WD-17 ;;; ,, qq 7.7 # t g y fir JAVA F�G 2 j � t , . Y' a:„ y f f � k ; r 55r 4 ✓ { u + w h;t;u dw'a �( �" k prp,. as { Y , ± j _ yy� ry F.§ j y ` F a -ro r ark r t a S _ ; L .. ""j. •" ; � �w at^Sru, ay' ', ��+` �`� f 7 _. f ';- -...'' w� t # y r " � Y�i H'r� • . .:. , . ✓� 't. G „,,,,..,;,*„4.,, r F „ .VSt'�x�rRr'•Y ��?M1���Y���'f�w` k '' � `' rM �T4ri o'1 3 L18 ...., 1.i? y r• a A�y( J 5 thence dafleotttt Went- a. (now *Set Twenty-eighth Street), _ r, ,. f +a ' lrl round maid aunt* aunt* to the point at te:u,eney on the f ,.� said Southerly like of North Golf Drive (now West Twenty. ° y . w eighth Street), thence Westerly along the said Southerly r V � line Of North Golf Drive (now West t - s Stree •. for a distant* of Tarslite Hundred and Twenty (1$125) . fest, more or hoes to the point at beginnings and captaining k Witty -six and F,leweu- hundredths (05.11) ecares,more or - • , less, es amid Treet, Drives, Soulievard, Gir oular Corners ' .�# • ' 3 and Linos are shown on a plat r corded in Plat Book No. '-'1,: . ,'7 4, Page 79 Of the Public Records of Dade Qounty,yloride; • ; : ":t : RID A eo, Al , ?' Ali that portion of Collins Canal lying Northerly 1 _ of the cantor line thereof, between the Westerly line of 14,,,;-'', ' .•:' West Golf D -rive (now Prairies avenue) producesd 3out.:erly ','!° 10,:, end the 'Easterly line or goat Golf Drive (row Pine Tree t n . Drive) , producod Southerly, as sail Canal and Drives are ; o-i '' <� she= on t;.he said plat ehtitie4 "Piet to acoon1 e � ' Qedi- j, cation of certain Streets in the Tovit- or i;fem Beath, Y 1 .. ?lei .” ' xc fIO1 seid r0 A� excepting, howe rer, P pertYi �Y „-, .' a ' and *1.i. property which heretarore h been le;i caned , and /or _a . - coilveyecl to the City of "iemi Heath for boulevard., driver 1, .; �:< avenue, alley- way, street, aanel, ” perk end /or ot Arun '" t , • ,` ~.7 of s l u of ea either b record pl including plate ' "� �� F p T`p r Y � �U F� ,, r ': recorded i,ra pint Book 21. at Page 31, end Piet Book y0,30 � ` '` $: - at Pave 49 of the Fublie Recor of Dade Cau;:ty,Florid ,. �`„ a an /or by otb#�r legal instrument. �`' • , z Wk The amid City of Miami Beach, party of the secon pr rt t:, "� herein hereby eowenente and agrees for itself, ite successor* and . the first art their rea ot1� x �,, R �� ay aic-.n8, with Bald partite of i part, Pe . ? su.ocea:lora and eleigne, not to us,e the lend hereby convoyed, or : any part thereof, or to permit the same to be used for any purpbee .� + , y ; 4 a ' • w ha►tsoev�br other than' for 4 g olf cour 4444/01` viz l i cks et a, �' 4 . u F ^ Cheat tree coTE2,e►ht 0611, run llith Ind bind a xis' 1s tfi „ , i , t teed however tt *t *Lit d , .;, c u►deriet ood and' ovea►e► aha11 4oE p rey y �.., Clem eta air � ., r 1 Obis era raohiam i llxe�a►e +apa►z"o +Iraae of r ��� a golf *lob .hou to oat., find, for t tht us. for $iblie : 4 atrolrtr aid*n k, *y* a ex& /er uleverd purpoesa o: 4 srtrtp of '. u a �; �.a 80'2 4;0*e�4,t 4, y tom. (SO) is vt ' sbutt tea► �►3 c4 ,g M I�j.Cf2 $ - - ., , Yid ' :".1.-'2 . ', • :.' H -,— 2, . ,...H - t :-- . '- .-,..........,:_ '.. ... .,.' . . : '.' ......