Dedication ..; BOOK3787 PA6E469 -.;- ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: HURLEY , That the undersigned, THE MOST REVEREND JOSEPH P. as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, for value received, has dedicated and does hereby dedicate, to the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal Corporation, for perpetual use by the pUblic, for street and sidewalk purposes, those certain parcels of land situate, lying and being in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, described as follows, to-wit: ~v ~/ :J:~ ~.y (~ ,Vj <"j That certain parce+ of land bounded on the easterly side by the westerly line of that parcel of land described in Deed to the City of Miami Beach from the Most "Reverend Patrick Barry, D.D., as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, dated May 24, 1940, recorded in Deed Book 2l~9, Page 175, of the Public Records of Dade CountY7 Florida; bounded on the westerly side by a l1ne parallel to and five feet <51) westerly of the above described easterly boun- dary; bounded on the southerly side by the northerly line of Beach Bay Subdivision as shown on Plat recorded in Plat Book ~, Page 25, of the Public Record s of Dad e County, , Florida; bounded on the northerly Side by the northerly line of ~e'tion -2-;-Tmnu!llrlp' 53 . South, Range 42 East. · AND ALSO That certain parcel of land bounded on the westerly side by the easterly line of that parcel of land described in Deed to the City of Miami Beach from the Most Reverend Patrick Barry D. D., as Bishop of St. Augustine, FloriJa, dated May 24, 1940, recorded\in Deed Book 2l~9, Page 175 of the Public Rec~ds of Dade County, Florida; bounded on the e terly side by a line parallel to and five fee ~(~I) ea~terly of the above described westerly'~ boundary; bounded on the southerly side bY' the northerly line of Beach ~ay Subdivision as shown on Plat recorded in Plat Book 44, Page 25, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; bounded on the northerly side by the ~northerly line of Section 2, Township 53 South, Range 42 East. ...--..".,.,..,..... A condition of this dedication is that should the use of-said lands for street and sidewalk purposes be discontinued or abandoned by said City, then, and in that event, title to said lands shall revert to and revest in The Most Reverend Joseph P. Hurley as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, his OFFICE OF Cft'Y A'I"'l'OIIKE'I" - CI'I'T BALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. noRmA -~/ BOOK 3787 PAGE 4:70 ~ . -;., successors and assigns, forever freed from the burden of this dedication. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, The Most Reverend Joseph P. Hurley, as Bishop of St~AugUst~.:~ida, has here- unto set his hand and seal this 7-- day 0 !~ 11, A.D. 19?3. As (SEAL) Florida Signed, sealed andgelivered in the presence of ~r :J State of ROOda, County of Dade. This instr~~t was filed for record then_~___~_~;~~ 1953 at,A. '''''.M. and duly recorded In___________ BooJc J?rfon Pa~-'!__Fi1e No. CC P~'o/ --- '-- . LS. LEATH~MAN Clerk Circuit Court .... -4!P~~~~JI1--'~Y' 1lC, STATE OF FLORIDA') )SS COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments THE MOST REVEREND JOSEPH P. HURLEY, as Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. \\~\.\\~~Ytf!~II:{J "'"."~.~. ~.~.:.;. ~._......'...If ;"'" J;;t... TNESS my hand and official seal at St. AuECstine, _f~.~~..,Oeunt(~ . and State of Florida, this 7 - day of '...-.::C\::' ~.'.. _~. 19 3. ""," ~ .. . '."" \) r.1ot It}/' . "7 ::; - ";.", :: :<;"~" : w :. ='~:;:::'~U8\..\V :Q: -.ffi ~ :' ~~i::,:;:..- : :~ .:- . :(" ~ ;..4../ .:::; 2 "J/~+t.( C? %. ~<i"~, .....~ ./ Notary Public, State of Florida ~f"",,;:- ~!R~SSion Expires: at Large IIII '""t, \\ ":'fflct""\"~:~nrv PU.bll,C:, State of Florida at forge ,- My commission expires May 27 1957 ~ by Mass. Bonding .. Insur~nce cO: This dedication is hereby the City of Miami Beach, Florida, 0 A.D. 19?3. of , ;::;,"',~ A.'tU..'tt:. '. , ~I /'<1' ~ 1" ;;/, ' ,,.. :~i;>;> If? " !t.o-.~.'~ ;t"! n_ ':.' .<,..;.'" \,.-.,.' . '... r~" "::f' 6 ...... ..' ",' "'''.",r' ~ -\";\}:'~.'i;~I-~"_~' /L ... ~,.> :/ ~.../~...{:~~~~,,~ ;""...; f':: ", '~,.~..." ',,:. c.,- ,~. :;/fi~~:-: >.~" ",," !~...~" .- : \.~. . ".'-* 1~~COl\f 'O~~1t~J F ...... o-I.t).' :~. .... A'~.." . . ",,-;:. -0&#;",,- , ',.,;..".... . ";,~ -.,;&"'...........) "', . "" c', .......~.H..'.. .. , '. Tf C f.{'2\;1.. . - 2 - ;. ....'.,:.,.'" .,-,' ~ OFFICE or Crn' AftOIUfET - C1'1'T JIJLLL - KUlMI BEACH 89, nORmA ~