Warranty Deed I FOI'IIl ~ Florida WARRANTY DEED. '7 PAGE 184 (To Corporation.) ,m~i~ Jnbtntuttt Made this Sixth day of April, .1.. D. 1.9 43 Between E.L. LOCKHART, as of Florida of the Estate of Maude and State of Florida, and KARL I. aude H. Darraoh, deceased, of the County of Marion and State of Irii1 e..ui part ies of the ftrst part,and CITYOJf MIAMI BEACH, , municipal . a/corporation enstin!! under the laws of the State of Florida havinl its principal place of business in the County of Dade State of Florida party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said part ies of the first part,for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable considera~ions ~ to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled!!ed, ha ve !!ranted, bar!!ained, sold, aliened, remised, released, enfeoffed, conveyed and con- firmed and by these presents do trant, bar!!ain, sell, alien, remise, release, enfeoff, convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part and its succes- sors and assitns forever, all that certain parcel of land lyint and beint in the County of Dade and State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: Lot Forty-two (42) in Blook One Hundred Eleven (Ill) of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, being a subdivision of part of fraotional Seotions 3 and 4, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, and part of fractional Seotion 34, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, accord- ing to the plat thereof, reoorded in Plat Book 2, page 81 of the public reoords of Dade County, Florida; together with all riparian rights as " .are vested in. tb.e Grantors. lOI< 22 , , ~- f -; TUTBLANX REGISTERED U.S.P"T.OFP.CE Tuttle Law Pnnr.Publishers,Rut/and. W. Ancillary Administrator in .the State H. Darrach, deceased, 'of County of Dad HAMILTON, as Executor of the Estate of , and, -; j SUBJECT to an existing lease with the United~ States Government for army drilling purpo~es, to restrictions of record, any effect of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and to taxes for the year 1943. Together with all the tenement~,' 'h~;;diia~~nts' 'a;;d- appurtenances ,-witl; c"'-r- every prwilete, ri!!ht, title, interest and estate, dower and ritht of dower, reversion, I remainder and easement thereto belon!!inl! or in anywise appertainint: I I i I I i To Have and to Hold the same in fee simple forever. J.nd the said parties of the first part do covenant with the said party of the second part that they are lawfully seized of the said premises, that they are free of all incumbrance, and that they have tood ritht and lawful authority to sell the same,. and that lJaid part iee,of~1J(311lst part doth hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same atainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, claiming by, through or under the grantors herein. ,. In Witness Whereof, the said part i as of the first part ha ve hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence: ~ ---~~ As to K.I.H., as Executor \ \1 "'if BOOK2287 PAGE185I I I i I I HEREBY CERTIFY" That on this Sixth day 01 April I .d. D.19 43 belore me personally appeared E.L. LOCKHART" as Ancillary Admin+ istrator in the State of Florida of Estate of Maude H. Darrach, deceas~d State of 'Florida, } County of DADE to me known to be the person described in and who executed the loretoint conveyance to City of Miami Beach, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, the execution thereol to be hi s ~herein mentioned; and the said and severally acknowledted 