand paid by the said party of the seoond part, the recelpt whereof U hereb;r acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, her hell'S and asslgns forever, the folloWing described land, s1tuate, ly1ng and being in the County otDade and State of flor1da, t6-wit: " 't:' Beginning at a pout Wh1ch 1s the northwesterll, corner ot Lot E1ghteen (18), Block '1'hlrt1-s1% (36), ot. the Amended Map ot the Ooean 'ront Property ot the 141am1 Beach Improvement Compan1i thence easterly along the northerly 11ne ot said Lot Eighteen (18) fo~ a distance ot one hundred thlrty-tl ve and seventy-seven one hun- dredths (135.77) teet, .O~ or less, to the northeasterly corner of said Lot Elghteen (18)i thenoe southerlY' along the easterly l1ne of sald Lot Elghteen (18) for a d1stance of torty (40) feet, more or le88, to a foint on the north- erly l1ne ot Seventeenth (17th) Street now Forty-tlrst (41st) Street); thence westerly along a cirou1ar ourve det1ecting to the right and having as lts tangen'b at this point the said northerl1 11ne ot Seventeenth (17th) street (now Forty-tirst (41st) street; said clrcular oUrve hav1ng a radius of seven hundred e1ghty and thirty four one hundredths (780.34) teet for a distance of elghty-seven and sixteen one hundredths (87.16) teet. to a point ot tangenoy; thence westerly along a straight line tangent to the last mentioned curve tor a distance of th1rty-three and twenty- eight one hundredths (33.28) teet to a point at curvature; thence wester11 and northerly along a circular curve, ' detlecting to the right, havlng a radius ot twentY' (20) feet, more or less, for a distance of thirty-three and fifty-eight one hundredths (33.58) teet, more or less, to a point ot tangenc1 on the easter11 line of Indian Creek Drlve; thence northerly along said easterly line of Indian Creek Drive tor'-aMetance ot seven and forty-one.... one hundredths (7.41) teet, more or less, to the -point ot '. .. ,..; " BOOK2064 ~GE542 beg1nning, as saiel Lot, Block, Propertr, Street and Dr1ve are shown on a Plat recorded 1%1 Plat Book rive (5) at Pales Seven (7) and E1ght (8) 01' the Public Records 01' Dade Oount" Florida. In considerat1on thereot, the Grantee herebr agrees that no building or structures 01' &n1' kind 8hall ever be construct ed or placed upon the above descr1bed propertY', excepting that walks or landscap1ng 8hall not be construed as buildings or structures Within the mean1ng at th18 restr1ct10n, and prov1ded that the C1 t7 II&Y' at anr tae require the Qrantee to rellove such landscaping as interteres w1 th traff1c v1sib1l1 ty. And the sald partr 01' the first part doe8 hereby fully warrant the title to sald land, and wl11 defend the same aga1aat the laWful claims 01' all persoDs whollsoever. m WIDEIS 'fHIBEor, the sa1d party at the flrstpart has caused these presents to be slgned in 1ts name by 1ts proper otficers, and 1ts corporate seal to be affixed, attested br lts 't'J'e~,th. . ",:. ...,.tj. ,'. .... \~ ,~t.t, j jO'..'.<< ~.:>~ tj"". ~,>'-. At 1ft': " " -fill!'. ,^~'i: .......~fI T>",::~J... ,J, )~' t<<,,,, \\t." ~' " ~.~ ~~': i "1'-'1' . ~..,... 11":': ,"i,yr~': ., ''''~.. ,:i~;,:~ .{ : r l'i":: " . ;'\.".,;....,'F '~.l'if : . ,,, ....lfl' fl R"' ,"~lh,.J':. c...,.'.'.....:'. , ~~ \. . (j P '4. . ""', · "'t~ . ?;:~"t..rt;" .... .:'i..\Y;~, ' ""'i.~:.:", .'.. ,.2.'r:1:-;~. ',"i,ii',,,'.. .,:" ,;' "7, · #tlI , ":1'::,)" 1',6 It.." #,~,:"'. ,..",f i<:" t,();':~~; J"'~ ,/, /;'~'1. ~:;j ,l,f: da7 and year t1rst above written. CIn or IlIAIII BIl.CH, a 1I11n1c1pal f! -:7 ClorporaUon. B1. ' ~ #"~~, \~ ~or' >>1 ~9 -2- .. : . "l, -.~ ..... ." BOOK2064 PAGf543 ) :ss ) Sl'.1TE or J'LO!lIDA OOOHfi 0' J).AJ)I I HIB.DY OER.!In, that on this 14th da7 ot Kay. A. D. 1940, before me personally appeared JOBlf H. LlV'I and o. w. '1'OMLIISON, Ka10r and 01t1 Olerk respect1....11 ot OI!I or KIAJa BEACH, a corporat10n under the laws 0'1 the Stat e of flor1da, to me well known to be the persons who signed the toreg01ng instrwaent as such ofticers and several17 acknowledged the exeoution thereof to be their free aot and 4eed a8 such officers tor the uses and purposes therein .entioned and that they aftixed thereto the official seal ot sald 01t7, and that the sa1d instruaent 1s the act and deed of said Oit7. WITNESS my signature and ofticial seal at 141am1 Beach, in the Oounty of Dade and State of Florida, the da1 and 1ear last aforesud. ~p~ Hotar7 ' b11c State of Flor1da at large. ., oOllBl1s.1on expires: ~\\1.'i4..""J'j' M... 1 ..lit ,~~,,,\\\ \\ ~. , 'i ">. ~'th, 19....... ,'~ \.... ~ -+"....1l. ~'" .......... '\' ....ce,..'. h .~. ;2' "....;' ji' -41>\ ...c:..,. . , ,;' ,'Y'" i," _/\\0, 1, A ,?~."",~, ;t,;~,~, ~,~ \ /JlJ ~~L'; \1 '?::; ~ ~\ U ';, ,~..~. ~ ..~ f._ :',:,:':"","'i~r;i:,)'}:Y ,,: ;::' "'~ """:":':'.;:"i"/\"'~'.. "" <:,., "......:.....': ..;it' :!,~;~;. I. 0 j I n Ii. ,.\'~" ".'<'i ::"~~';/I;"j...,.1,~~;.I. ." . .~..'J\.:";rr,'h .'''i' , i'''i~: ; State of Florida. County of Dade ~ This ilJSlru~ent was filed for record the~..3dav .qf__~!:L~ 1940. Ht -7:L~A'M and duly recorded In __u.~___ BooLgl2J~:/on Page-S'~.l:File No.4~,7.3d'/ E. B. LEA THEI\~IAN. . It_Cl~tC.~it, C~ jrL-~_.V~D. C. -3-