Ad # 092 CITYOF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that public hearings will be held by the Ma~r-~d C~ ~mmi~ion of t~ Beach,, Florida, in the Commission 'Chambe~, 3~d liar, Ci~ Haft,, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 'on Wedn~d~, Ap~l 10~ ~, at the Umes iis~ ~low, to ~nsider the ~llo~n~ on first re8di,~: AN ORDINANCE' OF THE MAYOR AND CI~ COMMISSION' OF THE CI~ OF~ M~AMI B~CH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF, THE CI~, OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, 8Y ~AMENDING CHAPTER DISTRIC~ AND REGU~TIONS,~A~ICLE ~f, "~ISTRICT REGU~TIONS~ DIVlS~N 18, "PS PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICT~ B~MODIFYING THE HEIGHT AND NUMBER 'OF STOBIES IN THE C:PS ZONING DISTRICTS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND HOTEL DEVELOPME~ PROVIDING FOR CODIFIbATION, REP~LER,. SEVE~BILI~ AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. :: ,' :' ' ' ' ' ' - ' . Inquiries may be dir~ed to the Planning De~mnt at (305) 673-7~. ~ ' : . . . . . '. -. ..- -. - at 5:3~ p.m.: - . :' "' " ' . - ': 2' ~. :',~ · .. :- ' '" -' '" ~' ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CI~ COMMISSION OF THE Cl~ :OE'MIAMI BEACH,' 'FLORIDA'~ AMENDING CH~TER 142, ART~LE 2, DIVISION 8, "GC GOLF-COURSE DISTRIC~ OF THE'C~DE OF THE CI~ OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTION 142-392, "MAIN pERMI~ED' USES:'TO INCL~E ADDITIONAL MAIN pERMI~ED USES; AMENDING SECTION 142-395, "DEVEOPMEN~ REGU~TIONS~_TO' REVISE PERM~ED HEIGHT AND TO INCLUDE A FLOOR AREA RATIO RESTRICTION; AME~ING 142-3~, ' "S~ACK REQUIREMENTS:. TO REVISE SETBACK' REQUIREMENTS AND TO INCLUDE R~QUIREME~S FOR AN AT-GRADE PARKING LOT, STO~GE FACILITIES AND DUMPING SITES; AND TO INCLUDE NOISE ' REGU~TiONS; PR~IDING~ FOR INCLUSION' IN 'THE CODE .0F THE CI~ OF MIAMI' ' B~CH,.FLORIDA; REPEALER; SEVE~BIL~; ~D ~ EFFE~IVE DATE. ' '- "~ ' · ' · ... -' ~; · :: : '.. . .' ':: · :~ .'' '-.' '~ ~: . "- -, - '.-: '. . ~ "-' ~' 7' :'; :.: -' ' Inquiries may be dirmed ~o t~ Plannidg ~mentat (~5~ 67~7~. ::::: -" :: "-' "" - ALL INTERESTED PA~IES .' are 'in~ed to 'appBr at this 'mee~ng:0r be mpre~ent~ ~ an a~-~r t~ffi~ ~eir.views in .writing. admeBed 'to the C~ Commition,' ~o the CiW Cle~, 1.7~ Co~nti~ .~nte~ Dd~,' 1st Fl~r, C~ Hall, Miami ~ach, Florida 33139. ~pies of ~ese o~di~nces are a~ila~e b~ p:ubl!~' i~ ,during :-n~al busi~ hours in-the C~ Cl~r~s Office, ,17~ ~n~oa Center Dr~e, I st Fl~r, ~' Hall, Miamr Be~,- Rorida 33139.'~is 'meeting may be ~ntinued and 'Unde~ ~uch cirCU'mm&n~s a~diti~'n'~i' I~g~l ~ ~o~d '~ot be ' ':' ' · ';," ' .- . "' ::- ,' ...... -':'-: -'= :'~' ': . .."'."~ ' ::", """RobedE. ~er,~Cle[k" -d~si~h m~de W'~e Ci~ CommjSSio~ with r.pe~ to bny maU~r, c~nsidered. a~ ~s m.U~g' 0~ ,. pem0'n- must ensure that a vedatim m~rd 'of the p~eedings ~'made, which ~b~ includes ~e t~timo~ ';~tde~ upon which the 'app~ is to be'based: This notice does not'contains' ~n~ent ~' m~'Ci~:for th~ ~ntr~u~ion or ~is~on :of o(he~i~ inadmissible O~ irrelevant ~den~, q~ d~es ~.amhOrize chq!(eDgeS ~pe~s not 0the~ise ~low~ ~ law. ' - ' · -_.. . : ~,.-;., ". :*;..~ ~.-.: ~-:~. . In' accordance' with the'A~ericans wiSh'Disabilities ~ of' 19~, pemons 'ne~i~g' sp.~iai a~a.(o~ pa~cipate'in this pr~eding should c~nm~ me C~ Cle~s o~e no later'than bur days pd0r to me p~ing,. telephone (305) 673-7411 for a~ista~;lf'hearihg impaired, telephone the Florida Reia~ .SewiCe nU~be'm, (800) 955~1 ~D) or (~) 9~0 (VOICE), foF~mce: ""~ ":' ' .,, ..... .: -:. ' .' :~': ":+ -., ..... .. ,- ,- - . ~-:~.~ .,.-.., :~-, ~ , . . , - -. - . - 'PL~SE PUblish ~um~ay, 'MarCh 28, ~2. DisP~y Ad; Mimi Herald Beach Neigh~m- ::~ .: :: ~:: (Ad~2) ----; ' "' ' :..' ~'-' ., ;' "' ' ' '.