-...,:.,..,- ,,,,,,,...,.,-,.... . .. s , : r � Y • 3 -2. S ir 1 ¢ • r . " 2 _ .'' { t t y : tYr ± r 1 a 46Y t f 3i 5 ' (;W' ^ ; AY E -,4, t ' Rn R r 3 • - n S 1 £ , l' L 3(; ; ' . leen, to e, Po t ' aio.4 it die ,ty(7O) feet Easterly or ,r ti ts► teeter'l�l' li,n.e r the Ckal ' eos v u 31 &bd.iytnton o nnle - Alton beaoa Da l ty Qo , }u 7, ea it k i t r �o on. th ► Amended a plat of the m thence NOrthe �l,1 elOne. 4 line ;Je7' my . ` (?'o) feet .,r:eterl.y or end p ►a ,llel 'to the eat ?Jeeterly r f line of tiara! 9 Ili A ubdiriolon for 6 distancie of. Trmnty i., fiTa (25) root to point; thane's racsterlp along line x 3' a' which la One thIndred 'ifty(l5O) feat Northerly of and parallel to the paid Northerly line of Lincoln Road for . A aa' distance of ;3erer►ty( ?q) toot to the c +id F.ester1y line r of tile saidubdileion# tbce Northerly et.ong: said. r "$ - Ea3ter1y line and Said 'Easterly line produced •Northorl.y, a � ; ° or' the meld :3uodi vielon 'for e, distance of On o T" otreard ''.. 3eTen Hund +d Ninety-five and One-tenth (1,79'5,1) flat, n tore or 1 , tO to the aaaiid oauter l..ino of Collins Canal it thence Northeasterly along the said Canter line of Col • 1 ' , ,''t line Canal for a di artvice or Quo Tboustind :'our hundred ?, ;, Thirty-four and Nine- tenths (1,434,9) taot,rore or less, . z bi. ,� to the point of beginning, containing aiarty -two and ?our- � . tenths (62,4) acres, more or lees, es said Read, Avenue, i , , ,i. ki ` u Cal, Subdivision rend Linea are shown or Plata recorder: , �� 3� in Plat Book NQ.�f, Pages ?and 0, .Flan Bo ':c tdo . R, page r '` 77, Pia • t pouk No. 8, Parr,e 2 , 33, 34 end 102, and Plat * : n Hook No.tlg Pa=re 31., all of Public keco rde or Dade County, . ,t a r ' ' i 1 , maid en laid �reehitigton Avenue is named and deeig , 4 , nated in Ordinance t+o . 2; , ;� 4 y 4' r4 ;; Tbet treet of lend de,ai . ated "Bt1am Bee�oh `^roll' Links" : :3 �,,p k G 'that tract ad�ecent to t i Southeasterly corner , , thereof, in t D fozn or a par 0 1 el.grrzn, tuavia twa aides < ; ?•1 : 4101,, ,. ©t One :itacaY z d ►r1 'orty. (1 10) Peet and two aides p 1 ' One ,� 11undre'd ell Twenty-five (1.g3) meet, all oe shown on n plat b k K ; ezitt.t3.aa "Plat to eccozp ny i)'edice�t1oan of certain �treete ;' t < . in the To of Miami 3,*ch,210.," recorded in Plat Boot .; '�: , No.4 at peas 79 of the Pu,bl.ic• Records of Dade County, ?loci r,. :�, 5 '' 4*, e►ad more pZ+►rtio rlyr . described as to11oRe: °'1� , a t,x 4. 4 it a pl.>a,t with is the intoraection of the •,4 � o t , : o Southerly line :of Borth colt Drive (nos fle ^xenty- eichth ' ,�� " Street) and toe Easterly lin of 'Meat Golf J r1:'o .. now P rri i r14 � . yet . . f d' a Southall: g !ater1y line of Axc �+a), tpc� aloe. the seta � ` ` �„ 4 np We Golf S) 'ive (now P'r'a,tr*e Avenue) fora di Stance or Tiro ' fc 3 o €&dE 1 '.� a ty t and $�t'1."- t?anths(P,3 ?8 .4) , .i, ‘ ° ', t feet, t re `er l eap„ tci tht pout of cu �at,,are oi' the Cir- .r '" 1 r A , colter O et the ' a rtheaaterly eo or Pt Ca1.'a1 t our .er�xrd 1 A, ,.a „ . (nT .F e d, sea s: ) e t3 acid.' " Go f Dri:ve(aow Prairie - , ' *A live ), t?a n deflecting ctinng reitterl,g t4roun9 laid cur to th4 D 13 t Of tixme,Alil, o4 the kortharly lite cf said Canal .„ d H t 4 :s , Dt lera ,t t�, ( AA Boulevard), tb ?oe � r'tb *eterly along $ , '+ l r " r1 t &�T'�1 d 3T' 4 + w ,, rt,7 1tz a or Ct.on.. i air d (nos, Dad, ,04 o F + rd) r.or 4 of eta t 4 1'° t end. T my five 1,, 5$ ,'., '" (1? 