WD-33 p----rW-f~-..--~~.-~. 1fT '/ /~~-~ . W~HZ Din ---'~~~:::ci;;~=.:...-_(~_~~~~~~:.~,~N ) ... ---.-.--. --.- i1 : Ii il II j' il 1:' ,: i )11 r" Ii, i II' I , I" ' i iii , .iI ill d 'I' ili ill , ~ jl 'Ii ~, 1 l~k ~1 '.,..-'- "h'..~1i"~. "_ t · .-\; HEFTY'S FORM R. E. '1..:2.. .j1-,~ ~';-.' _' ~_-r_'__-~_ -.-, I I~ ' \j..)~ - ~"K2046 PAGE215 ....---~.~ HEFTY PRESS. MIAMI , i' ~'.~_.__~'. _,,, ...._._._, '_.. .. .. ,", .. ...... ,.., '~'._",' ..' _,__<"'~ ,,~..."~.'_".__ ,'" '.'..__._____ ._....~..,'..,..."'__,_.._.._~R.... _.._. ~_.. ~_,,, .__'~', ,.... _... ."_,~,,__,'__.H.L",,_",,,,___,_,_ ..'_ "_'_'""'___'_~_'____~_~_'_~_';,"_._~__'_' " __.,,__.___,__~<.~~,.,.~_.~__.,_~~.~.~._ _~__,,,..,.. _. _ ._, ...._.. .,__" _' -'. . .._." ._,~.,._." ,~"""'~__,_v_"",,,__,"A~"__ --+----.- . ",..:And t~~ saidF...-rf~,Of the first part does hereby fuDy warrant the title to said land, and will 't,'../, det-enJi the sam~ '~gaiiistthe lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. \';., . i' _ --- IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these ' I i presents to be signed in its name by its proper : I I officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- 'I i tested by its secretary, the day and year above '!! written. i : t ---"-'~-~'--.-------'-"- ,----,._....-------- ~_.. ~- ~ r II ! I' I I, I: ,I II , Ii Iii: III . -JIL~b- .. k^__.~____'~~~-_---~ wqis 1tnr.rnturr. Made this 27th day of B'ebl'.u8W BETWEEN THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY , A."D. 1.fm~ , a cOl&poration existing under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dad.e Florida and State of and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAJ!I BEACH, a Municipal corooration. Iii ,1)1 i and State of Florida Dade of the County of part~of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first . part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other good. ancl valuable considpration--------=Dollars to it in hand paid by the said part-Y-- of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said part~ of the second part, its ~Cth%SR~&ns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dao.e and State of Florida, to-wit: I That parcel of land marked IlPRIVATE PARKIl l~ring ~,of and adjoining Bridge Road, as shown on the Amended Ptat:C)f BELLE ISLE, as per plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5 at paroe 11, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, This deed is given subject to all encumbrences, conditions, rpstrictions and limitations which appear of r~cord and to those inatruments of declaration rpcorded in Deed Book 141 at page 456; Deed BqO~ 150 at Page lO-!; and!)~~};3oQk l~e_ au?,ge 376. respectively, and to all taxes which have been assessed against said property. 1\: I!: ]1; ...."., (Corporate ~eal ) ~ . ,. Attest:' ~~ Secre,tary THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY BY.~~.-rr Vic e- pr went Signed. sealed and delivered in the presence of us: ~~ 'if n;~ ~~~~.~ , , _.- ..__~,:;;,:;..;.;::'"~;;;~; ",;;.;.-,~:o;:,;.~~~;~_::::;:;,.,;,;==::;;:::::;_~:;:_:~:.:.;:-;_E,:;s:-::::_;.;.:;~~.i,:::::~-..;,:.~f'-:::_;:::=.:~===2L,;,i;:~:::~::~:,,::,:~=~;:.;;:E~;=,~-:::-~:~":,~.:;_:.:~-:.:;....;.,', ~,'.~ ~'\... ~- .......... .." , i I h I I ~ 1'1 ! I i ,. I I, j 'Ir I ',I \1 ~ 'r,.,.'-:~ ~\ " !! 1m !J.I , 'I" ~i ~L~ -fl'lf ~. r----- T-~ I ! '- t---~--~~--~, I ::. ! , or '.1. . . -- ..=~~.~ ~',~: .. "' .. ~rl ~ .'A"'~ ..,q~.t)J ~G~G 1. .l.'s'l :t~ ~ vn~ ~\~i.\j11 ~ 6\' € ~VO\ ~~ 'd~l\ ( '. r\""'\\ 'dQ j G~1~;! (r~hl '.I ;l . 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