11'1313 act and deed lor the uses and purposes 13 said , on a separate and private examina en and made by and 13 me, and separately and apart Irom her said husband, t she made hersell a party to the said Deed 01 Oonveyance lor the uncint, rel'inquishint and con- veyint all her ritht, titl ~nterest, whether 0 l' 01 separate property, statutory or 13 u. , in and to the lands therein described, a she executed said de ee y and voluntarily, and without any constraint, lear, appr n ompulsion 0101' Irom her said husband, ' , WITNESS my sitnature and official seal at Miami Beach in,t,~~ ..Oounty 01 Dade and State 01 Florida, the day and t(~rl~~~1-~,tltQresa;id, ,I" ....... ~ \\ ~,J/l! () ';;" ". i"~V, ......!... ..,/,a~;,,;'}," . \/.~"~'i)';,',i,A!'~!i"" J'b':';,. _~' '..~' .. ,-~~Jr'~~1:~i-ikir.",,,,,>>,: .I),~.''''- ",~(:':" _--~ ~; ',': /,\l T A' "'~.~ { ." '~i' ;. :' fM:. 'f'1' .j:,: .:,~ '7,- ';"iri'.'li ',:.':;lr>> Ex ires /0// '? / ~ , . "..Y ~twor:~" P I; " ~ ~ . ',1... "'''''iY;''C' :. c..tr-: :>.. .'. I U ILL 'J~t , ...,..~ -'It .J{,-._:.'~~>\;}\i~<'-.{':' ~,,~ I, t "--L/:~'.1',$;~~';..lj"-t..'v~";' ~"tf~.~,~ t_~.,,~_.~.,~,~~.~' :";;~~':',' ;',;",,I.>f 1'I!!if'\' ~),' '.;*~~~ ,~:>:n.~.;.:.::., ' '~~~'~:;~ .' :, \ ~4-~ Notary u5lio State of I.'.,. r (', \ \. " \ \..;, \ ~\\~ (1._ : ~:~~ ,.....~. '. ':J. I: t fI1 >?1Il . J: 0 - II r I'" ID r- ~ 111 i .... ~ )0 n 0 0 ~ 0 n 'II ~,,:! ;!l:a:X:~ 00>- :a ~ :u ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ "ti ~Q'~.~ ~ . ...' ~ ~ eo ~ i ~ -~ ~. eo a S .- a ~ ~ <:'to g:\ ~ <:'to b . ~ f; ;~~ ~ 0 ~ $!~. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ '.~ ci' ~ ~ - . ~ "-~..,,,~~~......~ Q~ to .. ~ -I <:'to <:'toS~~~~~~. ~~ ~ " ~ ~8 <>"'~ -. . ~ ~~="'o",~<:'to , . 0 - ~ '" "'''' '" <> ~ :JDi 0 Z 1-1 . .- ~. ~ c.o a. ~ ~ ~, I!l:J ..... . ~ ~Q ~ 0 b:l ~ eo <:'to 5 ~ "0. ~ "'~~"-o ~~ t .. <>..~ .,~ . -I!I!j, ~ ~~ eo~~~ = ci' :11 ~.,... e ~ ~ ~ a. 0", ~ ! \oJ t:r 1):eti' [<:'to ~ ~~ eo ~~ sa. ~ l=' t.J!j .. ~ ""'" Q ~ ~ ~ 0 0 (;;:! 00 , )8eo "".0 ~~~,~ ~'" ~~ J ~ ~ ~ ..... .- ..0 zelll. ~. ~ " ... ~ [ ~ ,< c+ ~ ~~<:'to~~ <':I r t:r \oJ \ < ~~ 0 ~ ~~ n 0 ~ ~. .,.... ~ a. \ ----- 1-1 0 !==1 \:l :;;" 'ii" '" '" ... .. .., ., ~ .- ~ ~ rr;~ <':I <:'to <:'to ~ <:'to~ ~ <:'to . '" Q~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ .,... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.,... . .<:'to~~1 ~eo.. c.o C/) ci' t:rl c+ · o. SDt"' = ci'. t:.:I(f) ~Il' t"' ,. to... 0:..0 ... tt:;'a 'C ~g~l~ .- (f) t:r j:;.11 ~ .S'~ 0" ~~I::U d~ ,~ P<-e:' 1-3 d- G> _:-~.. 000'0' ;~ !'1 p.,~ SD . r-,. m i45 ~ ~~ ..~P'rl ~ J:I R'" .tJ! 0 .- 'ci' . ~(f) SD . ...0 .....t1l __......4 I ~ - tII (f) SD o l:T \...-., ..... ~" ~ ~f t:rls. ~\ CD .... I -- ---j''C- .. I:r:1 ..... t:D . ..... l;~~t-~-.~;;......,,:;~:~~~"'''''''~~'--'-~_.''.- r--ET.A.nOTnmImK,o~u'-'''.- . ",. ..~-,. : S8: } COUNTY OF MARION': , . '. , '" I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this :~. day 9f April'JA,.D.l943, before me personally appeared KARL I. HAMILTON, as Executoriof the Estllte of Maude H. Darrach, deceased, to ~e known tp be the person described in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to City of Miami Beach, a municipal corporation of the Sta~e of Florida, and severally acknowled~ed the execution thereof to be his free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. ,".,...;.,.~'ITNESS my si'gnature and official seal at Indianapolis, in the COWl'tt'~,~~lon and State of Indiana, the day and year last aforesaid. :'-...........v,"'~t\ 12/,/"/./(. ~;~ at