4, ) t i+t; '1 . tr t t 31 tbS intersection , ° °' cf the ito .y li 1014 (Atm De e ,4`, x A MVO Westerly. y. It .e r ` met tool. . ,'w (now * thane, of a �srn the. 'ter11 li . n of i t V ye (note rine e`'' tativX#4 tt7t. , a d t e,» .4:: 4 ' ` , t o4 59 W' F $+'n.44+ 91 ttfO 7 ,41..,•+4 ty- S,iF K t* ate i 371 - t t.t o .. . 5 , ' ;�'• 1(4 ' . t, el •tee's 't a pqt, ; ., iik po!• I . . r d t gams or Atf.ro 'a ' .* , trt • t t ";i. ' * 1rver of 4 y, *ail ek 14 i qtr r 4 A rF F. - ± "�, • ,_ m „ Ra M Y , S . �` :::.,. , _ .a . ?'° .. d 7 . y.' ".;'- a .4 wl .,i r , ^ ;r r '''' 1 ;; , 6 �.f� : l i,,,. . d' $ Y ^r .,,, , .;. ... ,.. ,,'.' , , b- .«w?E m+.k ,, : r , t . `f** 4 ,. , , ' ; ,x. r , r "k�9ti. :44 , n z ' L: . : _: A , a:..r,.+ k �� �.`i' . ,. ,, n. , , ; ,:, , ij`i, ,t'"" k ^, � y r�; we +i., A ... ` a t , . r§��;s x �¢, , t ,+, ' rt . ,,�-r. ", . =.v .Y . $1 ,. ,,, ` . rd ,: J� } cy, ,+„ 1. , .4 �R ,� ;i«t ; +fa Lw t • .;.1 o- a ?. K , �. :ta r t� ? [ A' (� -?� �+ ' t .+ :. ,, - a ,.:: . k.r ,ti t' , ,N•i, o "b :: ;, ",,.. .,,.n j ,r ,,, :t., , . k ..$ - .... .a.... ''�v i� ..•. t, r.. , ..... ... :r ... " r �T;� t Efi " r hw• , a P t r: '. ,: ,.:, .0 =e � ..� ,•.. a , ... ._ � ?�, , �., -... , w � ,.k�. "'�.,«�x;vsn +1: k' <a �K �r }a-P. ,,, 'Y.• - �� , f wt:;' a , � `� c� ��� � l ,, �j. " `�4 k �" J' r 7 r a - :. � � S y � f ,, � ^.v` `"la . � � ��ti p � ;, '� t ' � h . . !� }fix !. : � 7 � ` `• ..4 i } r F .., y .74 ; r ?.., 1 i :: " :'' . - 4: , : ,� � r 9 k� :.,. $, ',1` ''''%''''''''''-''''''''''' { ✓ 1 :a . . i,fi';F z.- .r • . 7 S r 6 . ,Sx k ;S n'� �+ +. k:, . .. „, •, •. j . A y C )t, . �; . sR, ,,,,,,� G r , $„'..,:;.„',1-,?,111;,,, •��. � s" .,�:; r la ,, r , ,..�. `' ,� ,,u . � ,, .f • #:> � , ? ,n .r �tt . ,:� , ... .,. aa d..+5.�,. , ^ $ ^h... a ^, ,,. 3:. i.� x �'3„sq� : . k �f � � "'� { Yt`�, �, �y' �d:..a °•: °:. y t; i � ,, , � ��:� , « k , .^".:... . ,./..,,,;, -: '�' iw�- t t��;`''I '" ` b ". +, a„ .w ,.,.<, , r: :c i, .. � S.: , ." „+' a « F' >:' ,'fit e4 4.e r2 ° d ,., ,i h , , : . .,r ., 1 �' •, k - ;7�., . n a. „ , a,r E m4 a e x ¢ ,w x ,b �' 'C d. y � . ;. :. ��. .. .. .. : E _ y r .,. ,. : ,, ,:. s... , .. ,.,, i'� ,1 e, ir r,;?. 4.. ..... �'+ ''KKK �a, ,}a. A�. ..� ,, R3` a•. ".�. , r .... :. .: rr. �, , i ,, . K n +, a .. 2 {,. x: 'sa � a r. *J s '$/ t ^S . x ` �t l r r . ,�. ,, . .. F.. ?r .�' '•.. , ,P .., . . 7, .:: , �,M . : .:, .'e;�,..k ),.... ,.2 � �c ; 1 � _ � , d.. ;. r S.r :?, « f, . ,. , ,,k,' f -.. rv,.! Yx ''�c.. � x +.:, 64 ,, , ; _ . . :M::. ":4'�, ] '°�, « t .,.s' "Y:!. s'2 ,. r t , t,`. � „�« �d t'',:, tY v ... ,. _ ..:,: u i::. , 8` Via' ,( �qy ?J , i • i A l ✓; , ,�, ' 1 .1.. ,.. A � „ 2, ;1 ...... v .R,, +�7�'�,.. � a .IBS. g �d• �f fl% r' { f +/ ('.:�.� • :... , r ,, n ..� ,..; +„ :� .. Y ,,, . �;�: . : R.,. w.a, .t t..x . U' ? . a a ! .. ., F , .. � .. Y, E�, :..• :p, " `Y a � n'Y�i., r w!.,.' � ' ` f ti7 y } t' 4.: v.. ', .��' ., ,SK a. � . .,,. .r a �� ; 7 yy '. . , ;. - n .,, . 'f�. 4 „i _ ., 'j,4'� ' q ; $' K' �'f "�. 4 ' tt���� i, v ve '' .A9t Kt ,_ , . . i, ➢ 5i r' ,.:� ;' "3'K�,. .,* , „.. - L :, ' >. i 2 • :, , ._ dG' .! , r h .. „,:t:-.1„';',•',::: '4 �' :� ` ^ , .! �,+, + ^ *r x : s '�x ti . .Tr , 4^ l k 3 ;.. ' •s • .1 � .': , . M.. • r, ' r x�t r `� , py , •••••,. . 5 x,. ate "k r �S� •, 'fi �, 4µ . 