Warranty Deed 18 b
. .
BOOK2064 PAGE,54!
!HIS INDD!t1BE, Jlade th1s 14.t~ ' da70t ~
A. D. 1940, between CITY OF KIAMI BUCH,a Jlunlc1pal oorporatlon,
exlstlng under the 1a.8 of the state of 'lorlda, party ot the
flr.' part, and JANE R. IIOLINARI, ot the Oounty of Dade and State
of Florlda, party of the second part;
! I 11 I .I .I I % g:
!hat the said part1 of the flrst part, for and ln
conslderatlon ot the sum of !en Dollars and other good and
valuable conslderatlon, to 1 t ln hand pald br the sald party of
the second par't, the recelpt whereof U hereb1 aoltnowledged, has
granted, bargalned and sold to the sald party of the second part,
her hell's and asslgns forever, the folloWing descr1bed land,
situate, ly1ng and being in the County otDade and state ot
Florlda, to-wlt:
Beginning at a polnt wh1ch ls the Dorthwesterl~ corner
ot Lot Elghteen (19), !lock Thirty-s1x (36), of'the
Amended Map ot the Ocean Front Property of the Miami
Beach Improvement Company; thence easterly along the
northerly line ot sald Lot Eighteen (18) to& a distanoe
ot one hundred thirty-tlve and seventy-seven one hun-
dredths (135.77) teet, .or~ or less, to the northeasterly
corner of said Lot Elghteen (19); thence souther17 along
the easter17 11ne of sald Lot Eighteen (18) for a d1stance
ot tort1 (40) teet, more or les8, to a foint on the north-
erly line of Seventeenth (17th) Street now Forty-tirst
(41st ) Street); thence wester11 along a clroular curve
def1ect1ng to the right a'l'ld having as 1 ts tangen'b at th1s
point the said northerl;r line at Seventeenth (17th) Street
(now Forty-f1rst (41st) Street; sald c1rcular curve having
a rad1us of seven hundred eighty and thirty four' one
hundredths (780.34) teet for a dlstance ot eight1-se~en and
s1xteen one hundredths (87.16) teet, to a point ot tangenoy;
thence westerly along a straight llne tangent to the last
mentloned curve for a distance of thirty-three and twenty-
elght one hundredths (33.28) teet to a point ot ourvature;
thence weaterly and northerly along a c1rcular curve, ,
deflecting to the rlght, having a radius 01' twenty (20)
feet, more or less, for a distance at thirty-three and
f1fty-elght one hundredths. (33.58) teet, more or less, to
a pOint at tangency on the easterly line of Indian Creek.
Drlve; thence norther11 along sald easterly 11ne ot
Indian Creek Drlve for"a.Ci1stance of seven and torty-one..
one hundredths (7.41) teet, more or less, to the .point of
.~ ......" ;-
BOOK2064 ~GE542
beglnn1ng, as said Lot, Block, Propert" Street and
Drive are shown on a Plat reoorded 1n Plat Book Five (5)
at Pale. Seven (7) and Elght (e) ot the Publlo Reoords
at Dade Count,., Florlda.
In oonsideration thereot, the Grantee hereb,. agrees
that no building or struotures ot an:r klnd shall ever be oonstruot
ed or placed upon the above described property, excepting that
walks or landscaping shall not be construed as buildings or
struotures within the meaning ot this restriotion, and provlded
that the Cl t7 may at 8117 tlme require the Qrantee to remove such
landscaping as interteres w1 th traftlo visiblli ty.
And the said part7 ot the tirst part does hereb1
full, warrant the t1t1e to said land, and w111 detend the same
aga1Dst 'the lawful ola1as ot all persoJls whoJlsoev&r.
IN WlDESS 'fHIBEOF, the said party ot the t1rst part
has caused these presents to be slgned ln lts name b1 1t8 proper
ottlcers, and lts oorporate seal to be aft1xed, attested b;y 1ts
ttqee..t the day and ;year first above wr1 tten.
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,'..... ,'.,. ., c';;: ~......?,,:t;,. "IIIIV or ."I'nrr B'IIIACH, a Il--"""olpal
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/, ~'~:,i/ ~.;,!!-...' \"""" 7 Corporat1on,
If: :;;,:/,t""''f',1I, ,;. >.....'~-:."..,i~; .:- :..~ K ,/--;-
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"J.aJY~~."" ..,.~,., ........ ~ . __'Co ......--- .
, .';~"f.~6 Ttl)i\ ...' . 01t;y Clerk
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Oomf'l'Y or J)AJ)Z
800K2064 PAGf543
I HlCB.UY CDl!II'Y, that on this 14th
day ot Kay.
A. D. 1940, before me personally appeared JOHN H. LlV'I and
O. w. fOJa.IlISON, l!a1or and 01t1 Olerk respectlvel, ot OnY or
KI.A.Ja BKA.OH, a corporatlon U1'lder the laws of the State ot Florlda,
to me well known to be the persons who signed the toregolng
1nstl'Ullent as such otflcers and severa111 acknowledged the
execution thereof to be thelr tree act and deed as such officers
for the uses and purposes thereln mentioned and that the1 aff1xed
thereto the otflcial seal of said Clt1, and that the s&1d
1nstruaent ls the act and a.eed of s&1d C1t,.
WITNESS my signature and off1cial seal at J41am1 Beach,
1n the Count1 of Dade and state of Florida, the dar and year last
., oammis8ion explres:
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Rotary bilc state ot Flor1da
at large.
Stare of Florida. County of Dade ~
This iltstru~ent was filed for record the~..3day .qf__~!:L~
1940. ar -%_/.~A'M and duly recorded In __Q.~___
Book_.2-_Q_~:/on Page4'~/File.No4o(,7.3I/
jrL_~_-'7"~D. C.