WD-24-2 North Normandy Isleof FlorX~, ~~ its ~X~ ~oo of ~s~osm ~ the .~te~, ~~n~ ~a mold ~o ~he ma~ ~y of ~he meoon~ ~, ~m heX~ ~a um~m f~~, ~ follow~ ~ooo~X~ i~tmate, ~ ~ ~ ~n ~ OOu~ ~ ~de ~d 8tats of -1- J seetim T~ (20), T~ship (H) do~.s, s~ntm (17) ~u~es ~ the f~FS~ sent~Ued 0U ~ed~hs (~.~) feet to a ~t of ou.e~ ~haee ~n a satnweste~lX 6~oolX~ al~ a f~ve us hu&~o~lhs (1~.02) foo~, s om~ ~le 0f f~$Y (~) de~oes, ~wen~X-fXve (eO)ainuloS, dXst~e of ~o tinend we ~n~edths (1~.02) fool ~o ~ t~sud e~ghl m~ ~hXr~y-n~aO hu~edthl (~,~4) feet, s douses, eXmven (~) ~nutel ~d no seoMb, M s~ ~st~ol of ~o a poXn~ of t~ue~ ~honee west~lX last mont~m~ o~o a d%sl~os of f~fiy (~) foot ~o a N~nt of ou~e; thence alo~ s. oX~a~ ~0 aof eo ~o In. hv~ a oentral ~2lo of seventy-We rothates ~d t~Ftx-~e (~9) se~ds, u ~o dts~noo of ~vo ~hous~d o~h~ ~~ sevn~en (281T,11~) feet to a. po~n~ of ooXposnl curve feet a o~~ ~10 of nXno~-~oe anticned ~e a ~s~n~ ef ~ne h~ n~e~y-~ee h~~~s (2l?.0a} feet ~e a pe~ ef eme; ~enee ~ms~a {1~o) fee~, a een~ ~le seven nd e~y-aix ~e ~Na~ (m.ael fee~ ~gen~; Shenee in a 2ener~ eas~e~ diree~ al~ a ~en~ ~o the last men~in~ ~0, a aXs~ee ef t~N ~ fer~y-s~n ~e n~Na~ (~ss.~} fees ~0 a pe~ ef ~e; ~nee aeflee~i~ ~e the left 2ener~ n~as~erl7 aXreo~ ~ a a~l~ ome a ~stuoe of e~gh$ ~~ e~h~e~ ~e ~ea~ e818.~) fee~ ~o a PO~ of eu~e; ~noe aeflee~ ~o t~ left al~ a ~ve Uv~ a ~Xus of n~ne ~d n~e ~a~s (1~9.9) fee~, a (17) de~ees, ~en (10) ~u~es .uS no seeeb, uee dXs~uoe of f~r ~ea e~h~y-Wo ~4 ~r~y-five ~e M6~s (~E-~) fee~ to a ~n$ of ~~eT; th~oe ~n a ~eral n~~er~ feet to m poXnt of ourto; rheaore defleetXa2 to t~o riafht alone ~s~anoe of f~ve ~~ o~Sy-ao ~d e~ffn ee ~o~ m ~m hv~q m mLum of t~ee m~d (~) fees fie dSst~oe of two ~d,d (~) fee~; ~enoe in a F~ heaths (lllO.~) feet to a ~t of ~m; ~enoo ~q a o~ aefle~i~ to ~ left hvin2 a ~lu of ~e ~h~s~d (1~) a e~~ ~le of fif~y-e~ (~) a~s, fLay-seven (~) t~n~y-ei.~ ~d n~e~y-s%x a$ ~e~ (10~.96) fee~ ~o meven$7-f~vm as ~edShm (~.TS) feet ee oF ~emm,'So a r~Jum of ~ l~um~a ~ m~ twa~X-five (~) feet (~) ~u~es ud tmtX-me (~) se,aSs, u ~ ~st~ee of fee~ to h ~int of ~~:, ud o~a~ ~o ~~ f~- p~ttus of betXu Ten (10), $~o (m) ~d r~ (4), ~ xn T~- hlt, Dade deity, FloPX~, ~ south alq the east b~~7 of saXd 2eot~ T~ (10), a d~st~oe of ~e $houmd fXve ~ed forty-e~ht ~d fo~y-eipt ~e ~d~s (1~.~) feet; thenee weotor~r tX~ a Xane ~erXeo~ to the ptpt etahit-nine (89) a~ee, sewenema {~V) ~u~es ~a ~ f~ men~e~ oou~ae p~dueed a aXet~ee of five ~~ t~ee ~a ~Pty-f~r one ~he (~S.