9.y�rdi•. ye a �',: ,* w .', , +2 ., . " { c Y �h9' A ' ! „1,4,4, � � ” , _ ° a p {, s ;, • ''''''' ti -. r I 1 : / a k: . zs e cav l w '5 :.� • : .,', •-, , J 1luS�a an eeid ta is laid aoa and se l said City 1 . ,, of MiettiLi. Bsf4E w , 7►d the said rhea at tt1.1e ft rat park dad he reby iu lve►r� ra te title to ae ,i lean seed a'lll def+e�c the a�rssae agalaat tr.e lrie+ k [,tx _ . i � r x,.Nx a t. '” ' � S^t , ; ful et*iItt of el.,]. ps mono s1s P,. D 1 wit the all, 14 partiee of t le fi ret j art hevb 55 r ettueed theca prey to to be exeouted in their` respective nemee, oA ;' their re-apective betie.ire ,by their respootive ofriciala thereunto r k r '1 ' Aul author l Ind their �r�oepedtt a corporate eeaia to be herbunto z, t � te r ` :` : h aff ixed• at b y th+e4.r reapeot secretaries, t he day and goer t : „,,,,;:::„tn,„!.:,,,„;.:7.,,,,,,,,-,,T,:,.;;;:. ” . ` ! irat above vritton. . • h n . 3 ic ed , seale efd deliirere� iii Rs/111'f CE'1N'f , •. 1' '' ,, / ` s i •.', k in t' le presence c oi' i ..,,^s.4* f '" _`�� • l i,fil: ,-,..;.:', ' , ' ' . . : ,-.1 , z? -,_, ,, , ', . T ¢e- P?#si de at i ` , . ' + ' " . . ` , 7 • , ' '' , i� 1 Vi a,, • ......,..i../....2.: I d' / � f f '' 1 31 � \� � � j • if • � 3oorotai7 ? ` le to a 4ad ' tbn Boaoh Realt�i Cou�acy . • • Lt7 3fl &C 1 IDp'RocT'E6' IT t tk 1 , Fab alsiea4 r ,;. a ' h • A' ' ..7 '' '>w • �$t Ca ..-'?-1.'•-• °,`" • ,� •- ,� ' J .. ' Y, W M'�',� 11 "" 1 b k • ' > r 1' . ,.:. , • I R4 . 1st S ry'f • Z 7 . t E } a �4R� a aYA'� ^f t' • g taw • ��. ! } + , `Yti' �3« c • 0'1 .1,' i �, t. �:^ •,an7[�k �' 4 K n+ Yt< y,.� Y�'w � �, ,� , S a K k" •!. * 4 i`ic f S ' i h ' f w'. A` •- -• } K t : '' 1 • . ', 'ki44 ,f4iti N #4 w ; r ' ,, F t " Sa t3. 7'' i �x ' n I . 'l am r , A 4 «..f. ,,, rLk. f ' r ' ,.0 r a 7 i'?" 5 - rr.�.i`, 4'' 1:P•74,44 ,, � I a .o >;.,4 Fr, F 44t p. j 'X 0 y f +• J r $ r i } .( rf' tea - `44r' ,'�'' 'C �t - !`EA " "" 5 °i Y 'w n,r z,� , ri 4 ti *% ° • ' as 4r. fi � ''' 3 ,, ' "x i Y :.,! ,,, ti, , .'ra "i', 3 N ,l 7 E , "i+a . ! ,-.rah s , fi f a ^r, K , . , d { ,,„,,,,4,., a ,:. , , , , wY `^4 'a, 4 4i ' ,, r i ^ 7>{ b 'r}` S E, ?; w y . r t +fk i ..i 4,i kP. r- : `. n ,, [i -, �4 3 C v ,i� S ,� . t 7 `w ✓: " k ' . s , . 0 r :d r $ �. ;��� 'Sid � ¢' of �•r ;;) uS �}� 3? j � `�'�' �,?,".. t�� �,uC C'r,. '� v�" 5 �`�..�z. .r' ��s':�, e :� 'vex;. °r7'�„;''; .. kx i j,:, s f ' - : r -'' t y } .' .z mi J "" '`' {, , iO4 ' - n'�r vn � :. �.. 'r`'a r 'L �''.1 w $ .. � ' 1 ,. 1 r 3t g� ; Q� s , r t sa c�� r � s' � � n ,�� a t x �? ,�, a .� f F f f F , Z 3y,i i . t w ,�,. .3a d. . :� N •t uhf' r r e E ,. �x:EN5 �,, � &r.l. r� t kS � xnuk �tk a�ta+agth'x ta�Y 0 .r;r' {a.�. -� t i � F � �, 5 r, 'c`P'r' ,,• -o,i, ',r fx a ; •'",x `� x 'r zt' ,' r ,,,a '_ 4' -,r t :: .., ,',. 7 ', � !; r sa�.�, � °��r ,x, . -.,;�r a r� <a -art;u 4� i, ,kc;°. ate.. - .r,?.,e� ?'.�-��i��� N;.: �'Si ,�a�'� �: `.':�:'�"a Jd �a`'��• �. ;iTi 3!' ,� : r , ` t;'. ;" , x „: F s k a, ffr .n ,, . - •3m r, ,.p aU - r r a i "ru ° 'p (� t o { i 7 r �,_a;. ,� y ;�° � ,�": �E✓`�n;,,�-:,? M7 ��::� d � ' i ""^.; ,^.'� sf �s 4i a.� �', r��,', t,i,t 7 `"Jr .. $.#' '%'jp a. .�'` 7 a� gi' " `J '! r :.- ' a f r ` " t, .: ?a .. ,F' , C�. < g4 4 `^ kr 5 e.:> ;" ,ai d ; y ' }(•' 4 . t a1.S"d fie.: ,s t. � : t� f 4r�' rt � � z s, ��;,g r �, k '� . �,�,F .�! �� .