Reso no. 6428
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to sell to the City of Miami Beach, Florida, those certain
parcels of land situate, lying and being in Miami Beach, Dade
County, Florida, to-wit:
Lots 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 of Block III
of OCEil..N BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according
to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat
Book 2, at page 81, of the ~blic Records
of Dade County, Florida,
for the sum of $120,000.00, payable as follo\fs:
Cash at the time of closing of the transaction
hereby contemplated ~35,OCO.OO
Four certificat~s of indebtedness, each
in the sum of $21,250.00, and maturing
1, 2; 3 and 4 years from date, respec-
tively, bearing interest at the rate of
3% per annum 7 payable semi-annually, and
aggregating the sum of
8;: , C\)(" . C\.)
The conveyance from Bessemer Properties, Incorporated, to
said City to be by good and sufficient special warranty deed,
(it being understood that Bessemerls title was obtained from
its ir..;:::ed.iate grantor ,by a deed containing full eOV1.;)n<.l11 ~s o~
warranty) and subject only to taxes for the year 191+7 (\oThich
are to be pro-rated as of the date of this reso1~.1tion), and
zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; lease
to Alton Boat Company, Inc., covering the period extending
from October 1, 1946, to October 1, 1951; and month to mcnth
lease to H. Nicholson, and to the right of said H. Nicholson
to remove the building now located on the above mentlon("(~- Lot
22; and
WHEREAS, the above described property is neceSS.'lrJr for the
City for parking and storing of vehicles owned and used oy the
City in"its municipal operations, including automobile~ t~lcks,
garbage trucks, and the like, and the acquisition of such pro-
perty is (leemed to be necessary to the performance by ~-\H~ City
of its municipal operations and a municipal purpose, ~1'~d such
property has been appraised and determined to be of 8 present
value of the purchase price, i.e., $120,000.00, ann it is
deemed to be to the best interest of the City to acquire the
same on the terms above set forth;
NO\v, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of tne
Ci ty of Hiami Beach, Florida, that said offer be and :~.1"1(' same
is hereby accepted; that the City Manager, subject to the
approval of the title by the City Attorney, be ~nn he is ~e~e~y
authorized and directed to close said transaction; ti-,A.t tho:='
Hayor and the City Clerk be. and they are hereby anthc\ri 7.eo. a..-:5
directed to execute, in the name of ann on behalf of sliJ Cit.y,
th8 certificates of indebtedness and any oth8l' 11: s l..}'\l1'H:i"t.S
required to be executed, in order to consummate the tl':'.l1s::"'\ction.
(Page one)
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The certificates of indebtedness issued nere~~der shall
not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the City
of Hiami Beach and they shall not obligate the City <'lir8ctiy
or indirectly or contingently, to levy or plp.dge any form of
taxation for their payment, either principal or interest, but
shall be payable solely and exclusively from the revenues from
such property or funds not derived from the levy of taxes
(unless such certificates are hereafter ratified and ann roved
at an election held in accordance with Section 6 of Arti~le
IX of the Constitution of Florida), and the City covenants
with the seller and the holders of such certificates that it
will not create any lien, debt, charge or encumbrance on the
property herein authorized to be purchased or the revenues of
such prop?rty having priority over the certificates herein is-
sued, and that it will not sell, mortgage, lea~e or ot11~rwise
dispose of or encumber the property without consent in 1lrltine
of the holders of such certificates, and in the event or the
sale or lease of any of such property, it will, if required,
pay the proceeds on account of the principal or tnterest of
any unpaid and outstanding certificates.
That all resolutions or parts thereof in confJ j ct, 'nerewi th
be and the same are hereby declared to be superseded hereby
and inouerative to the extent of such conflict.
... .
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be ann ~e is ~
herebv directed to furnish to Bessemer Properties, Ir'corporatea,
a certified copy of this resolution.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 4th day of December, A. D. 1947.
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/' ; - "Hayor
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City Clerk
(Pace two)