WD-43-4 G--N" ~'Q.i-=~ -BOOk BOO PAG~'5Tfr-- f, :1' '\T~RAN'1'Y DEED 8lJ" \,.J:t\..~_ R... ". ~" . _:- w ~ 4- 3 (FRO... ct>Rl"O,....TION) ", --aEFl.'Y"S ~~~ PRINTED BY BElK PRESS, - [ :: -~~-~~'r-=~=-~~::~~=:_'~.--:7::-::'::=~~~:'::-~~_:~~;--;c-.::-:-;:~_:=:. --------.~------ ~-=__..;:~-=-~-'-~_~~::~~.:,._=,:=~-~-:~~-~:~~~_~~-~:-- :_:=.:;-;;:,.c:~.~;:~~~.-~~-:,;~~.::~b~,~--=:I ____ ____________________ -----~------ i i . '+ ,I~ 1:1 " Ii -.,... i Ii; ::i Ii: Ii I il: I!: I Ii!' U "I Iii i! I Ii I I II Ii Iii i'l 'III 'I i,:'\ " ;1, i', r li,l Ii m Iii I' 1<1 ,:1 ;'1 i , i I ! ,~; i~tuturl'. Made this___J.~tl!.______day of__.__..__.>>~~,!!l~_,,_~_________..___.________A. D. 19_..?Jt, BETWEE~ ___________.h___M.~A~U__~gB__JSAI__S_RQg__'O'O~AlIh~__::___:____:':__":'_..::_)::___-=-__:'__::___ a corporation -, existing under the laws of the State of_______~g_~.!~~_________________________, having its principal place of business in the County oL_________:p~I______________.______mand State of___________lkQR!DA._____________, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and - - - - - - the U!TY 0' MIAM! BBlOH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of the County oL______ >>ade __________~_____~and State oL_"'______.no~1~-"____ part.~__ of the second part, WITNESSETH: .,- That the S~~d \party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of___~~__~~_~_~ _~~_.~__9QL!Q~~j~Q_~O~L~=_.::__~_=__:_=_.::__:___':'___:__=___':'___~___':_.::__=___':'___:__=___:.__:___':'_._:__~__ Dollars and other goodand-""aluable oOD-sideration to. it in hand pltci by the said part7-._____of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- , .' ". LBUooessors edged, has granted"targamed and sold to the saId part.J'n___ of the second part, _J_t~L ___J:BIBan<1 assigns forever, the -following described-land situate, lying and-J>eing in the County of_____!J~~__________ and State of Florida, to-wit: .ll ton Road. SU13lrise Wate~, ~rida . "/Of t Beginning at the interseot lOll ot the north property 1 ine ot Al tOil Road and the west bulkhead ot ::surprl". Waterway,9alclpoint ot beginning beiag ninety-fiTe and eipt tenthl'~{91.e) teet northeast ot the '.outhwest Corner ot Lot No. !'ou~ (4), Block '1"80(2) lfautilus BubdiTlsion as shown upon Page 9!), Plat Book No.8, JJade Oounty Reoords; thenoe along the north property line ot Alton Road produoed aoross Surprise Waterway to a ~olnt in said propeny1ine ten- (10) teet east ot the east bulkhead ot surprise Waterway; thenoe south on a line parallel to the east bulkhead ot ~rprise Waterway to the south p~perty line ot .llton Bead; thenoe along the south property line. o(Alton Road produoed aoross l:Sul'prtse Waterway to a point in the said property 11ne ten (10) teet we8t ot the west bulkhead ot . Surprise Waterway; thenoe north ona l1ne parallU to the west line ot' the ::surprise Waterway to the north property line ot .u ton Road; thenoe , easl along the north property 11ne ot Alton Road t~ the point ot 'beglnniag.