Warranty Deed 175 "I} ~a 2659 PAGE << I, WD ~.~r7'~! ~--- .. WARRANTY DEED ' (FROM CORPORATION TO CORP/,lIiRATION) PAPCO'S FORM 3SYz PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 31S. FLORIDA lIurruuty mrrb ,""" m4ts lubtutltrr. Made,this ~Othd4yof December BETWEEN SANDS TON DB-VELOPMENT CORPORATION , A. D. 1959 . , a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Del aware , having its principal place of business in the County of and State of - and lawfully authorized to trtuUact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY' OF MIAMI BEACH , a municipal corporation ~under the laws of the State of Florida , AGVing its priMipal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida and lawfully authorned to trtJnSGCt business in the State of Florida, party Df the second part, WITNESSETH: That the l14id party of the first part, for and in conside,.,;,ion of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations ~ / . .' to it in 1uuul paid by ; the l14id party of tke second part, the receipt whereof is. hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargtlin.ed and sold to the l14idparty of the second part, its successors and a.ssigry forever, the foUowing described land sitUGte, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of florlJ4,to-wit: A portion of Lot TwO (2), Block Two (2), FLEETWOOD SUBDIVISION bounded as follows: ,,". BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of Lot Two (2), Block Two (2), FLEETWOOD. SUBDIVISION: Thence run southerly along the easterly line of west Avenue a'distance of fifty (SO) feet to the southwes~erly corner of said Lot Two (2): '- SUbject, however, to restrictions of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, pending municipal improvement liens, if any there be, and taxes for year 1959. t....,~- >- UJ I- C) Z <:: - 00 l4... U "',:."'-. STATEoFFLORIOA ~OC~M,EN~~~j;~TAMP, :/,,~ ~ JU;~-5 61 t~" ~0:: ! '0 o~ COMPTROLLER'\, \....J!l) ~ r: R. I:;;;! 8 ~-=~:~~,~f;~\2~;::.===-~_::::-= ,1 , And the l14id ptJ1'ty of the first part does hereby ful'ywtU"Nl1l.t the title to l14id ltuul, tmd uill dPfeiid the I14me against the lawful claims of all persons who~ever. r-~--~~'----_.-----'--'---."-'-- I --~-_...-._- ,,~--""-'--"--~-"--' ~ ~ ~ i ~H 2659- ~^GE 45 Ju Wtturllll .!Jtr,nf. thelGid party of the fir&t port hG& cawed the$e pre&enu to be rignM.in iu name by iu proper officer$, and it, corporate lea' to be affixed, atte&ted by iff Secretary, the day and year above.;:".... fJI.., 'ANDSTOjJ nRVRrnPMIm'l' CORPORlITION A.tte#: ,'/'4 "'fff/ By ~~_...'~.A-. e Pfeffer, Assistant - - Secretary. ~THAN S. GUMENICK Pre&', e t Signed, and delimm . in the pre&en.ce of w: . Clto1Udll of tia.ae- J Jtrrrlrg;:(gtrftfg.'-'thGt ~~ihii::'"'30th , _jf~rdarQf~.:~~6embe:e ~....-, ',' _., __ \ ":', _"""'_'~~ \ . ,'(-'1T"Y'~_: <'"'i'~-~l:; r::~:1'D(~" ~ -'" ~ ~'",_._," A.. D. 1<<.69 ~'b~fore mepersoMlly appeared NATHAN "S.- "GuMENICK Assistant and ~y .~ :~'-~T:r::_@E (~Jt~~-:,,~', ,- C ?, ~rCJ:".C8 [,.p,,.eli.dmt aiitl~petary re&pectively of SANDSTON - D~( ~IOa:"-:- ":::' T (<=, 8(: :''=~;a-; c~pci~~tfon ziiuler the laws of ." ~ ,- , Tr: <;, .::5"51J !]O L J:;";l'J~ ~-: .;': c~~. "-~ :~-j ~;.- ,')" 'f ;3" 9 ~:,;: "t: T...'- ~~' -3 .-!.f: T -:.;'" "(" , .. (- "~- ',:.: -;= :::~:'l~: c the State of. DelaWare ' -. , tt) me known to be the persons who &igned the fore- going instrurttent ~ ,~.uc4, ofJic~:s r~ s~ert}.lly ack~w~dge4 the f!x.1cl!ti!'n_/b,.er~0/: tQ f51h.eir f,.ee,.~tand d~ed as suc~ _ ?D~~3''f?,..;'Jte_ ~~s~lin4~purJlO~es }1!er! i,!-m~!i~n..~t!'~d:' th4t.,t~~ .afl.iXel;!fr~~'~ I ~,. , cud seal of lGiJ corporatlOn,and'thatth'e said itutrulJtent is the"tlCt and deed 0/ aard corpo~~...,...n.....:'/ ...... ~~ .... .... .itt1f~JI.:.my.hand:1lll4:oq~ial~1 at,Miramt Beach, t,:: /~ I'! l! I}/\ e4 7. in the County'of:t>ade' :- .,;:, "C .,~. 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