} �� ,,,d ' 'Y X} �� �+. .t '^ 3 rF rr x + ( q. s�r , � ^ ' } f R '.+' i ' :.. !;: H` _.. " i ,S k ; - e 2 xa .; ,r C �, . ".,•a en v �.r ;� ,, C. , .! , ; , r F a , i , ,• - .-. f: . .' . . - . .‚- :. : . . - .- , 1 , . �1- i , j;r q h ' :- • 1 , ,, 1. M 11 t " . � -, . . _ • 'J 4 1_ 1 � -�_" ��_� -h.. 4_1 . ,.,� , � I KOF � '. , ` � .r ‚ *L*L21TT D**D . . 1')5 . .1, ", ,� .4 : ,,, � , 1, :' i�l THxs D;'uIz, t. thi$ ' 11 A1D., 15Q, btw 1U AXT B UCM, RLU1 O�PMT an Th1 M1kI -11 fl}t DLPI:cflrt1Fr c�irr, both e�TpQr*ttQflI oi'eni'd and .x1sttn: . untr tie 1we ar t. *te ot 71D1d, pttea of the tirs part and . th CITY Of MUM BVCU, * municipal l eo r p o ration o1&At *4 and . . existing u t laws of the St of ?:Lo?id&, with potott1e . .. :.• adtresa UOO W�hiDijtOfl &ysnu, ieii .sth, Florlda, rty o th " . a.con p*rt, : : WI3i: Th the eeid partiea of th� first p art, I. Y._ for ri4 in conioratton o the ot Tn Doll*ra ($1O.00) and - other good tn1 r&Ltab1 oone1Ier*t1oa to thou in h and paid by - i 11 the pirty at tb� a,cod rt, the r.oelpt whereot Is rby . 11 I 11 � 11 . 1 Ioo]&tC. hv* grant b and cold to the •tit party • . . ' of the oond p its uoeusor ea .ei€n fo .th follow . 1rg eartbe 1az, itu*ts1 in De Countj, ?1rtd&, to-wit: :, 1. . :;nflTnG t oint Mo) 1e the Inetio ef ' - . th. c 1bi ot ao)uJ C5*1, the 1H,tl7 U* 1 1. 1 - ' : o f M.ttt Av b&tQfl £I) Pr@ , . • 1. 11 . 1 71 tbo A tb12.1 Wet.ii - rrL U ef W4 4mt ow !td kv.%) . LQe& )TQrth4• '1 'th Wter7 UA • I �� I oxzttw4 thiy to? r& tOtL Aii ot ' ; Six flM WA . 1. . ze 0: g4q t * rh1h &n on th thY .. - ' :. - . : • * UCQ -vit (70) tv Want o the 30% i- . - - -. . - 3* iJ.k ThinS1) 'tb' T1xt - I 11 : 3tt fl•*q Utt t J. . :. rc, s' r �i- t- >D *t , - •:; tzErf () 2• -« »DL;; rV%cri,7 olt ( " : : :• 1t:m 9j , .- t' • , , . :: :- ':; 1:• Hi, ,I 3 ' - •P f3 (3jr-) !r $r f:4 ' 1: -. ;. 4 . -- 1y f? ' , ; - : . : • * ti*to* tt .. . • .. - 11. . 11 , - - -' .-.•': '.-:•.-•-• •--' - . -. -- '. ;- - -, . . --. - - -- , . ,,- . . ;- ,:. -. .TI . . - . . . - . .; - .. - :- •• - - - : ••• . ,-'.:-:•L. - . *• -- . - • . ' • . . .- . . . t . . . - 11 t , 1 . .t -4, ( . % -- 11 1 . • , 7f 1 1 ( 1 "�,,, , , , . • A ;, , 1.1 +; , , . . - ,� ,-�, W . - - I - _ 1� .� " , P , , I : , , , - , , . - k � , - , to"d, 41 11 �L i , ., , , , , . .1 . - * 411 i� - - - - - •- - ,-: '-- . ~ ~ - ~.,." .c<",........ . . , ~ ..........._-.... , (, " ' '\ ",1 " - cuD- IZ ,,_, ." .r" ~..- .~ " .....'.-. ......,~.;,....~~.-'~~~.'""""'... '.'--.-.'.'-~..;.;...",...,,~...., . .' . .".. ~- ." '. . , . ~t_ ! ,~-~-..,.....,..,...~ .. "'" I!\ _ . ,J, . "" . ';,."<--?'~-ic.... ~'~'_"""".. . . .... . '. ' ' .-'. ':.., $ \,,'., ~, T-~o.'l'r'T'.?!!_-'.:':~; :~1-',:;~H';,~'~- .,v;;p'r:~zA.~ .!,~-~, ~ , -" ',- ., , ,,' ""-J"9",/'~,1it\,,l1I;~,O:/;;,~,, ~i' .iL~~;.':',~ d\'<f' "....ff kOr 1388 ..':: J 35 ;'.... ~". J\~ D.. D ' ,( L nus Dromrou, Made 'bS. IZ - Sa, ot ;//(;/( .l.D., lQ~, bet.... 'niI.l1.'t(ft BlAO'R RIlm'T OClO'AlIrt ant 'l'liA Wl>>ll BS.\CU DlP~ CQ!rW, \o\b oorporaUoa. O!'PD1_ _4 IXS.Un;.: UDdn \he left or the Shte of fior1411, partiea of '~e tiN' p.rt, .nd the CITY or KIW BI.ACt!, . IIWllolpal. tt1'pOI'IUOA orwul-.4 and ubt1ll& _4el' to... 1... of 'be Shte of Florida, .nb JlO~ottlc' adt1r... 1100 Wu.b1Al'OD ATlDu" Xl-.1 .MO'-, Florlda, pIIn1 of t.r.1 I.:J t~ hSO \;.... ..eond part, .. .1~Jts:sm'K: That the .a1d pG'\l.. or 'be tirat '*". for ancl 1A oonIl1~ret1o~ of t.he ... of 'l'e Dollar. ($10.00) and other &004 an4 nluable ooftal4e"t Sone to 'b_ 1n bud -paU. b7 tlll 1&14 puty of 'bl .looD4 part, the noe1pt whereot 11 h~b, t I.:.... f' '..... t'., t. t r ~ I t, ~ '. 