Warranty Deed 53 BOOK 3064 PAGE235 '-N.~ -~ :?> WARRANTY DEED (FROM CORPORATION) FORM R. E. A-3 ..AN-A"ERICAN ..RINTING CORPORATION MI.....I 32. I'LORIPA UJ4tli Jnbruturr f Made thia 29th day of September ' , A. D, l~ BETWEEN I. & J. Co., Inc. existing under the laws of the State of Florida , a corporation business in the County of Dade and State of , having iu principal place of Florida . 1 and lawfully authorized to trllDBact business in the State of Florida, party of the fint part, aad CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation ~ of the County of part.Y- of the Second part. WITNESSETH: Dade And State of < F1Qri9.~ That the said plU'ty of the firet part, for and in consideration of the lum of Ten ($10.00) dollars and>other good and valuable considerations ~~.- to bin hand paid by the said parLY-- of the second, part, the recei;~ whereof is :ltereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and BOld to the laid pal'LL of the second p~rt, its successors 'tndRrAnd ll88igns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and Slate of ~rid.. to-mt: The South Half of the following property taken together (' as a single unit, to-wit: 1".1a Block 18 of BISCAYNE POINT SUBDIVISIONl. according ~ ~I to the Plat thereof! recorded in Plat Hook 14, at vi Page 3" of the Pub ic Records of Dade County, Florida and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Block 20 of BISCAYNE " I.". iaL POINT FiRST ADDITION) according to the Plat thereof, ~ ~ recorded 1n Plat BOOK 26~ at page 63, of the Public Records of Dade County, ~'lorida. This deed is executed subject to restrictions condit~ons and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the tity of Miami Beach, Florida; and taxes for the year 1948 and subsequent years; pending municipal improvement liens. And the said party of the first part does hereby folly warrant the title to said lan~ and win deC..d the same..ph18t the lawful claims 01 all persona whomsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said pany of the (irst part baa CUUl8d ~'P~ (Corporate eentB to be signed in ita name by illl"~~'" '-,,_ Seal) . and its corporate eeal to be a(r1XecI,.~;Itf'i1I, ~ lle(;retal'y, the day and year alae., ~"('-t"'" ',' _. "r' ~ ~e;,:q,,~ -"0 '. / ~ (.,) :rJ <, v : - ' .. .'0.- .. ATTEST: ' U :. -.. '. LU .. trr",: / Seer - " - .;; , .: .". . .... B ~ ~ .t ,. p_m.. ] a ~ r~ ~. .. . ~ i .. i i . , 8 , "'..... - > I \~~ : :I , ~. i Rf. , BOOK 3064 PAGE 236 STATE OF FLORIDA, OOUNTY OF DADE } I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on thTlI 29th day of September before me personally appeared S. E. SCHWARTZ aud RUTH SCHWARTZ President and Secretary respectively of , A. D. 19UL, I. &. J."'CO.', :INC. ,acorporationunde~ela~<!f the State of Florida , to me kn_own to be the persons who signedtheforegonig instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged, the execUtion th~;eof to betf.eir&ee act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and thai they affixed thereto.the official.' seal of said corporation, ~d that ,tJ:te said:inst:rq'.l;leIHis the act and deed,of said corporation. ~'~ -~/~N... ..'p -'b//':.. .. ,..~"" oeary u zc .\ ., .....n..."..' ') ~. ~ ' ... ", ~ il. f"J' ~..:' ,'\ Iii! h t:I" .. .'1' . t',) . . :'. ,~ : ..~ .e. Pit ~l~ ~ ~_ ,J .,.. ,:a- t 10 \, "'Ii: " \ t . ~ ~ -., " ,. 't 6- ~~..f .t".' ft, ~,,, ...... " 't,. .1~ 1 tIS..... '\.1t\;'\\""."'J<, ':, WITNESS 'my sigo~ture; and offi~iaI eelilat . Miami in the County of . Dade , \1'-;'- Fio~1da and State of the day and year last aforesaid. My commission expires Notarv Public. Stet. oJ Florida ., L.,... My eOhlmissioriexpire." Mey 30. 1949. 80nded by Am.ricln Su",tv Co. .f N. ~ 194_ 2. b' l!il ~~ P ~ i !. a s ~ ~ 0 51 . ~o 'Cl 4!'!!l 0 ~ B I-' en""' ="<::1 =~.. \0 m ~ fD ....,' a.= . 5. g.~; ~elll C. l~\ S~l1.1 ;~r =- > 0' ~ ~~ 0 ... ~ -I'" ~=t) ~ C ~ ~ J~~~ll Hri: ""' ,. 0 0 ~ III ~ 5 ~ ~~ ""' : g. ~ ~ ~~ ~ e. 8 go. eo ~ =" ~ ... 5." 1>.1 f~ {":j 2.. !;"aq ;. o ~:?. . ~ 8 '= ~ ~;. ,,~'>) . .S! 8 ;.e..a' .... ....S'. "" ~'Cl. f en ~ ~ .~ il ~' ~ o ~S ~? tIiI ~ en ~ n ~ o ~ ~ ...~ en I 2: (") ~ n- I\.) '-D n- P" o H) '4 ::s:: C! ~ (") ~ :> ~ to H (1) l:S l>> () () . P" .... 100. It; --~-- - -"'-._--.--_,",~ .~~'~ -. i~ll.EO fOR REGOFiD ecr 43 0, P,1 lS48 E. a.UATHeRMAN CLK.Cl'.Cr.OADE CO.FLA. .... H u,\' II = ~ i~ lie = 1:= Q ..... ;t.= Q ~ -aJ ~ ~ t:Y . ~ . "II o ::u lI: :a !" > W .F' . ., ...