WD-70F r-----'--~'- ... . .r"'! tllOr. n,...,f"! ~ ,'1' ~\. " I '" . ~ ~'-r ',' tJUU,1 '... _~ ',j D,1CC l,-j'...,:;" 90 l~- LIlLI ~ WARRANTY DEED (TO COflPORATIOH) PAPCC)'S PORM ft. E. S4 PAl"CO Puel.llltllNG CORPORATION MIAMI 82. ....ORIDA tJlJis Jnbrnturr. Made thi" 22nd day of January A, D. 19~ BETWEEN CASPER RAPKIN and SOPHIE RAPKIN, his wife, of the County of Dade and State of Florida partieSof the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal _,~orporation exi8t~ under the laws of the State of Florida , having its principal place of business in the County of Dade and State of Florida and IlJwf'ully autborized to transact business in the State of Florida, party' of the 8econd part, WITNESSETH: That the said part tes of the first pa~ for and in consideration of the sWllof T'en ($10.00') Dollars and other valuable considerations ~ to them' , in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, have granted, bargained and, sold to the said party of .ihe second part, its sUCCell80rs and assigns, forever, the following desc,ribed lal)d situate, lying and being in the County of Dade , and State of Florida, to-wit: That certain pareelof land bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwesterly corner' of Lot Fifty-three (53) of Block:Seven (7) of -the SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, as shown on the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade C()unty, Florida; thence run northerly. al ong' the easterly line of Indian Creek Drive a distance o-r 60.27 l"eetPto' the lfOrth.... westerly corner of said Lot Fifty-three (53); thence run easterly along the northerly line of said Lot Fifty-three (53) a distance of 11.5 feet; thence run southerly in a straight line to a point1 on the southerly line of said Lot 'Fifty-three (53), said point being 14.5 feet easterly from the southwesterly corner of said Lot Fifty- three (53); thence run westerly to the point of beginning. This conveyance is made subject to restrictions of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for the year 195'1. .. ,. '~ I .bd the said parde S of the ~t part do:' . he~eby fully warrant the title ~ said land, ~nd wiD d~fend _ ~ ~ ( the Ilame ,againet'the lawful claims or ailpersoll&~homsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said' part ies of the first part have hereunto set their hand S Alld sea~the day 'and year, Qm-e written. , c?~IP~~ ~~~ Of~1,~-~/ ~ . (Seal) '(Seal) , , '; J. j,,~ .:ll: fe', \ ~ \ L BOOi{ 3406 Pf~GE STATE OF FLORID~ } DADE ~l1 v_~ Co_\)' of_ I HEREBY CERTIFY, That OD Ihia daypenon.n,appeared before me, 1II1 officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledplent~. Casper Rapkin and Sophie Rapkin, his wife to me well koown to be the ~ cleaeriMcl ia ... who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledl!ed before me that they executed the same freely lII1d voluntarily for the purposes therein expreued. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said Sophie Rs pkin , koOWD, to me to be the wife of the said Ca sper . Rapkin , on a separate and private examination laken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge Ihat she made berself a party to said deed for the purpose 0' reuouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest., whether dower. homestead or of lePR'ate property, .tatutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and thet .he executed the said deed freely and vol_tarily and wiahout any eompulsion, con.traint., apprehension or fear of or from her said hueband. WITNESS my hand and oSida! seal at Miami Beach Dade and Stale of Florida. thi. bl. / 4..f a u /?1C A. D. 1IIr] 951 \ \ \ \\ i\ li j I, t " 'n - "f ,,-,\ 1... i.J I! // ,.' ";, 018ry e,,' . ,......... ,,~~__ My eom Ion expil'f'- 1 ,/'8TATE '<w\~~A, } f ',\ (> .~' ., ,~ , \.j> \ :~l~~~I~~ioS~~~x:fre~6f~t '11 tri \\{~ C:~Df~f;);} ~ a.r Am.ricu Sv,.tw c.. It ... " It. ,. ~~ ........ 1t'1'1...,..,....I..R'b.o";B"r CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me. an officer duly authorized to administer oatbs i (; D.,n'!"-~ {.,*~lfJRt ttn ~~owledgment', -Ht".~~>' " ,,' !fi:j '~.;', , . tll "me well known to be the penoll.-- described' in and who executed the foregoing deed. and acknowledged before me thlllt executed ahe same freely and voluntarily ror the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official ... .. , County of snd State of Florida., Ihi- day 01 , A. D. 1M..--. "f; ,1-;':.":',.--l.T,~',,~ : ~ o 'II C II !: " z i 51 i ! .. I -O~I ~I.J~ 8 en ~~ B ~ ~ I is, ~ i> ~ a e;~ -:.~ ~ 8 ;-!,~:O · ! ", i " e ;;. ~ . III ~ 0 '.. . ., '~. S' l~r I a- S l a.~1 ~Lr ~t:; >~ "'" ~=t:l'""'- 8 2 ~!J~f ~! 2 ~ t;j E. r ~ i J p. ~ ;o~z t !;~i sf """1"'-=2 3~ '13';.CDI:. sr, ~ia. or~ "'" a.!' ~ j ? . ~. i = = !. ~ Ii' ...0 1:11:1= 0 f!.=I!!' 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