1- ulalo-u.edpcl, ban Cl'eA'.a. barealuG 04 lIOl4 \0 ,... _14 pan, ot tbe 81lO~nd paM, ite IUGO.M01'll cd ...lp, to~1". the tono... 1:l.g d81Or1l>e4 lu.Il, a1\u.a'~ !D. Da4' Count1. 1'10r1da, 'o-W1t: BmINnItlO at . po1n' 1It11ch 1. th. 11lhneotiOll et \b. tU ~I' lint of OoU1A. Cua1 ..4 ,he W..tnlJ' 11.. ot K1tal1 ~T'Al1' (Oft I'Gth1AslIOQ ~ftntt.) p%'l)4U(1e4 Nor'ltle1"- lJI tI.\&laOI U. . ~Qth.~ dl~at1011 e.loq \.b. sa14 \Y..\- 01'11 UI. of 1U!IIld. ."'.,,1.\1 (Bow WllfhUgtQ!l AT'NluI) pro- 4uo14 lfonb.or17 .ntl 'he ...14 Wuter1111A. thlHQf ad oont1Autna ~'J.t~.~l, tOl" . totu 4h\U~. of.'l?l 'l'bouuaf. SU Huntn4 "Qr1!:r-1.i1ne and J'1T...t'!)..."l.~. (a."9.6)t..,. eon 01' lea.if, to . ~1u' ...b.t~h 13 en th.. f.i'':)rtb&rl1 11M ot Ut\~l!'1 ~'t'i!l.d ~4 :J~el1t, ('10) h&' W~ri O't tb., 3Outb- "3") ~~l' e.t F..l,~~.il: 7i'n1rty..W'I;(31) of !'hb,.-rf II J'lrtt 8ubC,.hh,t~,~ d .t\i.,".~ ;i}e;.',./l.\\; UlJ"i'<::$ r'nb~lr ilU;~'l~ ,,~. .~~ lh,,;r~'h)l'1, lit\~ ot':t.J:,oo.ln r~'1:d.r.>%'.. Us'!:~r,~1) at '.l'b1,'C~ (~?) t~"";\tir,, lI\ "')~;l ~l t~."~'e' r7Q~h,":r)",. .l(\~lf~ . lUl~ ~'J<\j,~:({ ~~.~t~ f\ ct 11...i'!, ,~'~'''''H.<1}.l ~ tb.. 1..., .~tl~. ~~"'-:''\'~~ :";,,,' ~'f,':~!,':1J' :,t,-,y. I,t ~,-,~ O:-.~' (";1',", rr~;'.J'V1'r'.~..4 ~:'.cty"rh'; ~l: ..",~,,;:,," "-"'1' I:;}, <~ _ H~<) .b~ ',!I f;:~t;;~ ~~~'r:~,:~,~:"'-1';..{~ ':,"'"".J' l"~:r ~- (J, ::''',}:'' J":'; ~ 17i~<'~'.:''>f}'':\1 (~(~ tta~~ 1l'!'f!lU,lIol 'Ill') i;;t.llt ",'1.'1 F.~~',~":':"'" l',r:~ ot 't,l' ':..),~, 'r.'"c"l ttll' . 41fi':.en,ce or mt~.rr(4 ~t';,.r,V'';'''.~. ;"'<:~t \l..},:):;} tG,.'t;,':,~r. ill" '\ ""'" I I ",...'. J " " ... "'-. J .' , t - W":'. . - - . "..." "- ~ lCol<t388 1',\ctl:j() leu. to " p')"n~ 1f'hlob h O..,enty('70) h.t lutuly 01' tl14 !:tlet,:r)y :l.1.n. ot t.he 0<I1t C()\Jr~') 3'1'l~ 1, laloo 01' Thlt ~lton n~~~h R~~lt.y C~~~n,. .. l' 18 "~~0~~ on tn. ~~~1~~ Pht crt th" ",,~"'; t~~H1~. t!!'!rt!'1'trl1 .le"~ III lil'l,,) ''''1f!nt, t'10) toot :l!J)shrly or and p,nUel to thl!l u11 .....hrl' Un. 01' \,.& l!I!I14 3ubo1l.,telol1 tor . dllrtOl!'\'" o!' Tftnty- fiT. (~~) r.~t to . point; th~e" W~"terly .to'~ a line which 18 On. l!1.lnr1red FlttY(1.M) tnt Ner1:h$rll 01' and paulhl to the lald northul, Un.. 01' lJ.nc"ln End 1'01' .. dht~oe of :J...,~mt1('10) hot to tlll'l s"Itd l\.."tuly Une ot the ..14 3ubdlTl.1Q~; th~e. Nort.herly .lon~ "ftld &llrJttllrly line, en1 ,,,,,lei :e.aterly 11ne P,!"01'l~41 t'nrth"rly, 01' tla _ld Juo:UThl0n tor a dllhMl!I 0::' C~'Jl Thou"!!Ioli 3...n HU1J1~:1 r;'lMty-tln and OM-t"l:lth (1.7Q!).11 t'l8t, more or l~~. to tho .aldoentllr 11ne o~ Collins C~alj thanee ll'ort~ellltuly alone the _1<1 CMtnr 11no 01' Col- Una CaDal tor a 41.tu.ca 01' One 'nloueani :'OW' lillndretl Thirty-tour L~d Nine-tentha (1,434.9) taat,more or la~5, to t~e point 01' b481nn1ng, containln~ J1rty-tWQ a~d ~our- tenths (~2.4) aore,. more or lo.s. aa aald Read, A,.enue. Cual, SUbeihlalon and Linu are shown on Plats nsOONlld In Plat Book NO.5. Pagea 7 aDd 6, Pl.t Bo k No. ?',Page 77. Plat Book No. e, Pa~. Be, 33, 34 and lO~, and Plat , !l00k No .7>.1. ra.:_ 31. aU 01' Publio ileco N' 01' !;lads COlm"y', /101'i4.II, L"\d fta "laid "ashlngton ATenut is o"':lIed and dealS- nat.e4 1n Ordlnl.nce 1.0.232; A:1D JJ.,SO That tno' 01' land deall.,;natltd .J.:1~\ BOllah JQlr L1nks" 4~O ALSO that treot adjacent to tho Jouthaaster11 eornllr tbet9ot. 1n t~ torm 01' a parallelogram,QAvlQP. two 81d~s or O~e Rur.