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I HEREBY CERTIFY, That Oil thi. day penonally appeared before me, an officer dw,. anthorised to am.inieter
oatbs and take acknowledBJDeDttl,
William D. Scott and Esther G. Scott, his wife
to me well known to be the pel'lloD-.-S- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me
that they ~cuted the laDle f~y and voltint!lrily for the purposes therein expressed. ; .
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, Tbat the said Esther G. Scott , known to me
to be the wife of the said WilliamG. Scott ' ,on a separate and private
~nation taken and made by and before me, lleparately and apart from her said husband. did acknowledge that she made
herself a party 'to .aiel deed for the purpoae of Rnoucing, relinquishing and conveying aU her ript. title and interest.
whelher clower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that
she executed the said deed freely and volunlllrily and without any compulsion, constraint. apprehension or fear of or from
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:1.. :.......~ my hand and official sea1~, Miami. Beach
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Notary Pubr
My commission expire. ',' r
l\,~l:::, 'Ubli,~.' St., t. o~ J: lorida iI; i9~i
} 'C mmlss1on. expires Oct. ,i 0.1 .'
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I HEREBY CERTIFY, That Oil this day penoua1l,. appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to .dm1aiBtel
oaths and take a_owledptelltll,
to me well mown to he the penolL.- described in aDd who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me
that ~ted the same freely ud volutarily for the purposes therein expressed.
WITNESS my hud and official 8elIl at , Couty or
and State of Florida, drl. day or , A. D. 194_
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