Notice of Public HearingDESIGNATION OF THE 'RT:HISTORIC.':DIS TR!C:i': The City of Miami Beach Historic Prese~tion Boa'~d will hold': a public hearing to c0~Sider historic preservati0n"des~n'atian~ Conyention Center DriVe, Miami Beach, FIp~ da::~:~' ~ :": , ~': -.':: .' ~ = ~' ....... ..... ' ' ""' The proposed historic district is gene~all~.'bo'Unded"'b~::a~d .... -:"" .':. ., .... . '. ~ , . ' includes. 6084 Collins Avenue and 21'0-63rd: Stre{~t :to': the' south, t-~e centerline of 71stStreet:to'the northi"the"CenteHi~e' of ~olli'ns AvenUe "and the :western lot" line:'0f":certain properties fronting on collins A~/ent:je to the weSt.(more specifically, 6084 Collins Avenue,' 6300 COllinS'AVenUe' 6490 to 6498 Collins AvenUe, and 653'4 'to 6650 'Collins AV'e'nije), and the erosion 'C~ntrol line bf the 'Atlanti~ ocean to the east. The properties which would be included in the proposed North Beach Resort Historic District are shown on the map in this advertisement. - - 2. ". -,-: Following the' public hearing, the Historic Prese:vation Board will vote on '.whether to recommend designation 'of' the proposed historic district 'pursuant to Sections 118-591 thr, ough 118-593. of SUbpart B in the Land Development Regulations of the City Code. If. the Historic; Preservation Board votes in' favor Of recommending historic district designation, then the proposed designation will be considered by the Planning Board and the City Commission at separate public hearings held on future dates. that will be separately noticed. --:-:- "" ..-.'.-,.-.-:.. All persons are invited to' appear at this meeting~.oi be represented by an .agent, or to express their views in ,writing.: addressed tO the City of Miami Beach Historic' Preservation. Board'c/o the Planning Departinent, 1700 ConVention Center Drve, Second Floor, City Hall, Miami-B.eaCh, Florida 33139. This item and other r~lated materials r.egarding thepossible designation are available for public inspect'iOn during normal FI business hours in the office of'the .Planning Department. '." .. · '" . ' ." -. "::'.. :.':'.."' ":: '.' ':" '..' Inquiries may be directed to the Planning .depart'mental.'(305)673:755o:':l:he::l~'i:i~i~l:'~t~"ij~i~:'l~'a~si~l~;'d~E~ig~ti0'~i.ma~. ' be continued 'at this meeting and under. such cirCumStances: additional legal :r~oii'~e"-wOLii~j-~5't be' p~:bvided.'.:~ny:person :'.. '. may contact th~ Planning Department for information as to the S{atus .of th'e:'pr0pS~'~'~i~ar~c"~is[riot-'as a' resGit"of the' meeting.. :, : '.. -.' . .,- . · . : : ....--.:.:..: "":'::""'- Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Slat.; the' -City Hereby ad~iSes th'e 'publ{c th~t::"lf.;~::~r~8~:'d~C'iae~:.-to:appeal::any~:- .decisiOn made by this BOard with respect t0 any matter' CQOSUqFed.at its'meeting :~Q~.:~"~.~!~:..sb~'p~'rSQp..m~st i.nSdre:' ' that ave rbatim record 6f'the proceedings is .made,~ whidh..reCord· includes the test!moq~, and;. ~Vi~.enCe. Up0.n' ~h~ch: the: appeal is to 'be based. This 'notice does not constitu{e'c~n~ent by the City .~or th~ 'introduction:or admis~lon of othe~ise .' inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it aUtherize chail~ng~s o/ap'pealS nsidth'~i~'~aua~-a.~"i~w.:..::-,::;:.~::-':.":' '~ :.. In accordance with the AmericanS.with Disabi~ities~ct.~f~:199~;`~`~:ns~n~.:din~5ec~~d~ti~n"t~:pa~icipate:in:..' this proceeding should contact the Board's A:dministrmor at (3:2~;;... 6.7~: :':553 i,'~:' asSiSta~'j'ng:,ziate'~-:'t~h:fSGr~ (~)-.d~y~'. prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, telephone~he Florida' Relay Sewice numbers;:;(800) 955:8771 (TDD)' or (800)." 955-8770 (Voice), for ' · : ......... ~.~:..,:~:.::..'.~ Persons requiring. sign language. possible. For-information on access for'persons .with disabilities;or to request material in'accessible.f0rma{, pleaseCall (305) 673-7550 (VOICE); hearingimpaired persons, pleasecall (305)' 673-72i9 (TDD):7~'.~j~%:2,'~':~:'''''~: :~'S:~;::~-:-: :":,'.; - '-' ' .'