D-70-N .. tPQ ~~ ,J WARRANTY DEED (TO eOR~OR"TIONI FORM R. E. 34 PAN AMaleAN PRINTING CORPORATION MIAMI. FLORIDA lJ4ts .Jubtnturt. Made _hi. ;j/~ day of ~ A. D.19-2!BETWEEN HARRY J.. WEINER and LENA A. WEINER, his wife, of the County of Dade SInd State of Florida part..1.asof the first part, and rlTr'flY OW MTAMT RRACH, J'I mnni('irJ'l1 U corporation existin<< under the laW8 oCthe State,of "fill 1'\1"1 NA business in the County of DJ'I r'I e SInd State of , having its principal, place of Florida and lawfully authorized to tr8D8acl buainea in the State of Florida, party of the second ,parL WITNESSEm: That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the mm of FflAn ($10&00) DollAl"R and otnA1" VAllH=lhlA ~()n!'l1nA1"At1on~ IhUirr.s, to tnAm ---in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof u hereby acknow- }edged, nA VA granted, bargained and tIOld to the said party of the lleCOJld part, its suooe8lOn and' aNigJIl\ forever, the following deecribed land, eituate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: That portion of Lot Fifty-one (51), Block Seven (7), SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County" Florida, bounded by a line described as follows: . Begin at tp.e southwesterly corner of said Lot Fifty-one (51), thence run in a northerly direction along the westerly line of said Lot to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence run in a south,erly direction to a point on the southerly line of said Lot -:Pifty-one (51), said point being four and twenty-five one--hundredths (4.25) feet easterly of the southwest corner of said Lot, as measured along, the southerly line thereof; thence run in a westerly-direction along the southerly line of said Lot Fifty-one (51) to the point of beginning. . This conveyance is made subject to restrictions of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and taxes for the year 1951. 1351- And the said pa~ of the first part do- hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said p~or the fint part have hereJlDto set their band..a and seaL the day and year above written. I ~~J' .~~(SeaI) ~,v a. ~ (Seal' .....;.....------: . ",,,~~TEOFFLORlDA, DADE} .. 'f.' .' . .-.-..--.. ..... - -...-.-- :.,..;.:...,:.: ~y CERTIFY. That 0" this day peno...uy appeared before ~e, a.. officer duly authorised to admbWter .94ths !lIldo~.~;,ack..owledpltmts, HARRY J. WEINER and LENA A. V\iRrN'RR, hi ~ wi fA, ,t)1 -. . . c k..y...t U r \D;~ Sti1k"iO;im to be the person.S....- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me th.t"'..,:...:"~b:ey executed the Ilime freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. . '." .... ."......,...A.wn. '.. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the said Lena. A. WAi nAT' I known to me ~'t.I~J . ~~~.-:F~~ of the said H~ T'T'Y .r. WAi nAT' .' ,on a separate and private ..-. inatio.. taken,and made by and before me, Ileparately and apart from her Hid husband, did acknowledge that she made elf .. party to said deed for the purpose of renouncinJ, relinquishing and conveying all her right. title md interest. whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, md that .8b.e.executed the said deed freely and voluntarily md witbouL8IlycompuW.on.eonatraint. appl'Jlbeu&ionQJ' fear of or from .. IBid husband. . WITNESS my hand and official seal a~ 'J1t~: ~ Dade and State of Florida, tJU. . ~ I ~ . day of STATE OF FLORIDA. Caul)' 0(........._...__._.. Notary lie. State of Flor ida My commission expires '7t-r-v.. cot f., / l' J-/ --,-} I HEREBY CJQ;Cl'll"Y, That on this day peno...uy appeared before me, an officer duly autborized to .dmJnistet oaths and take acknowlfidpn_te, to me well known to be the penolL-- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me th,,~ executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my' hand md official seal a~ , County of and State of Florida, thi. day of ~ iii iii ~ ... !f! w ":~ A:t ~ t..t I.t ~ =~ .,. 0 =~ t<:S8 $.tO $.tt- t<:S . 'E ttI p:: ~ H ~ lJ:: ... r-I! ~ ~ H fI.l 0\ i H 1""4 :> I H A .~ B Cf.l I 00 . ~. ~ 0 ~ p:: 0 j:;y ; Z ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 ClI r:cl Q fI.l e1 A. D. 194_ - ... ,...... ,~~~...."".,."'~_ .c,,_~~_~_.__ ':ji'.s I S'~I~ -; "tl ~'" - r r"tl cu..... ~ r8 ~ u . '" ~ cu~ J 8 ~ cu -oS.... . C1cuO ..CIO=,C1~ ill~~o - =' ... ClI ~..... 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