WD-18 d W ARRAN~Y D.EED 1 l~tl1 Jubtnturt f Made this Yir s t day of August BETWEEN TEE 111.A1lI B:mA.CH DIPRO~1EnT CQ1JPAIIT A - 9 29 .D.l_, and State of a corporati ~n , having its principal place of Vlorida business in the County of existing .under the laws of the State of Dade Florida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and ',fEE.CITY. OF. MWiL BEACH'.. principal place of business in the County of (1ge.dlt il.oi-id&s and State of FlbNcl&: , having its a corporation existing under the laws of the State of I and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part; for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dnllars {$lO.oOl and ot be r Taluable consideration, - - - - - - - ~ to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, has granted, bargained and gold to the said party of the second part, its successors and as- signs forever, the following described lands, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade Florida and State of Florida, to-wit: A strip ofland lying between the western boundary line of Indian Creek DriT6 and the East Boundary line of Indian Creek, and bet~en the North Boundary line of Lot 18 and South bo~dary line of Lot 18, produced to the water of Indian Creek, of said Block 36, together wi th riparian rights adjacent or appurtenant Il.~reto, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 5, at page 7 and 8 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This conTeyance made subject to all encumbrances of record. Said Lot 18, of Block 3,6 be~ng of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach ImproTement Co~any as aboTe reoorded. ~~~artpJ_~~~~lrlWf~tf~f~~~*a~i1f Jd*1I4~11lI1lP..litiBt~_~i~~~iH.i~\h~~? \ \ I .1 rn II I j I I I ! I ,...~ _.-.- T'--U-'" ,~.,. I ~ooK1325 Ii II I! i I II ! I II I, , I II ,'.,~ ;'--'---- ." , , ~' fAC 428 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Sec- retary, the day and year above written, Attest:~,PJ.r?~ . Secretary. '~.,',,:.. ' fO', :\! :presIdent. ~. =:( 'i~1r reg c:1 ,. .' \, . .,.~... ,;:,~., ~ \I \ . ,','e I,"'; t! ~. d I, 3. (,~. ~........ ..' ",,-,::' It" ':"7 !O ,..... . ",>... , "-4 "..... '" I, , !J l/ tl ,I \ · S E OF FLOR COUNTY OF Dade I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this 1st day of Allglls t A. D. 19~, before me personally appeared Thos. J. ,Pano cast and Cbas. W. Richter , President and Secretary, respectively, of Th.e Miami Beach ImproTementCoqpaDY , _, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida , to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto ,t};l.~." otficial seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said <;o~\;.t J t' bon ,,~, ....... . WITNESS my signature and official seal at Miani Beach .:S:"";...... . "'. .t:;;{~ '18 'l ~-,..;. ';. {J J'l ,'\' ':'".~"..' " .J ;" fIJ,,'t.;' % ,.,-~\~..'.. ~..~. 7J'h~::]:r' ~\ ~ ~I#",tim'_}' '~~,:r~ - u " , l. 03 . ___ta ~~ s~ () ~~ ~= o' t:l ....... ~~ o ."1 '0 ~S 0' 2.", ~ ~ ---_._~"._---~~'~-;; .- in the County of Dade the day and year last aforesai':, SJ Cl '(b." o * = .... <+ pS El ?> ~ l:j ::1 ::1::r ~ (t) 0 ~ <+'""'<+(t) ::<;"::1 l:j 0 L1 ~ OZ~U2 g & ::1 U2 (t) ~ Z 1:/). > ~ :lS 'C El ~~ ~ ~ t:d S ~ug.(t) "~. .N.s::' to<: "'3 r.tl '<Z~g ~ l:t! ~ 0 tI:l 1-3 ~tr:l~ 0..- ~ 0 ~ ~ en " " ~ ~~ > ::1r.tl~Sl:J ~o..r ~ Cl 0.. 0 oq ::1 H, ~ 1-3 $l:I:lS"'C ~ ~~ ~ 0 &.:om" 0 '" 0 I':Ij '"l '"l ~ $l:I ~tr:lg,li~~ ~'< := l:j :::;~ U2 (t) 0 g ,... ....tr:l ~ ::1 "'C 6 I::l t:rj >< 0 .....' 0 ~ .p... > U1 ~1':Ij ~ H, '"'" Cl <+~ ~t:d ~~ ~ ~t-lOO 0..': t-l :".[~~O" '"d 1-3 ~ ~ ':' '- ~ S. t-l 0 -(I) <tloq Z o ~ H, :T S 0.. &(t) ~= ~'"l (t)- (t)tp 0..'< ~ s ~ f"J {\..j 01 00 W 01 '" ~ ~ ";"'~ij.j~) d \) .-~ ~~~ ,=..-'-.....- .'""..,.~.~-.__"'~__.~.:~."'.-<.if.;"_",: -:-rw--".--."-------...:....---. .-.........,".Y'" , ..,_..... ...... _.___ATLO__~L7__._0'CLOCKO-.M. FILEDa.u-~.1J;.. ......t.:fi. TiE nOOK NOT..ED ABOVE . AND R "ORDEDi~N Cl ERK CTRCUIT COURT , E B EATHEn.~. -' . ..l IDA .' DADE COUNTY,qFLOR '. ./.~<~ " (~'), v /:.."......... (,>) , ,~ " , ''i(..,/,) v " _ .h. " u '- ,. ...... /0 /;... #-,. ". ,.-, ... .- ~.... ',' /' . ',"1 vl....~,/ "'. ~: ~-,