Warranty Deed 171 ~ l ... MP -LID ~ ~tr 2'460 PAcr4t5 WARRANTY..OIED I.TATU4r"~ :'"',~t PAPCO'S I"ORM D PAPCO PUBL.ISHING CORPORATION MIAMI. FLORIDA ~arrantp )9tt~ Gtbi. Jnbtnturt, Made this 10th day of March , A. D, ~~. JildtDeen.JIOJUaB ,:8. WAKDII5K, MARVIN KIJlMBL, ALLER GOLDUM, ...100)'1:." lfIIWIWf ana. ,SAM BAtIWl,u. 'an4be~~g~~htt. ''1'~.t~.s of, .,. Miaa1 Beach Lodge o~ Elk. Ntiiaberl601~ .. ': ' ~ ~ "j I '1 " of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part i.. of the first part, and . elK OP MIMI BBACB, a Plorida mQDicipal corpora'tiOI1, of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, party of the second part. _itntfU~db, That the said part ie. of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00). ancl other 900d and valuable con.i....1o.. to them - in hand paid by'thC .part'oy . of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have '. . gr;l1itea, hargQined and sold to the saidparf!i' of the second .paf~,1-ts succe.iw...nndassigns, f()rever,~the following described land, situate, lying and,betng:z.n the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: portion. of Lot one (1) ,Block Two (2), I'LBB'l'WOOD SUBDIVISION, bOQDded __ f()ll~* .8BGIBHIlfG at a point on tbe aortberly line of Sixth(6th) Street, sai point beinq thirty-eight aDd eighty-seven hundredths (38.87) feet easterly of the intersection of the aaid northerly line of Sixth (6th) street produced we.terly with the easterly line of Wsst Avenue produce southerly, sa1el di.tance being ....ur.d along said northerly line of Sixth (6th) street, Prom said Point of BegilU'l1D9 run northwe.terly nineteen and two tent s (19. 2)f..t along the arc of a circular curve of fifteen (15) feet radius tangent to the said northerly line of Sixth(6th) street to a point, said U'1I: having a centrat angle of seventy-three degree., th1rt - six "nutes, thirty-nine seconds (73--361-39"), Thence run northwe.terly along a straight line tanvent to 8aid cune a di8tUlce of fifty-one and thirty-two huadredtha(5l";'32) feet to a poi t on the northerly l~ne of. Yt' ODe (1)" Block Two (2), P'LBBTlfOOD SUBDIVISI H, said point be1n9 t,n (10) "f..t easterly of the e..terly line of West Avenue measu.4. altng 8aid northerly liDe of Lot one (1); Thence run we.terly 'aloACf' .aiel northerly line of Lot one (1) a diatance of ten (l,) ~..t to a point on .aideaaterly liae of W.at Avenue, ~~.... . ftence run NutherlY. a1~Il1ft, sufi. euterly l1De of We.t Avenue a di.t of forty-five (45) feet.' to Pol"zit of curvature' of the circular curve of. fifteen (15) foot radius fO~Dg the 8OUtbwester~y corner of said Lot 1 Thence de~1.ct1D9 to the left run soutbeasterlyalon9 the arc of .ai circular curve for:m1nq the .0uthwe8terly corner of Lot one(l) to point of taDgency of aa1d curve on said northerly line of Sixth (6th) street; Thence rWl easterly twenty-three and eiqhty-seven hundred1:ha (23.87) feet along the .a1d northerly line of Sixth(6th) Street to Point of Beg1an11l9, conta1n1119 O.02S- acr.. ~--or 1..... ,-,- ,---.-. c '-' As said Lot, Block, street, Avenue and s~v1sion are shown on the Amended Plat of FLBBTWOOD SUBDIVISION recior~ in Plat Book 28, page 3 of the Public aecorda of Dade county, Plorida. SUbject to restrictions of record, zoning ordinance. of the City of iam! Beach, pending municipal improvement liens, if any there be, and .- axes for the year 1959. And the 'said part iea of the first part do hereby fully warrant ti,tle to said land, and will ,defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In ..itnelS _bereof, the said part 188 of the first pa hand s and seal. the day and year above written. 6igntb.lltalt,~~~~~~I~~t }b in p~n[t of Ull: I :. { '< iO itt 2460' PACE:416 i .. "'tatt of ~loriba, ((o~mtp of Dacle "r . -' } f' r- .~ . . J ~trtbp ((trtifp that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly autho- rized to administer:iHi~Jt/sand,taJee ac~ildwtliigmi'1in"M01UU8'G. WAJUlIER.;..MRVIR KIMMELL. ',ALLBB";~I~"I.frJ:ARJ).~.~.. . .S~~UIW1":-lanG~- Tr,usteeS"of 'JU . . e '0 . .,' .. _""""I. .' ~1J to me well~nown 0 e e s. 9 'de/ r1_ ..H ~~ e. ed ~he foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the pur- pose therein expressed. ~~""xfiu~ ';" .1 J.;..=)(L ~' ~lC XN.lOU}f1JJC~~~XXXX,,;;:)' ,_";.1'':' 'J~~~x x,...~>>II.~~.,......"x.tt.~..Y'YtIW/~,,~~*~ Jdid. 'JlJXk.1moJix~ItxheJ<1IJ:AU xli1Xl'# J!ZJfXlX~IOtXKd1iMflxftox XU ,.1UIPOXiKKp<1't!JflJgXXMp;1JtX , 1~:axdx-:Ilx~,,61}(/wx~;<litix}tf)lJ)f;/:x-itDt.If1XT4~tIwx~kQtlXIt9tIftXlXJlK~f. )G)(~'R!X-papXtJt2lI<Jtxmtll.<<Dt~~XX~)(/)fJ>da.~>'dt~~~mraJSillt x~Mu~mili.xkuPrxhyxlS1Yd<fl.<<lxtx'iarHy.~~X-:Il'WfiR~X<<tltOuuif(~:a,.'fIJfx ha.xaoxxxJf~YOtJ1~.KuiJimwfl.l.tINdr.x . ~ aCIcgi~ 'my'hawiiiid b'fficidl-seat}}{9 'iUf* '1ie.ci?'. 1~') County of Dade and State of'lPlor1da day of March , A D. illlf:. 1960-:) MY~~"pi~fio1,t expi,r(.1:"., 'It laro..! , )[MvAomrqi;;~i,)T --.. .', i- ':;i.j 'Q'lIjlJl,l ',' .;' "hicledbi'i "'APri-l.19tH,1.96'l .t. ; : : \ : ) . - :'-,.oN'olorY ~ I~, - "-. j. <._u..( comml$S! ,,~ , _.JY'7. 04 ~ . ' ~ .J. ' J " ., ~'. . _ , : '":'_/'~ ' ,:.~ ~j.: c~;.~~-~ ~~:,~' ~;-_a-~W^~^^~.l~~;'h,"~~:-'''~~.~-;:,- i ,\: l"-' :.C, --:-'f ~..i.Llj~"::::~".'~~\l . ~L 8.J_'~~1, t.(._)'.>~ .:'~l..'~: ,:,i'.;.:..~ ! I' .' "'~' ' ~ ;;:. ~ 8 ~i. ,"fi\ .., "< ~.: . 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