WD-70-L \-~ ~j)0\ nv 1-) , /\ l".' i ~ ,~::: BOOK 3412 PAGf601 ~ ~._---;'" __ m_____'" __,__ ___.~_~__.., ._-,._,..~._-- ,~_~n~ :~OF}wRlD~} '. I HEREBY CERTIFY. That ota this day penonally appeared betore me, an o&ieer duly authorized-to administer oatbe and take ackDowledgment., to me well known to be the lIen~ dee<<:riWiD: .~d "bo exerited the foregoing deed. and acknowledged before me that exeeated the same freely and yoluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the' said ' . known to me to be the wire of the said . on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, sep....tely and apart from her .aid husband, did acknowledl!e that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncin!!. relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest. whether dower. bomestead 01' 01 separate property. ..atutory or equitable. in and to the lands described therein. and that .he exeeated the said deed freely and yoluntarily and without any compuleion, constraiilt, apprehensioD or fear' of or from her ..id busband. WITNESS my hand and official seal at . County of and State 0' Florida. thi- day of , A. D, 194--- I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day penonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oatbs and take .acknowledgptenta. Leon Chaves and Fay Chaves , his wife; Michael -- Wanat1ck ana Peggy Wanatick, his wife; Julius Slansky and Joan.Slan- sky,. hIs wIfe, to me well known to be the peno~ described in and wbo executed the foregoing deed, and acknowle~ged before me that tJ'l ey eseeated the'same freely and yoluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and ofticiad seal.t Miami ,Beach , County of Dade ~l~~I1>>f Florida. thi. '~~ emb \\\\ n E' '1,/ ,""'\;1..- ~__. N /I{::':-, e;,:.My c~~#on expires: .. .^oo....... 'r~ e,u \i('l fit", f Frorida at larCJe, ~ "'. ' '.(:>t:t.~,-~ \~t.. .t re ~r.l C.'~.f :. ~ Ii-" n ~~ii, ~"~~i: i Sli ! II ~ i ~ ~4 \~'\II\'. if - r ~;'.. ~~ .:1 5 ' ;;o~ '.:-5 0 % , P' S' ~ .. !. .. " ., i ~cnr a a. i t: l e.~ ~!.[ 2 ~ 0' R'm~ ~ 1 0' eo ~ -t ... t1B.=ta ~... ~ i ~ l ~, - ~ I ~ i r". ~ ::u ~ 1I~i- rP- 3: 5= eo" c11 ~~e= 2.f; a~ [;o-!:, 8[ '::0. - =- ~ B-c1' o gni. ~! ~;; a.~~ I! :::0 91:11:1 0 "-=S' ;to c,.' ;a, S' ~ ~ i' ~ . STATE. OF FLORIDA. Notary Public. State .' My commission expift'. } County of DADR' No ~ I ~~'.,,. J... ~.~, ... ...._.l:.-;. '_..~--l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ,~ ~ ~ ~.........,,c.,,,,,...~ f"I'I ' ~ ...,., - f"I'I C ,....-.J '. " ,:;.'~.1J ~~ r"..~'~~: "}') . t ':'"' ~.'. . :t.. ..... ~ ~ ~, o I!!J ~ I A. D. tllr195'O. - ---r- 1:::7 a , I~ ,1-3 I-<l o ":rJ ~ H I~ ~ ~ r= fa ~ ~~ nfa 0= ~+-+ ~Sd ::! o ~Ui:I ~ ~ t:Y \.J" t1 Q) () (!) ~ Q) ~ 1-1 \J'\ c1" po 1-1 '" \J'\ o !" N ~ ~ \~ ~ \~ .. ,. ~ Ii 0 ..... ..., ,... ~ ~'" r- O' rn ....a:r 0 ~;... ... I -r. . '" \D! 0 Ct~ ::0 ~: !i ::0 rn'" ,:lID J'Tl os: C") o. ~z \D 0 ,... ::0 p- o I') '" ~'. ; -,.-.. I . .~ ," *,"':,',.I,f "