Notice of Public WorkshopThe City of Miami Beach Planning Department will' hold a' - .....-.. .... public workshop to discuss the proposed historic . PROPO'S~D'NORTH BEACH RESORT: presevatiOn designation of the North Beach-Resort -- HISTORIC'OISTRICT ':-: ,: '.. :"':i "' HiStOr. ic District on Wednesday,/~pril 17, 2002,'at 6:00 '_~.p.m. at the Shane Watersports Center, 6500 Indian =. ~ Creek Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. .c The proposed historic district iS generally bounded by and ~- , ,,. includes 6084 Collins Avenue and 210-63rd Street to the = south, the centerline of 71st Street to the north, the .... centerline of Collins Avenue and the Western lot line of certain properties fronting on Collins Avenue-to the WeSt (more specifically, 6084 Collins .Avenue, 6300 Collins Avenue, 6490 to 6498 Collins Avenue, and 6574 to'6650 Collins Avenue), and the erosion control line of the. Atlantic Ocean to the east. The properties' which .would be included in the proposed North Beach Resort HistOric. District are shown on the map in this advertisement. All pers6ns are invited to appear at this public workshop or be' represented by an agent: or to express their. views in writing addressed to the City of Miami Beach'. Planning. Department, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Second Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Members of: the City of Miami Beach City Commission," Historic' Preservation Board, Design Review Board,· Planning Board, and members of other City Boards may attend. '~ This item and other related materials. regarding the possible designation are available .ior public. inspection. during normal business hours in the office of the Planning Department. Inquiries may be directed to the Plannin,g Department at (305) 673-7550. .. - In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Of ''' ~ 1990, persons needing special accommodation .!o participate in this proceeding Should Contact the Board's ' Administrator at (305) 673-7550 for assistance,' no later: than four' (4) days prior to the proceeding. If hearing': -. impaired telephone the Florida Relay Service numbers, (800) 955-8771 (TDD) oi' (800) 955-8770 (Vo!ce), for -- ~T'~':' assistance. ' t F] ' · Persons requiring sign language interpreters should' contact the BOard's 'AdminiStrator five (5)lays in ~.dvanCe, when possible. For information on access for person, s with disabilities,: Oi' to request mat. edal. in accessible format, please call (305) 673-7550 (VOICE); hearing impaired persons, please call (305) 673-7219 (TDD).' '