Warranty Deed WD-27 ...~ ~.. '.~'t ,F -. 'II w~ HEFTY'S FORM D HEFTY PRESS, INC., MIAMI m4t.u 1Jnbrnturr, Made this 16th day of Karch , A. D. 19 39, BETWEEN llA.URICE L. FLEISCHIIAN and AUGUSTA C. FLEISCHMAN, his wife, and HENRY HOHAUSER and GRACE H OHAU SIR, his wife, of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, partiel of the first part, and CITY or IlIdI BEACH. a Ilunicipal corporation, l !'" I of the County of. Dade' " ; "in: the 'st"atEn5! Floriaa, part=Z::..:.of tnEnrucona pan: . WITNESSETH, That the said part1eS of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration---------Dollars, to them in hand paid by the part-L of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have. granted, bargained and sold to the said part~ of the second part, suocessors ' it I l!eire and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in D9de the County of ~"'JN and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot 45,. except the northeriy 601 feetl<ihereof', ~loU'~, NAUTILUS ADDITION ot the 1l1ami Beach Bay Shore Company, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 8 at Page 130 1n the ottice ot the Clerk ot the Circuit Cour~1~ and f'or Dade .County, Florida, . Subject to rest~1ot1ons, conditions and l1mitations ot record and to the prov1sions ot the Zon1ng .Ordinance ot the City ot 1l1am1 Beach, Flor1da. The parties understand and intend that the grantors retain that portion of' the lot whioh measures 60 feet 1n f'ront on North Mer1dian Avenue by the depth of' the lot measured along its north lot line, and the strip so retained 1s reotangular 1n shape, <.P .;10 '-! .;'. t~ .....;. l) ,. -:'.... ., !:;. ~..: ----...~, .~-<- " And the said part1.la of the first part do_ hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will ~ ~ defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part 18SQf th..e first part havs ~~~un~ set their hand~ and seallL the day and year above written~~A..e ~ ~ ( SJ;AL) , . /~ cJ./1 . /.. Signed, sealed and ~~b ~~L) ~ ~~(Seal) ~''" )( . L-~~. ~./~~ ~eal) '- r- STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA DADE r--,. } ,""" ;--~~-......-- """C~~-" -.-~"~...~,_.~----- I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author- ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, KAURI CE L. FLEI SCHlIAN and AUGUSTA C. FLEISCHlIAN, his wite, and HENRY HOHAUSER and GRACE HOHAUSER7 hi, wite, to me well known to be. the person~ described in and wh? executed the foregoing deed, and they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes acknowledged before me that therein expressed. AUGUSTA O. FLEISCHlIAN and GdOE AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said HOHAUSER , known to me, wives MAURICE L. FLEISCHMAN and HENRI . to be the~~~~~he~aid . HQHAUSER, respeotl",e)lyseparate and private examination taken afid made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncipg, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. Miami Beach Florida , >. WITNESS my hand and official seal at , ',\~\"_"'''~.'Ui;!I~ ..\~bti,,~~~. Dade and State of ..~ -.'-~\:. -~ ~ .- .Ot.1 0:i'Y A1;. .. \~ Karch ~ #.0( ~)..- \ ~ i ,.... ,.".: .... = ~". , t.~:::: ;.~. '.~a~J~~i}~tate ~f Florida at ~arge.MY commission ;!~.,., ..'fI'- ".::: l- .......>>... ....~ ~ .J',t"';!i'i'\~ ""~'" 'ii. ~ '.,f" t 'i.J f" \\"", "",..::aan\\ ~'".... A ;' ~ Q.. II' '< o ,.... ~ ...... ~ Z trj UJ UJ S '< ~ / '--.:' c'\ "- -....., J11 tD r ITI ):> -I J: (TI.'':'\f ~ ::u,' ...,.. e. S:!ig> c+ . '1:%1' ::r' t~ , A..D. 19 39 . J" I-tj "C Q.. 1l'S:: CD ~ 0'" ~ ~i~ lCX}g,g. '< l:tl Il' 0'" .... CD Q.. CD (") ::l o Q.. s:: s:: ~<< :< "1 CD S' 8 td a 8 ~ ~ .... ~~ c.; (") (") g 1i~""" ~ ~ :< 0 tt> ::r' c+ m. CD ::r' ;il CD .m ~ (") w :;. ~ ~ r "1 .... (TI tt c+ );> ~ Q -I c+ s= I ::r''' (TI Il' c+ c+ S' ::0 c+ 3: ::r' Il' )> CD ::l Z ......0.. o ,.... "1 0 ~ "1 o l:tl .... Il' ::l .... ~ Q.. ~ 00 t-3 > '1-3' t:!::l o ~ ':j t"4 o t::l == - >~ t;:; txj r') Q. = = ..,. '< Q ..... ~ tj Il' . c+ CD ~ Q.. Il' '< 1 ~ -!=' ~. , ""':' ;....---. ~,_:,: ---..,_,~~,_..~y1l .... W'IJ":"' ,,',.,., --A-~;.'-"'-'r~~~"L'-'-..;.~_:j~:~~A ~ '" a H ~. ~ IS .~ H S fa .. ... J II e .... o .... 'd II .... .... .. ~ a s . ~ t'1 t'1 ~ ::: ... u:: . .... I; (I ta;J f'S f'S t:Y -. }) ~..;~---------- c.e Lf. ell(. C7:cl~lHfRM 1/ '. uAOt'c r;! N O.rL4, 16th 1'1 ... -I -< ui ... o ;u J: l:J ~ -.... r ~ ...