WD-21-2 1737, 275 '11/' .! '\'I I. WARRANTY DEED ~... ... . ...---.,.- -. -. -----.----~-.. -" I m r'~ \JJ \S) ~J..1ooK1737 PAGE 275 ili y II II II; 'I' il .1 II I I 1,1 m~t!l Jnbfntuff. Made this 21st day of September , A, D. 19 36, iii' 11 iil III BETWEEN BERTHA STEERMAN. a widow of the County of Dade I in the State of Florida, partL.....- of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a municipal corporation of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part~ of the second part, ------ -----.---'--- -"- -.'-',-.-.---- - ---,,-,.~ -,----.- -- WITNESSETH, That the said paI"L.L of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations---------pp~~~ to her in hand paid by the part..L- of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby J acknowledged, has I granted, bargained and sold to the said paI'LL- of the second part, i t s heirs and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot 14 of Block 78 of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according to the plat thArAof', rAcorOAO in plAt book nnmhAT' ?, at pAg~ A1 oG the public records of Dede County, Florida. . Sub ject 1:: 0 nondi tions, restrictions and-"""1imi tations as appear of reoord. . (.' 'V . . I Z ' . ...' . ..LC;.-:::'--r.":'. -.:'- "-. ~.' ~." !,;;,~ T. and the said part..L- of the first part do~ hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part.l.- of the first part has hereunto set her I I I I I hand- and seaL the day and year above written, Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us: } fl,,~~~~~ (Seal) OK1737 PAGE276 .... /f /.\ STATE OF FLORIDA County of DADE } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author- ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, BERTHA STEERMAN, a widow to me well known to be the perSOIL- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed, to be the wife of the sai , arate and private examination taken and made by and be 0 , e arately an rom her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said dee urpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and inte e her dower, or of separate property, statutory,orequitable, in and s described therein, and that she e the said deed freely and voluntaril out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear 0 ......<;,~:~N~~ hand and official seal at Miami Beach ;&~~~~\l{i:~~,~ Da.de .' and State of Florida, this 21st 'a;~~~~i~:.~.~,ember ,A. D.19 36, 1\ ~ (t,. C) _ . ~, ..,.... ). '" '.' ~ A ~ -L,\~LL.-~ V\ .r.f.tCR\~...,-,,:" , ~ 'hl \ No~W'~Pub~l::~"State of Florida My Commission expires.JJjj\ (). "-.J, \ 1.. \q llo a..:..::. _.,...r.....--. . ..e : .l_ I '0 Q. s::: m g: Q. ..... (':l =:r "1 '" ~ Ql o C"t- a e: Ql Ql ':- ~ ~. t:r Q. CD Q CD o l:j s::: Q. l:j s::: ~<'< ..... "1 ::s ~ t:d 0 o a ~o ~ =:r ~CD Q r.F.J g ~ ~ 4- ;5 ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ t::l ? Q Q o - s::: CD l:j * C"t- :< sa. =:r C"t- CD =:r ~ CD ~Q (':l ~' CD s::: :+ ~ ~&? C"t- s::: =:r :+ '" C"t- ..... l:j ~ '" CD l:j I-f> Q. ~ go CD ..., ~ Ql S. E. 0Cl Q. ~ ~ (\ . ~ ~ j , '"-y-' ~ '" 1. ~~ I .;1 , l t . 'It. t::l '" "' L '" '< ~ ?> !=1 ,..;. r tD ~ l-3 ~ 11 fa +-t +-t ~ = ... = UeI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a s l:IJ ~ f.l SD . ..... g' . .~:'. '"'-'---- X III "II -t 0( iii a :a 31: tI .,. vi CJI \ ' ~ ~ t.l --. , i.C W '-, '-1 CJl I I r .... ~fJf< Rc,CO -.\ .,,0 r ~ \ '_,I.. ~ $t'~~ \0 ~ E e \..E.~ ,\-\€.R '\1 c1' ('1' \)~t)t. C'..:l\. ,\.\,1\' I N \..~.