~red and Forty (1~) teet and two .ld~s ~r Cne itUn1.re4 11."\1 ....nt1-1'1.,. (U5) hat. 1111 as ahown on " lllat entitled "Plat to eecomp~nl Uod1cat10n or eertain ~traots 1n the To~ 01' Ml~1 B..c~,tla.," raoorde1 1n Plat 3oo~ t:o.6 at P'ilt" ,~ 01' the Pu.bl1c alleo1'l1, or Dad" COWltl. ?lorl" 4&, gel :ao~ part1c\lJ..Alr~ 4eecrl beil u tollow.: BlGnr.{XNG at . po1~t Wblch 1. tho ln~ra.etlon of tn. So~th.~l, ltDe ot Nort~ Golt Dr!,.. (now WII.t ~nty-olv.hth St~e') ~il tn. Xlatorl,. 11~. 01' W..t Golt ~Tl~ (no~ Prairie A~ue). ,~c. Southerl1 alOAS the 8~lil ~.torly 11n. ot Irut Oolt' DrIn (now Pralrle 4T1tl'Jo) tor a d1 !!t'Sl:1e1 of :'wo ~01.u4 nr.. l:lun1.\ra4 anent-t.el,.ht aDd !"o\U'-h:1tl1a(P..~?8.') t..,. no,. or 1.". t;o tbe polllt of c\1l"r!ltun of t~~ 01 r- euhr elU"A e\ 'ha }:ortbaahr17 oon.,r ~ Celll ~ulnu'<l (IS"" Dah D-o\.ll...n'4) IlId n1d Wut OOl,t Drh'(MW Pftlrl. .1..,_1010). t~~"..,. 41t!::' CUJ:l6 It_t.rl,. arouno1 ..14 OU~ to t~. t?!l!1' ot t..~>!'t~~1 on t!:l.. Jl'Q"~n17 l1u ot Mid eal\l!l1 8o'lnud (""" 'p1I!':" ~ul."ar'.1). t.t.n':ltr~-rth.uhrl,. UOD.& tbe ..14 ~,!'t".nl,. UflO or C"!lA.\ g')'.,t\>1":fJrl eM. I)lId.. Poul.. "tt,) 107 " lJMlI'll,O.o. of S..".~tM::l t!l:t.'l/'"" "'$. ~t,...fhe u. n~) tM'\ to . roLl::t: ..14 ~1At hl~ t.hl 1.a~rIMOU_ of ,~ JO"~~u'1.:r ,U-t'.. of ..1t C..w ~uJ..-n1't {cow ~. Bnl.....r!l.J 1t.Q~ tt.-e'u~tl, Ur:l!I af z,.., C<oU tn'i... (now na_ ~ ;>:r1_). ,~.~. ?l'~rt~rl.' alc!l.C the 'I'..'--1'1:r 11.- or Mt<li";I!!'i t..-;:lt r<;'1.,.. (lte"l' Pt~. ~ 1)rt..) t'f)1' a 41.- tu.ti\ of ~:~-:;'9i~~ r-l2t;~ 'r,:l111'tJ'.t~. ... I"h..'.'h. u..~~.') t~~. Jl".i~" ~~ l..,..h . ",t:1.', at4 ,.,tn\ ...,.. ~"'. ,..1~' cl' t;a.:rrat\1::"9 ot t'~.. ~1::'~l1:t.~ e.;~ ~ t,b. ~~.'-J'1, .I'M" of _it ..., 0cU 1):rl,", <<M. lt~ ~TM Pr:......} ..."" HU "ort.~ Uo.U: un.e . -"'''' :-. ~.;,...-.-..; '- ~..... ~-"" \ , '-~'J ,f :.1 I, : J. '~ ,t -....,....-. ,._..~~......_4_........._,__..,. <t.'r_"i~""" . ~ ,...._._-:-:r~ ~, ,:......--'..~..; < .-,~ ;r: . )'", -:~ ..- "".. _ ; .' -, .'-, l~ ... . ... . '- '," ~ .:~ .- . .. "~,'" . '." ;: - ..-~ .' 40 ". ';''./ii:~:':''r''-'' A;~:;,,;'''~;;''''::~'~~i~~''~ . 1 ! , j ~ I i t ICOl' J 388 "~~; 1.i7 (DOW w.., Twtn',-el&htb S'~')' tb-'Ge 4arl.o'~ 'a.t- arl.1 uwn4 ..lel o\&"e to 'he P<lla' III tuaceno, 011, tha add Souther11 Une ot MOMb Oolf Drha (new 'aa' Tnnt,.. .18htb St'M'). th'!l.l\ee ....tar1' alone tbe .e14 South.rl, line ot ~o~tb Golf DrolTe (now ..., Twent,-.1ghtb S\r..\) tor a dt.t~ae or TwelT. n~re~ .od tw.nt,.fl.. (ll~~) teat, 1IlOJ"e or la.. to ,be poin' of bts1JlnlI'4. &rI4 ocata1nllll rtttY-Ih: a.nd t'J...,eu-bundrldthe (a~.U) .~ru,mor. ~ leu. .. ..14 T...ot, Dl'h.., 1oul..".r6, C1 ro1.l1u Corna,. and Unoa are eho1'lI\ on a plat reooNId in Pl"t Book No. t, Pe.... ?