- together with the bridge situate thereon, all approaches, abutments and:" bulkheads &pptlrtenant thereto.- And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Attest: IN WITNESS. WHJi}RROF.. .the. Raid par4r-.oftha:tirst part-has. ca~fj\ed-these- presents to be signed in its name by it's proper (Corporate officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- i14.~ct -S~re~, ~~~y itg::~;~:~;;~::~ ,~~ r~,~':;'\ " "- ,..~ \ \ ~( ~,~:1~\\ \~\:'i~t J/~!; '\ ~ , " ~ I I I ,I, l , I :i,1 1;1: . ~ ) :,'1 _..,"\,l,.. . 'ffl'" '-;\ ~'I :: II ~ I;:. " I"; jl'il 'I I,!! I 1:1 I, ;!I I, i I " \ -r ili I i1 I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ~- \: \ I ~-;.\ -.......-::---~--,:_. --'.,~"" -"'~'''~'-~''''T~ I . , I . fT- . - -- -, ..'- ---,- ._----_._------,-~,,'- .-~----- , , I I _~~_....______'_"__...,..,...,.,.,..,..,..~~~'F"--'...,-- ~,' . ~-':llr- B()~..-85f}'Jf.\GE'29{r'-'~'"- ---.' --." ---. i't~,~-.=-.,-. _..h-",..",' --. --~..-=..$...-~-~~.~==.~.~....-.. ~.-_._- ~:: ' \ .,: I,i il Ii " il Ii I 1,I"i.1 ili ill Ii I,! I'] 'I I] ~ i I,i I 1'1 :1 j I, ~'l"; il , 'I 1.,,1 ~I'!r I' "- !,...~', '\,,','" "l Ii '" t I ~ ~ Iii' 1\ III II II III [II I, ::\ , . L, -...-,.,.. . . '-i \\ ~\ .-'" ....:[ ...,.... ."... ~'" , ! :',\ ~ . ~~:~~FO;~~~_~~i~~._____.___________~_____.._____} I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this___i~m__day of_.._.m..l>-e.aemb.e.r___________________A. D. 19_.2.5___, before me personally appeared____________J_.__.ATM>_(ULW)..InB -~--~--~---~--~--.~--~--~---~--~---..---~--~---..-..~--~-.... and ______.w.._B..___BUORABA1L~__":':':__~___~__~__~___~__~___~_______________l]&Il~::President an~i:r~t:~ respectively of _______~_~~_J'_Ulln.mQJJ___M!_~RQJ~~_J}_Q.~~~__________m_________h_____________, a corporation under the laws of the State o:L_______llOz.1da_m________________________, to me known to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they af- fixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. . WITNESS my sign~ture and official seal at___________~~!___~Q~________m______________________________ in the County oL___~~~_______________________m_____and State of________!!!Q_~!_~~______________________________m______ the day and year last aforesaid. _~_~________m.______ ;'< Notary Pu , .I'lorlda M .. . J.; 4'_dL' Y commission explres_________.:::-_m___~_,~ FIL:~o~~~j{._;~~:~!c::O~~~~~~M \ GEO. F. HOLLY. OLERK CIRCUIT COURT ". 'DJ\eE.eeUNTV. ....ORIOA- .--.. .' -, --. . '~=--""'"'~._~~ '~' , , , , , , , , , , " I I '" , I Ic..J KiJ"l!f . "0 !'" I : ~ I ~ , i '1 I r ..~ a: 10 is 'I i i ~. p 9 ~ C':l C':l ~ ~.~. ~- ~~. 0 Z .......... r.,c ..,...,. ~::a e. C':l ~- o p ~ fill ~ '< Z ~.:+ =:r t:r:j ~o ~ 00 00 I-+> = 00 ..,...,. ~ ~ =:r ~ '-d In r> = <:; .-_: c...::t: = i ~ t:r:j ~! ~~ [~~.~ ~i ~~ '1 :~..,. l1J 1 ::s- t----I ~" In ......l., rIJ t:r ~l; m~ ~ar -In ~ ~ e.=:r = .... In ..,.a. ~'1 ':< e. 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