WD-70-K ,.-' '- .' ~ / STATE OF FLORIDA, DADE 8001<3408 PAGE 82 } COUDty of. I HEREBY CER'l1FY, That on this day peno...uy. appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aclmowled.P.!'ent' EMJ.L Zoo COHEN and HILDA COHEN, husband and wife to me well known to be the pen~ described ill ~d who executed the foreloing deed, and acknowledged belore me that they executed the same Ireely and volnntaril)' for the purposes therein expressed. . FURTHER CERTlFY, That the Aid Hilda Cohen , knOWD to me " ,~of the ..id Emil Z. Cohen , on a separate and private ...., ,', ',' :~alen and made by and belort me, separately and apart from her said husband., did aeknowledllle thai she made , 'be , to said deed for the purpose 01 renouncinl!. relinquishing and conveying all her rilllhl, title and interest, t!''\ "'II" '" ,eJ'. homestead or 01, separate property, .tatato" or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that r V Hie ex~athe said deed freely and volunlarily lmd without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from I" ' her Ak1jJt..band. J .' ".",w....DlYhand and official ~ at,A Miami Beach /_"~Oria.l, thl, ;;Z XA::f' day or t I '. ". ~ ~ti!:;,;,~~( '~''I> 'h, County of__.. , COUDty 0' Dade Nota" PuLl State 0' F orida My comml88ion expirep ~. 02. ~ ./ '1 J-J } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before mt'", an officer duly authorized to adminisler oaths and take IIcknowledgments. to me wel~ Jm~wn 10 be the persOD--- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledled before me that executed the .ame freely and voluntarUy ror Ihe purpOIle8 therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and offieial seal at , County of and Slate 01 Florida, thi- day 0' ,A. D. 194-- ... . .. n o 'I C CD ,.. OJ % i Q i .. ! o z J: ; ! r- I /;',-- ;.'" 2.~ I ~~I -I ~ n en !;! ; ~ ~(t tS!' ,f ~o ;:! tTl~ "<l~ 0 ~(t.... ~ . ~2. r O<J: [ih\O. 0 !Xl i go ~ . CD '1 0 ~ S' II! .. QO , 1wJ:S r l~r leCD ' ,b I CD ~"C =-a.[ 0 S :~\.~g;~ 10'. e- (;il> .. '\ 8.l:ll:l t't ..: .... il?:l ~ l Ji-Si ~8 t't.~ ~~ ~ 1 ~i- r:p.f ' IL:: -=-0 = I CL.OCD~ ~ .......<1 ~ 13. go (t ... 8 i' ::0 e.. (t =- a,. a. 8' ~ 8~ i~ r ;; a.~~ R- ega. !,i~ !. f'!-,' < ,." 2!L .., ~}'~,,",:::,'1-,-,"P.'~~-' --.- ;;; o < ~. ~r;: , ~". ~ ; '" .; : ,~. 4'';' - ~ , . .: ~ 1 I ~'; .~. :_.~) t l-~, c::. :!. ~,'d ' en >tJ CD 0 (') '-:l 0 c't ~ 5- I-k 0 tIl l:::l ~ 0 (') 0 CD ...... g t:"" 0 0 t:r;I c't ~ '-:l ~ 0 V1 l:::l I\) c't 0 ~ en H) 8: tx:J ...... ..... 0 ~ < (') ...... l'( UJi ...... '"'-J 0 .. -::s- o o a r~ IS ...... ...... t'I . I~ I~ ;3 ~ Ig, g. :c: ...... H) CD Q ...... c't ~, -~;-;~'::--'l::,-~' - ~_~c,:","-:-' ,..., c:> :' -~ ~ -Z-J~ :-' ~~ ? !.::: ~~~~ ~c~; g ?': . ;,..... .,,-;, _.~ ,- :c-"" I I' ,~ i ~..~L~t . II = ';:j~ O~ n= ~= ~+-+ ~Sd ::! o ~ ai, ~ ~ ty ""i,-lit is;;:, ~ )--:;.,0. ;;<;;i ..J ~ \.0 V1 .e;:.. ~ ""'-- , Cf\ "0 (r\ )- "0 n ~ Ul "J! o ':II J: ;0 !"I w ,. f . q<'~:~tf~ .., . ' c -r. o ::n m. f:::? o ::ct C'