WD-18 c ~; i \ t t ! , , , W:c... \ ~\ WARRANTY DEED (To CorporatiO'llJ 'Hefty's Form B. E. S4 For Sale h7 the Hefty Press, . 6~~;i325 . PA~t4~9' wqis lJubtntuft Made this' I f L----day of ___..J...uls________________________________, A. D. 192_9___, BETWEEN_fi~de..riQ..~..D.........Eve_r.t~L__and_Z~ge.ne--E..L- Eve rta~-hi.EL wi f.e___~__~__ ~___~___~___~__~_...::...~_~__~__=___~~___~_~__~___~___~___~___-~--~~--~~-~~-~-~~-~-~ of the County of________l'f~yne and State oL__--1I1.ch i gan -------------------, parL_1_~~__ of the first part, and ___Qi..ty___oi.__1UI'_a.mi___Be_aQ.h_.J.__.Jl.___mu.n1.Qip.al____, I: corporation existing under the laws of the State oL___.Fl.o~i.da_________~__._________________, having its principal place of bu~iness in the County oL_.____~~g~______________"_ -_ _and State oL----nor-1d&------------_-------, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said part.i.eiL of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of _j'_e.1Ldollars and 0 th e 1" __ va lIt a h 1 Po co mid e ra t i 0 IS '""'--_ ____..._.... Dollars, to___~~_~m________jn hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ____hav.iL____granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its , : I I I i I ~ . ; j . i i I successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County , ! oL___Dad..e.______________._________________________ and State of Florida, to-wit: , Lot Eighteen (18) of Block Thirty-six (36) , as the same is shown by a map or plat of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami Baach Improvement Company, re corded in Book No.2 of Plats at Page 47, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Dade County, Florida; to- gether wi th all riparian righ ts and submerged lands ad- jacent o~ appertaining thereto. I , I l 1 i i . 'I, This deed is executed and accepted subject to all taxes 1929, assessed against said lot, as well as all municipal ! liens ordered or assessed against the saID3 by the Oi ty of I all of which the grantee herein hereby assumes. I : I ~il ! I , ! I i I 1 I i I for the year improvement Miami Beach, And the said parL1.ea-- of the first part do__---.hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parttes._ of the first parL-l)..a.Y_e._..hereunto seL~e.1.r. ; I i I I i i I hand..a and sealS..>.sthe day and year above written. ~~) ____r-.?~~,seal) OK1325 PACE 430 "".~ .' -c>:..,.~ .,.,. ..~.",..-,,'-""___ ""IiJ'-',;;_!_~r~ """""-'~.~...;' :::: o::___~=___~_~IGA~} I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments,___-hede.r-ick___D..- Eve rts and Emogene E. .~p.t.s-'-'---- -his----wi-f-e-,.------------------------------------------. -.-- .---- - ------ ---.--------.-.--- -- to me well known to be th~ person___-S described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that___th-eY.__.______~'uted the.same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. AND I. FUR'rHER CERTIFY, That the saicL___Emo.ge.ne___L___Ev.e_r,:ts_______________________, kIlown to me to be the wife ,of the said,--~----.Freder.1.ck....n.--berts __________, on a separate and private ,examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that :c'lIhu ~de herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title ._"~ ',.st, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described , !. 'i ,r,~il,nc:l that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, appre- , ','..... ~~ar of or from her said husband. ::-, i. ... l ;I't;i~.. ....: .fJ.Q _IJ!~ hand and offi.cial seal aL___j).e.tZQ1.t______.,__________________, County cf._.Jl.i1Y.n~L_______________________ ......,~. ;.;'? .~~~1fi'cn.J.gan L./ ~: !i;?:U..,<>-i: - -----r"-~ da, "'-~--_.....---..- t; ~ D. !...JL ~." " .~~g ----~-- . _..~ $ r :+. <. -..- ""- % "cCiij"ii1~ :,.s-~ . Notary Public, State of._ Jli Qh 1 ga~L-____ i/,""n""~S'~;~1 ~~.A___~ .. . . ~ /3"'" fa . 4 ~'l'A~:i ~~A; 7 My """""""on _uo'_~"'-I.L1J.__ .County Of_____~~~} Wee ~t=:::B:..;~~~ day . ~:~....~ b:':L~_~~.~~~ ;';-::~~-;:-~-~::ji": n"bed In and wbo ex...ted th. forego"" deed, and aclmowle~; be;:';: me tha _m______ ____executed the same freely anjfv~F3ril1 f~e purposes therein expres~" WIT~~dand olf_..al a~~unty ~~ and State or:-. ~-4f!-~-~ .-=- ...::~;:~:::!- -," · ,'~~~, ~__~ ~/~~.B.o~ -"_,~."":"".______ _____ __._,_ ~ _,.""... _. Ja. P' -:, .,,', s::: ~- oZ !'IJ m.~ a~ '<Z ::rtrJ ~rn ~rn ~~ ~1Il "- ill.. (":) ~ .... >- a en ~ ~ ~ I t; ~ sa'~.' '\03) ~ s::: . !2! r-:3 L:. ~ ~g ~ e: j otr.l t:I ~ t:I=~ f/.I .... c+ UJ-CI~1 0 ~ ~ ~ [M\r.,! ~ g. 0 ~::h~ I \l ~ :::: t:I ~CDI' b. ~ (":) ""dll'~' ll' t::1 ~ll' t:lH>I '< ~ ~ ~~ I g. ~~~"1b ~ 0 (I) (":)~ UJ . <0(":)- o ' (I) 0 ~ ~p a~ - e. I -;1 ~I t:I C g. go p. ts: o < C"'.: s::: t:d (I) (I) a 0 "1.... ~ ~ <p~ ~ o ll' &" . ~ , , i I I I I I \t:I:J l~ 1(1) ,p. fCD '~ I.... 10 !W ~r , , , , , 10 '..... lc+ t< !o ll-i) ~ i , I f- j '. ~. ~ -~ CS~ t".:l~ ~= ~,=-- ~..... 1-1 '3 '~I ~ ~ ty , , , , , , L ~ >- b::l rn ~ ~ >- o .~ ~ tj t?:l rn C ~ I:d ~ 1-1 o Z ..... ~,~:"...;';...,~--,-~~~':";..T..rv ~ '!!! --~.... ..'t ~ ..- ........ ~----'-~. -~ l~~ ,<.... . // , <. /I~'.A, , .' 1 <..'..../':~ \:~,.:;) I ~/... ,. \, ED..a I ~~-_-S::.:-:-l-Qu..~__...-9- __hATJJJ_~j. "1-.._.-0'CLOCK.Q...Jt;,:~:: AND RECllDED I~ THE nOOK NOTED_ABOVE . - /;.();, " E. S, . ATnEnMA~, CLERK CIRCUIT COUR! -:(~>" DADE COUNtry, FLORIDA :'<-;",~ ' ~",,"-'" '/, " /. l 'I" ,- ' ':'.L '. -~:~ III ~ .. fTf N> at 00 ~. ~, i !lI ~ .. ~ ~ ..~,~