WD-36 ~"~~(}~g ~ii-3S~"c~' '~~r"'7Y- ..~..-. (Fro... Corporation to CO'I'1'O'I'ation) i '" _'~--J";""l "">'G:' ,,,. ~.-"''': -~.:-"",. ~~. .-': . .~ ...""....f :-:"'_ .. "', .::"'!'".,r;~"": "c".", ... " ':"-''''.>'f'''',-~ -'T'_""'":" ."" W ~'N:'N 2'~NC ~"~I I"OfIIIM ft. E. :Sll", Ji 11' , , , , m4t.s lhWtnturt f Made this 27th day of October A. D. 19H-t BETWEEN PLACER DEVELOPMENT CORP. , existing under the laws of the State of business in the County of Dade Florida a corporation , having its principal place of and State of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation a-~_i.l;)a~M~".~~ i)f the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dade llnd State of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sumpf Ten ($10.00> Dollars and other valuable considerat,ions '; '-., ~ ';'=--' , to it in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl-.:, edged, has granted, bargained and sold to t~e said party of the second part, its successors and as- signs forever, the following described lands,. situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: From the Northeast corner of Section 29, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, run South ~ degree 37 minutes 08 seconds East, 778.29 feet along the Section line between Sections 28 and 29 to point of beginning; thence run South, 88 degrees 39 minutes. 28 seconds West ,1000 feet.; thence run South, 1 degree 37 minutes 08 seconds East, 4200 feet; thence run North, 88 degrees 39 minutes 28 seconds East, 1060 feet; thence run North, 1 degree 37 minutes 08 seconds West, 4200 feet; thence run South, 88 degrees 39 minutes 28 seconds West, 60 fe~t to point of beginning; containing 102.2 acres, more or less, lying and being in Sections 28 and 29, Township 53 South, Range 42 East; 'Together with the right to dredge surrouIXllng and adjacent- bay bottom for the purpose of obtaining such dirt and material as may be necessary, proper or needful for filling the land above described to a minimum elevation of six feet above the level of the water at low tide (any such dredging operations, however, to be subject to the control and regulation of the Trustees of the Int ernal Improvement Fund of the State of Florida) . Subject to taxes for the year 1944. And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. t r .-.- .<~ '~-".,,'~- ---'-" ,. .~' . ';'>\oi. ."",- (>' ,,'"1' , ", :\' ~'J t\ ,... ... r ,'\ . ':.~ '~,_j ,\.. ',.,\. . r1 ..:s . "'; ~\ ~~,~j ~)_ ~::.~ : \ '.:~ ~ \ tl ~ . .' \ ~ j \ ~t 1~..l1 ~ ,4, .'_" j 1....1 .~ ill ~ \p .,.:...-.- '2\ ,vo\ 1\ ~u~ ~ \0 l:\ t\ . 6~~\\.j 6l.\f.J~3\\ \\\J ~ f _._.~ ::;:."__"""'-__ ~.~c.""-;"..-_~_",._ --::-_-;':'~-:l.~''''''''''''' ~~-_-Jt'*t';~;...~d".(~"'.'1o.. '~_"_';_?::"'"_:;;"',~'k'.__' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z 0 - 5:: - ~ C,,) rn .qI r.l .qI ~ ()) ~ r-I 0 l:- E-! 02 C,,) < . ~ .p E-! () rn 0 lXl < f~- JO 'A{aA!l:>adsa.I 'A.I'lqa.I:>aS PU'B luap!sa.Id ' tnlid .'1 .S pU'B OoI{Je'I -8: -b -Ill pa.madd'B 'AU'Buos.Iad am a.Io]aq 'yv61"O"V .mClO~~u JO A'BY-' I F S!l{l UO l'Bl{J. 'X.!II.L7::I3:J XH3:7::I3:H I apla ~O AJ.NaO~ 'VaIlIO'I.!I .!IO 3.LYJ.S " \,tllllltllll.tl/.I.I,.. -..,_ )<~l V "I p, ~~-' ~\, ~ '.; ,\v, ~ .... tJl-.1' -'.; ",~,_. H t ., ~ ~ ',' ,...,..J' '...~, ....._.. _........ ~ ~~r;;;/- ~,..- ,? ! c.S - .P', \~.. :- ~.;::. \>;l ~ ~.~.~:- ,.'::: ,~ ~i ,1..""'-. <'0' .... 'it ~-~ ~ -, Q "\" ,,,,,,'.r ,~ '_ :;-,? .. "" ,.....-':... ':: '. t~!l ..' ,;,..... '..- "............, ~ ~ .." v. ~~....- ~ --'"" \~ ..... .../ ,.. .,' ~~~~ 'It.-#.~~.,....,.rr'~i'},"\' .;.,"'.... ;:.. '.:\ \~ '-';.r; v (' ", '\J ',.~ : sn 10a~uasa.Id al{~ff) puu pa{uas 'pau.8!s "A.Nla.r.>aS ' AS: ~rJ "7 /* : lsallV "uan!-IA\ aAoq'B .I'BaA puu AUP al{l 'A.I'8la.I -:>as sn Aq p~san'8 'pax!JJu aq ol {Uas al'B.Iod.Io:> sn puu 's.Ia~!JJo .Iado.Id Sl! Aq amw Bl! U! pau.3!s aq <>l Sluasa.td asal{l pasn1!r.l BUl{ l.I'8d ~S.I!J al{l JO ~.1ud P!'BS aql '.!tO~'H~HM. SS3:NJ.IM. NI ~ BEE 3~~d 6E17(; ~ooa