WD 178 WDJ11 WAJltRANTY DallD ,TO COltl"OltATIONI OFFICfAL "ORM 34 ~H 3082 PALe 227 OFFICIAl.. L;EGAJ. FORMS MIAMI ..... F~_.A lIarrantl1 lnlJis Jtt~tutun. Mode. tlaitJ 1l1'# d4yof 11'tb Harch . A. IJ. 19 62 BETWEEN POLLY DAVIS, a sinale w.n, of the Coan,IY of Dade and SIote of I'lorida f~%ilting wadPI' t1&P laws of the Slate 01 Plorida of the /int ptWt, and tu eft? eI' MUIII BBACH, a municipal _corporation part y blUillen in the County of Dade .,.". Sfatt. 01 . luwiag .it. p~irr.cipal pwp of.. Plorida WITNESSETH: TluJt the Mid party and lawfully ,,"tharked to INlllUllet bruine.. ill the SI4t6 of FlorUla, party of ,he .econd par'. of the fir.. pMt, for and in consideration of the sum of TIN DOLtAttS ($10.00) and other good and 'Valuable considerations, ..... IPdged, has 'iil Iuuul j.;J by the ."id party of the ,econd part, the N~eipl whereof is. hereby acknou.. 14 her 81'fJ1&ted, bargained and ."w '0 the Mid party of the second part. its IlUcc('uors and tJUigns, forever, thp following de.cribed Iond '"utile, lymg and bein8 m the County of Dade and Stcte of F14rida, to-wil: Lit Pour (4) of Block Four (4) of ALTOS D&L MAt RO. 1, a subdivision. according. to the. plat thereof, recorded in.Plat Book 31, Page 40 of the public records of Dade County, 1'10rida. Subject to restrictions com.on to the neighborhood, zoniaa ordinances of the-Cit7 of Miami Beach, 1'1orida, taxes f~ the year 19,62 and 1mni- cipal improvement liens, if any. ...... ' >- I.LJ I- Cl Z c:t :::> CI 0 ....,u .....\ .... STATE OF FLORfb-A OOCUMENTAPV STA~P TAX ~ I1Al/27'6Z ~c. \ = ~ 5 6 6 O~ COMPTROLLER P.8.190118 ..... . Lu~ CI 2::: ~ :::> CIa ....u Jk..; STATEo~fLORlbA'" ~OCUMEN!APV STAMP TAX . ~ tlARZ7'6Z , 9 0 0 O~ .~ . -^.O r./ ~'_'.J~ ~/ . '~"'~"/"'''/",~~ ,.. , . ' ,rE>->"'~--"-"'-'- ~_"'.r-..~..,....-~-....~' - -.,. And ,h,. S4id port Y ,,1 the fir.. part die. hereby fally WfII"rOAI thP titl,. 10 ."id land. and ",iD d('fend IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mitl party tlu> .a~ asaitut the lawful clainu of aU persom whoIftS(WVf~r. has IuJnd and .eed the d4y and YMT abrn1e written. SiJ{lIf'd. lU'fIlf.d and d(~li1}f!rf'fl ill prpS(>IICf' of us: '~-/J b ..~ } f?~.~. l of th.p. first part:. herf'Ullto Sf" her ~ ~ " '~\\t.>--~ POLL\.( DAVIS /~t"aJ I /Sf"al, I .... STATE OF FLORIDA, County oi DAJ)B J Btrth!) (!ltrttfg, That on this day personally appeared before me, an offic~r.duly authorued to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, '. ::.. . ." . POLLY DAVIS, . 818a1e ...., > ~...~\~'~~~~~?~U;~l'~ '. described in an. 1 who executed the foregoing det~~~~: ....~.4\. executed the same freely and voluntarily fqrthej,tIr~.~rMi.. .".:,...,~. = ~-/..: ~ I ..... "j'~ c, : ;'~.~;:'-,,(:~:~E - &&4; ,.. .:1 ..., " -:;' ;~ Bttnr .till my hand and official seal at Miami , County of' C . ~~\ ~ '. c.!! ...~:. . ;~ and State of Florida, this .a. I ....,eI- day of March . /::4~ "f)~"",,~\:, <.:'"" ., ......"", c'._..'-...rBiH~l -H: ~!!A' ..-e.J;;>~ AA_')IJI,/AT~",,"" ___~i.u;oAe.q,ire."'ota~ stafS!, of ,~. at IMf't-:"" r:r~<-L~1---1fjf~{J't....'" ;.", " .. .' ~.. . ..' on ~ire$KerdiI6, 1_ r,' NOTARY PUB"-IC . .'.'~: ~~.:ilf~.!~{-"f tv ........". t;..r..-: _~v"..'~.. H",l.. ' . , _. , ., ~H~ 3082 ~ALE 228 to me well known to bp. the person 'ledged before me that expressed. she r"~ b, PTrQ I.olSf~'Aqt .cot; DWfjS J\;cu , ~ ~";CX!{ 1!d ' .' l:I "'ra ,sr C" ..... C):l.'ru'(~ "''1 CIO) i:)' '.Tf. :: 'J6r.j;: (:. !;cc r.ql!Jq srlr 1:?O r) r' ~J~. . , c ... n ,~ . r) a U!;P<, 0 f't ~, UJ1~ (~) (, ~ B JOI':}{ l O:-it. ~;I') l '\fi'T,f)~~ 1 . . r~{ , , 'II ::c n 0- i:l.. ~ = 'II 'tl 1::1:1 5 ~ c .. tI'J n "0 ~ tr ~ H 0 """'~ 0 - llI:l ~ t"l r' .. ... cL:~ r' ... n n i:l.. F< 'tl 0- S 0 '" .P llI:l ~ 'II CI : 0 ~ ~ ~ n a. "'3 ~ r' 1t ... n ~ ~ C = !! l:I 0 ~ ~ ~ a ''r~ i ~ ... ~ 0 a. - :::r :i: ~ ~ ~ r' :II .... rn '-0 n ~ C ..... 'II I: ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 !II 0- n 0 ~ 00 t= :II -- ... .... i:l.. J: I: e?. ~ H ::j w ! (< .', . {r..' ,& "" r:!~''t~r c' ()(', ~1 '~ ~ , , .. ,", ~ . .. "', :; b:I ~ n I>> ~ . n l:I . ::j "- !" 0 Q., /, 'II a. .. ~ n ~ r' rn n II: ~ n Q., ~ p .n o:l 0 ~ .- 0 a. t:Y n 0 ('I ... ~ n 0 ~ Q,- .... l.'>t.~-':: r~l-:; ,~I.~'"' (' -< do.' ~.H!"'ft. r;f rr,; u':r, '~').:,,"f ~. lIP ;'[11 16 .l ~!,f.,~a r ; (~ ~i I ~ I 'I~ r ~ ~t ~ I r~ .0 rfTl fTl. c::tJro >^. Cor rn-fT1 ::oJ> 0(") -; OcI . -fTl .,,~:u r03: '!-'-0'1> cz ::0 -t (::) CY I" aR:' ~~ ~~ ~ .~ ~ ..... 0 == _ :::u :::oClt fTlN (")~ o~ ;:cJ CI i' -0 3: -'=- . e,.. CR l~