WD-43-5 rllT 'g1C ~ 'tUt ~~~Bo~850PAi291 ~-~~ ~ .!' i ~~~::~~;;':I:~li) \~ REFIT'S FORM R. E. A.a ~~TE: ~~;; i8~' MLUtI , ' "'=-~"o~"'======-~"'c=-' ~.~"7'~"'",:-;iF"c==..-- ~~~co..-;;,~~-:-~;;:-~~---::.:~:;:::--:_~~~:~~ =c;.:c~=-=-c=,.=-'~:::~, ..,==~~c"='c=.c'~"='""= .~-:~:-:=~~~=~=''''====''=~'=f~ t 'I \~', \. .JlJ, .;1 I i ! I ii, ! 1 ill 111 !i I , I ..i.....,' I i! i: , 1;1 iii I III! II ,Ii !' ': .'.... l!!f'.- -~' -......- . -'" '<iiris' lInbtriturt f "' Made this_____.l:.6t~__.day of______,_~~-~m!e...-------.-----.-.h-A. D. 19_?.~_, BETWEEN _.____..___________M!.~__~,MnLJM;L~ ~._g.~_1_h__h______..____....___._____________ a corporation . .t" S' 'd th I f th St t f Florida h . 't .. I I f eXlS tng un er e aws 0 e a e 0 __._______._______________.______..____.__h__' aVlllg 1 s pnnclpa pace 0 business in the County of___________._..P..~~L__..________h_______and State oL_________..~_Qr1 aa.__._..___.__, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and .-------..-.--..-..--h--..----...--.-.._QI~__Q!'.7!~Jg--!~!!.________.________________.____.____._._..__ .. of the County of_c__c__c.____.___c=_~~_c..c____c___C_____"c=.:ccc=c:8nd State Qf._________________~J!?~_;_~_"c.;....._~ - part:Y__cc. of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of__+.=.-=- - --=- _=_.-:.-:.-=-=--:~-::::-:_.=-__:._~ _ {$~O ~_~L..:_:-=___:__=__:__:__=___:_:..:.__:__=___:::__:____:_____::___=___:_.=.__ Dollars and other good. &rJd valuable consideration - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ... - to it' in hand paid by the said part.l.____of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow}., 'successors . edged, has granted; bargained and sold to the said part__l____ of the second part, ___!.~~ --.JteB and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County oL__.~_.____.___ and State of Florida, to-wit: Alton Road Biscayne Waterway Bridge I ~-:~> I :Begirm1ng at the intersection of the west property line of Al ton Road and the north bulkhead of :Biscqne Waterwa.,v, said point of beginning being om hundred (100) feet sOllth of the~northeast comer of Lot S1~y (60), :Block One (1) Nautilus Su.bd1 vision as shown upon page 95, Plat :Book No.6, Dade County Records; thence north ten (10 J feet along the west propertyl1ne of Alton Roa.d;( thence east on'" line parallel to 'the--tnorth bu.lkbeMl of Bi8c~ne .te-~ to-1ohe east property line of Alton Road; thence south along the east property lim of Alton Road produced across :Bi8cayne Waterway to a point in the east property Hm of Alton Road ten (10) feet sOl1th of the south bulkhead of :Bisca.yne Waterway; thence west parallel to the south bulkhead of Biscayne Waterway to the west property line of Alton R0a4, thence north along the west property lim of Alton Road produced acro.. Biscayne Waterway to the point of beginning, together with the br1~ '" si tuate thereon, all approaches, abutments and bu.lkbeads appurtemnt' there to . And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. -IN~ESS WHEREOF, the aaidpal'ty--of the-4irst-part haa--eaused. these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- tested" its secretary, the day and year above written. Attest: ;/ <cg':l)'ate JlfiiJ- Assistant Secretary. BEACH BAY mORE COMPANY, ~~---~~~~__ '~-~'fZl~~~ Vice - President. i I il I , Ii 1:1\ 1 if[ 1:11 1:11 II! I II' 'Ii I I'! I i I I I I I .~'" I I I I ! I I I'I! I ".' I j l , .Hi' I ill I~ I :ilt ',I ~ '.!I , Ii . ! , ii, ii, I 1,:/'1 1'1' \i I I' ,: I . .~;I II I !i Iii I Ii II 'I 'il I i.' ~. i ': :1j ii 'II 'Ii il 'II !I Ii' , I I'! ' I, ',I , ! I II ,"- Tr~o~-'~85(r PA~"~~--' :-==++~~~:~~~c~~~,~~:'"""=~==~~~====~_' -,-___,-._,~__~_ 'i' ,- i .~1::, "" '~L ,,;,...- r, t" J:< jf'. )t..:..- ~~ :~ ~, :~.~~ ,,,"" ",,,", "~'~~'''n"O-"-:m''~' , I! l d.: l~=~ --. --, I i "I:; STATE OF FLORIDA, " _'< ,'t, ~\'",; '_} DADE ';" '\' \: '\: COUNTY OF _----______________________~________:____n___ I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this____J~~1:!_m__day of_____m__n______~~~1>.~~_____________A. D. 19_J~!L, before me personally appeared______n__n_________~!'___~~~___!~~~_m_______m_------hh-l.-s-s1"stant-------------m--- and ____________________Y!.!___~_!__!l:J:~~J____m_______h____m_______________m'n_~~:__President aneVSecretary respec~~ vel,! of __m_________n______~h~Q.IJ__>>..A.X___~~__g_~MIT________m__n___m___mm' a corporation under the laws of the State OL_m__C_m___~lQl;.icl~_______m__m_m__' to me knowij to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they af- fixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at__l!!~~___~~_~_'___m__________m_____,________________________ ~~e~:yCAl.:~.::-;;;~--~:~~----~----and ~U:z.--~ Notary Publ' , M ' '.. . 4-9--7- y commiSSion explres_hh____h_c___~ FIL:/;~~jJ~H:~to:~~~:~c:~M ---<lEo.F. HOLLY4 C....RKQIRCUIT COU~T ~ R~~ C.oJJttTooY~ ~L~I~A , ........ = = =- C,l ~. 0 1-3! j gg S-z &t: age; ~ ~ ~! I I tool....... r.a (D ~ 0 p . ~ ~ I I~, C'1-C'1- ~~ 'C El !~.... g; 1-3 t:fj, 1 , .. 0 C, .... t:: t'D t'D ,,.HO ..... Io<l' o! ! ~M. ;: g E I-3Z g 8 ~ ~ 1i'- r 0 I!I;j I I'" ~ "'lI -.... C,l... t'D ~ '-, ' I', .... c+ =- tz:j "'I ~ 00 i6't=. I!I;j I!I;j 1~1rt ~ 0 ~ 00 t'D i l:D ~ I t'" i -I ~ H> 8. 00 g llQ ~ CP ~ i e !- I p:l;= -d "1~ ~c..1 I == : c:-t-t'D ~<:;~: H>i ~ I-l : t'D, =1-P4 o~'Co, ~ ~ : .... : ~ I""l H>, "'I "'I: '< > : 'F' = i ." t:z::l 00 i 0 "'I o~ ~ " ,'" ~ ~' <: t'D C,l 0 I I. ~] ::Ii ..... CD ~ 0 I-ta i i;..( 8. l $<' t:z:j ~:l'.? 0 C,l ! 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