WD-70-H?a 555 WARRANTY DEED (TO OORPOnATION) FORM R.E. 34 PAN AiI~RI~i,N PlllNTIN~ CORPORATION MIAMI,, A. D. 19 ~'~ BETWEEN wife ~ Made ~;- 1 ~th day of February DR. JOHN PURL PARSONS .and GEARAEA. PARSONS ~ his of the ~ou~ty of Dade pafl~ of the fJ~wt part~ a~a CITY OF MIAMI BEACH~ eXisting under the laws of the State of Florida Florida a municipal , x ~o~poration , having i~s principal plaoe of busines, in the County oF Dade ' ' ~~of ........ Florida' and lawfully authorized to tral~saet blLshl~8 in the State of Fl°rida~ 'party of the second parc WITNESSETH: That the said par~ t ~s of the first part, for and in eonmideration of the mm of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations ~ to them i. hand paid by the ~aid party of the ~econd part, the receipt whereof i~ h'e~l)y acknow- ledged; have ~& b~ga~ed ~d ~ld ~ ~e ~id p~ of ~e ~nd p~ i~ m~ ~d Dade .-d Sm~ of ~oflds, to.wit: The Easterly Ten (10) fee~' of Lot Eight. (8) of Block SiXteen (16) of NORMANDY BEACH SOUTH, according ~o'the Plat thereof, -recorded in Plat Book 21. at page 5~+, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said Ten (10) feet being measured at right.angleS to the westerly line of Indian Creek Drive. And the said p~ of the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to ~tid lal!.d~ and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part i e s of the first part~]~3_V_~ herennto se~ hands and seal_B, the day and year above written.