Warranty Deed 44 ; I, I' ii , I I ! - I I ,! I Ii 1\ Ii I! jj :i ~ j II,. '1'1 ~. -." -: ~~-"~~ . OK~Mii220 --- -...-..~.'-'-~.' -..- -Tf'f~ -";'~.. ~~. ...,.. .....,~..., " ._~(J I . ......" . . W6~ i'. . BBrrr ....~~~":~.~...=~ ~j",~~"~~=. (.FROM COPOlIAftO..) REfIT.S F~M R. B. A.a .: ~_. --~::;.:..;..;.. --- ..- m~i.a 1Jullruturr f Made this 24th BETWEEN AR TLIN , INC.. June , A. D. 193~, day of , a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dade t.ftd State of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a municipal corporation of the State of Florida of the County of Dade Florida and State of II d I part~ of the second part, WITNESS,ETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION - - - - - - - - - - -'D8lHKr8- It :!I 'II f l~ !II I -Il \1 ! i ! i 11 ill ~ ~ I I I I ,I) 'I I. Ii! Ii' III I'll II" d I: to it in hand paid by the said part~ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said part--3:- of the second part, 'F"~~~., the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: i; All of the following described property which is bounded as follows: On the Westerly side by' a line drawn from the Southeasterly corner of ilj Lot Two (2), of Block 'A", to the Northeasterly corner of Lot One (1):1' Block "Bu as shown on the Amend.ed Map of the Ocean Front, Property of !Ii Miami Beach Improvement Company as recorded in Plat Book 5, Pages '7 ili and 8 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; on the Northerly :11 side by the Northerly line of Gulf Stream Avenue, also known as 20th 'I; Street, extended Southeasterly to the high water mark of the Atlantic i,lj Ocean, the northerlr. line of Gulr Stream Avenue being also the South- III erly line of Block 'AU of the aforesaid subdivisionr bounded on the 11/ Southerly side by the Southerly line or Gulf Stream Avenue, also kno II as 20th Street extended Southeasterly to the high water mark of the I Atlantic Ocean, the southerly' line of Gulf Stream Avenue being also ! the Northerly line or Block 'B" of the aforesadd subdivision; bounded on the Easterly side by the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean, in- cluding,lf any, all riparian rights and water privileges appurtenant thereto. ;i' PROVIDED, HO\VEVER, that said premises shall be used only for street, highway, sidewalk, sewer, water and other public utility purposes. ("~~JS~waJfJ:al~~----.....-~.MY..RX i! ~ -fff"~~"~Tjf~U:~~~ 11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Saitd ptartbY o~ thed ~rs~tspart hasbcal!Sed these .,,11 presen s 0 e slgne III I name y Its propel' , officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- (Corporate tested by its secretary, the day and year above _Seal) written. _ ,_ __.. ._________ Attest: ~ IP /- - ~ ~6or6tary ARTLI~INC~_. By /;7. -:J. ~ ~ ~1 President !l 'il :Ii j I,;' il jI Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us: ~~ ~~1' c:) ~ ft{jl/il/JI"~'.1 _l~ p~ 1 {! /.///........ <\\~(. . _ ".llltUiI.... ..-;...~ ) ,,\'\~,,">..) ...~ '''if--:'''_ ), ,\,,'~.... ~ ',,- ~ $ 'i.-'~ t-1 fI.... - ~ ..;: :::z:"'. cv'" f;>) ~ . J!- J' ~::; i; ~~ ~ ~ ~~, ' ::~. ~ l I :C:) =- .J..... ." - ~ ~ --L" 4'/. .-- "".' -:::;. .,..... <.... ,.' <.. . ~ ......~ ..... f .-::::,. 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D. 193~, and Secretary respectively of ARTLIN, INC., .. a corporation under the 'laws of the State of Florida , to me known to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers and severally acknOWledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they af- fixed thereto the official seal, of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said cQrporation. MiAmi, $l.nd State of Florida ~~ 'J(Seal) Notary Public State of Florida. . WITNESS illY signature and offiCiall:fe8i-at ' Dade in the County of )hR~~;~~d year last aforesaid. ", .:? r ;"-.f',, - .............' ~'.'~t.:<.. '....;...... ,- .. " ,. - - c~-""O'" .";.;~ ~ 1 : ~ - '- f,,""; Ci ~ - ~ ~~~~~pire8 193 . 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