~) feet to a po~t of ~el t~nee tn a eouthust- erl7 a~reetion alo~ a o~reular ou~e ~efleet~g Co the left ~v~ a ra~ue of ~e i~us~a e~ h~a~a ~a ~ee ~re~the {I~S.Oa) feet, a eent~ ~lle ~t f~ly (~) b~ees, iwenCy-f~ve (~) mutes, avenay (~0) seeads, ~ one thou,~ m ~~ e~entr-Wo ~a rave ~e (1 .08)~t'a ,~ of ~vepee easel t~nee al~ a eight hu~Pd ~PtT-~ae ~d t~y-fO~ ue h~ths (~.~) fee~, a oat~ ~le of reFiT-me (41) ~eea, etghty-mev~ ~e hud~tb (~*~) reef to a thenee usterl7 ~ a t~nt to the last me~Xmea ome a dietnee of ft 7 fee to a of thenee alo~ a oXroular a~e ~efleo~ to ~he ~i~t ~vXa~ a theused two hu~ muir-five (me~) feel ~ a oent~ ~e of n~netT-fo~ (94) ~e~ee,, ~wo (~) ~ee ~d seeado, ~ ~e ~Xe~oe of ~ee thos~ eXx hu~ed fif~x-~ and sevon.:~dths (SSSg.0?) feet to She ~oint of boWinning of She trust heNin dmeoPtbo4, t~ lass roenOiSed ~e, at the ~bt of ~m~, a ~XsS~e of P~t eX~t~ (~) &~eoa, s~ (O) ~nlel ~d ~ (0) scowl for~7 ~~t~ (95.~) foe~ ~o a ~tnt ~ a o~e ~se st t~s ~Xnt ~s tn a Sene~ southep~X ~X~eStm defieot~ ~o ~xn~X-t~e (~) mXn~es ~ traiT-six (~) se~s~ ~h~s~d seven ~~ fXfto~ (17~) feet, a oen~ ~lo of fo~ (4) de~eos, mntr-~o (21) metes ~d fiftT-Me ~v~I a r~ma ~ ~e ~h~,-~ fomr ~ ~me~ {Xi) foe~ ~o ~ lef~ ~ a ou~e ~v~ a ra~us of five h~d ~ $o a ~tn~ of ~~; t~nee ~ a gene~ n~eaa~el~ hadred eXgh~ee u~ oX~Y-e~ m~~ (8~.~) feet to (ll19.g) fee~ ud a oUt~ u~xe Of aerates (19) ~a, ee. (10) inures u~ se, (0) oceans, u ~ d~o~uee ~ ~ee po~n~ or t~enO; thenee ~ a pner~ n~heao~oly a~ a ~n~ to the h8~ a~eea ~e a a~o~uoe or ~e ~vi~ ~ ~us or no t~n~ ~d n~oty (~) feet ~0 utes nd f~ty-t~e (~) seemdo, ~ ~ ~st~oe of seve~ h~- point Of SupRa; thenso ~ a ~n~ east~ ~iNo~i~ al~ a t~at to the hs~ antim~ ~e a ~ismoe ~ t~rty-n~e and tm~-eX~t ~drdth, (~.~) feet; thnoe ~ a pne~ sout~oastert7 G,otim aofloot~ to the ri~t fiftX-~o (~) ae es, (O} (o) see s s hot mentioned ~~t a ~ltUoe Of one ~~ fif~y-~o Ud 0%~ ~dN~hs (lO2.gS) fee~; thenso Xn a pno~ eu~orl7 feo~ ~noo ~n a 2uo~ ~ns~ly d~roo~u dofioo~ to ~ left one h~~ ~a~-o~ ( 1~} ~0os, g~ (O) nn~uod o~o ~ ~~ o~-f~ u~ seva~7-five ~d~ almsif a line deflee~sif to the hot mt~u~ ~0 · ~0~00 of t~ve hud~t~ (~.~) feet to a ~nt ~n2 to the ~,f~ ~ ~s ~e metalretool n~ve & d~e~gnee of two hadFed fiflF-eovm and erie lao~:l~l~Jlal (ltO,O0) amities lisPS oF leas4 subject to easements !~ th0 ant slid 70&r above lrrt~m. lass of the lute of rXo~lda, to me weX~ kneu to be the ~sreoas e.~ acknowledged the exeoutiea thew~of to be tbei~ f~ee aot Sal ,Oed ae such off~oe~e for the uses and ps~poeee therein lelttlold Sa~ t~aat they affL1ed abetNile the efflo2il seal of said I1' immmtem e,mp;t~em,}