~ of the Pllbl10 lleoord. or Dd. Oountl,r.Lor14a; AIID ALl30, All thAt portion of Collln1 Canel lylfll!: l10rtharly ot the eanter l1ne thereof. ~tw..n the Westerly line or WltGt QQlr ur1"" (now Prdrh AnnUli) produ~.d 3out::.rly and tt. lalterl, lina ot Ia.' Golt Jrlve lno'll' Plce Treo Drivel, rro.l~uced SoutnarlJ. .. 11'111 ClUl'll ant\ Dr1T" are ano1f!l. OIl the ..14 plat IOU ~h4 "PlIt to eeco~.~tI1 :>e41. cat ion or coTtaln JtreeU In the T01WT: of JUlaml Duch, "1.... . ~reaaly exoepUng, hO'\'l"f!lr, t'rCrn I!ft14 propeMY, 'IleY and .U property which h8retoro~ hu boen 111 ~leetec1 and/or convoyed to th~ City ot 1l!18ll11 Beach for boulnerd, dtlve. "enue, .u.e"1I1I)". at~, oual, parle mr1/or other IT.lUI1. o1pal ill,lt'pOn.., e1thW by record plete. In"ludll:l1 plata recordo4 in P1U Book 21 at P.~ :51, Iln<1 Pl!lt Book uo.:-.o at Pa~. ~?, or t110 P\lbUo Recordl or Dado C014I:ty.Florida. and/or by In1 ot~.r lo,al In.truroent. ~ 'nI...14 01 t1 of )l1Iml a..oh. part)' or the ..oon4, pa rt herein hereb, oO?eUant. and acreel tor It..lt. It, auooeaaor. and .~51'.n., .Uh 1'1111 panla. ot tba tl rat pert, thalr f'e.peoU.,. .ucoeallon and ...lgn., AO' to \,III. the hn4 harebl oonoy..,__ or any part tL.raot. or to pea1t tbe I.' '0 .. 1l..4 tor., pllrpO'. whatllOnar other tban tor. .olt "Ilna l'AoJ./or eoU llnk. tIl4 thU till, cC19anu' thaU I'\Ul 91'_ u& 'lnt .a14 18.-6. 1\ 11 1Ul4.r.'oo\\ .04 acrM4 he...u. tbet \~II tOT_an' thtll 0.0' pre- ..., 'ht eoannoUoa, tI'MU", openU. ulJo. .1at.uo. of . colt o1Q" bout '" ...14 1e&. Nr JfWtD' the .. t.. pilaU. "I'M'. 114eft1k. .~Q' ..t/o. ~....r& JIII'PO" or . .,1'1, of 104 ~~ co~AI"ln1 'M' (10") 1& wtm '~ll'tl......~ <' < , t i f ! t t '~ . ' .- _.....- -+~~ ....... -' "....~.~"""" ...........'." -;--- - -4----- . - ... ...,.:.. -- ... ,. " .. ," ~. , . .. ,-- ........ ....-.-.-. . '!It .' ~~. . """.;'~'_,'\i-. .-r~j-~.i.....cr;~~J.......~_.;.c.,;,,-, I ",', tf>'. l }~ . , \ ~,r1388 f~~~t!i8 AT.nu.,- .. ..14 "'-'\1. 1e aow la14 "' u4 ..'kblhh.4 In Mid Cl\l ot 141a:a1 htlcb. And the _14 p:lnl.. fit \be tint p4ln 40 hUlb, tlllly wu- rant tt.e UUa to ...14 lenll c4 ell dattll1<1 the alUM fl6alnst tr.e In- tul 01a111lJa ot all p~Il' 1Ib~1'. IN .:rnm3S ltlJ:RJ:ar ,he ..14 pia rUe. ot the r1 rat T.lI't h."" eau.e4 tb... presenta to bl exaoutet In tbelr rupee'he ner.l.., on tbelr reapec\lT. behalt_, b7 thllr re.peo\l.1 ottlelal. tbereunto 4u1r al.\thort"4 u4 thetr rellP_Un eorporate .ula to be tlereunto attixed. atteated b1 thelr reapeotlTe .eerlterle., the day and '''I' tir.' .boTe written. . . Sl~8d,eeel.d and de11..~ ill t~ pre..nee otl , '~(5/1~ ~ '// '(' .- -L' (/.. "~..../ ' .- mI IJ./1'af BUOH lWI:rt COIPANY ~ J.. :; i.". "'" r=>4 ~ J(i~'~'-;.:".:" ~\ Br: '>- ~~ /J~-"<J.~~fIf: .'. I .. lOI-Prealual \... .. , .' . ..:.... ':.\.... .......' "'//>--/1 ~':.~"'''',..'' ...,.. .,. .' ~ 'I: / '" :4J...........~.'t.' ~'1'T'S3'1': ' /' .~ l ." V'4 ,~.(:- 7t' n '. ". hontaJ7 ' , ~., ,. .~ ~1 /' '1j; \ . ft." ,,~l ~l Aa 0 "44 Tb.1i\on BMOb Red" CQlIMD:F. .' '1D IWJQ BaCH DlPROV'Aum' CClllP~W ., . I, '1'0 ' .. . ...,. . I. t · '. ,..-~ ,~ . , o -' . .. '< " ~ ~I . Ml"J . ... .". ", ''''''. ..' " lit, .', t... ';t , .' ." .....;.. I I \ 1& _0"- '. . . _... '-'. ."~.........,-~. ...-...._. ."~-.' .....,_..._,_.__~ ,.-.-,c____~____...~__ ,. ~ . ~. t ~", i ~ , , f " _ I. . r J' ~.. t F f i ~ E t f r I' f' li " f; t t ~ I: :t ,. 1 i J I j '1 >.~ .<j