WD-70Q --.--~---- , _._.._._._-~-_._~.~..---...--~ 'aoo~344,4 ?AG[ 495 r '....... ..__u_ STATE OF FLORIDA. County 01_..__..._..__ BOOK3444 PAGE496 \ I HEREBY CERTIFY; That On this day. penODally appeared belore me, m officer duly authorised to am-bUlter oatbs and take acknowledgments, to me well known to be the peraOD--- described in and who executed the loregoing deed, md acknowledged belore me that executed the 8aII1e lreely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. AND I F"URTBER CERTIFY, That the said , known to me to be the' wile ;n' the saM , on a separate and private e,xamina~io~ ~en, md made by and before me, Ileparately and apart from her said busbmd, did acknowledge that sbe made henelI' . partytoaaid ,deed tor the purp_ 01 reoouneing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she exeCUcted th~ said deed lreely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or lear of or Irom her aaic1 husband. ' WITNESS my hand and offieial seal at and State of Florida, tft;. ...... day of. , C~unty of ~..~ ' ~ .' , , A. D~ 1M--' Sf ATE OF FLORIDA, Notary Public, State of My commission, ellpi_ qountyor...__u_.._....12;@? " ,. .. . b _..__________ } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day penoaally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to .dminlstet ..dIs and take .elaaowledpil....., LUCIAN C. BRm>JN. a widower to me well known to he the penOD--- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledpcl ~""-li,;' ;,. that he execu~~ the same lreely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. ..f..~.G..~JJ!'~,"~fl WITNESS my hand and OlllCl1lJti at M lami , County of Da d e :~.....;~?:, .(." ,'~. and State 01 Florida, this f' day of Ma : .r 9 Notary l'ublic. Stata of Florida at Large.1 My commission !Ixpires Februery 13, 1952," HY-Hcom. e1!'~L~c;>..-2f,,~:r~ Nota State.o+,~ I . ~ -a oS ~ ,~ .~ i \~,;,;t, .~'~ I ~ ~ ~ro'~lfiH~f!~""Q'! ('(j {) "U) C\J ell:o-l:Qo -.., <( ; ii5 ~ (1) Q .;; j '0 ~ '": ~I ~'E ~ S ~ !1 @ oS 8 ~ .; ~ oS fJ I :8 0: ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ "6 t; ;~J9H jh[f~, ~ ,r-{ H s:: co "'Cl "'Cl~ '"'~~ "'Cl;a L . Z Pol ctl C\J Q)"'Cl 8PCll s::\ Z U C-' Ct-I Q) = ~ Q)"'Cl ell ~ ~ e 0 () ~ ....'1 CIS ';; j:el ~ ~ .S ...J ffi .0 0 0 0 - ~Cll"'ClIlOQf;1 Q).. " ~ l>, S S ~ 0, "~ ~ ~ ~ ;= ~ 1-= 3 ai ; ().p ~ .r-! 13 E' 0\ i3.$ s:l ~ t"I .::l 'Q CI) . L ;j.r-{ .p 0 .p ~ 1""1 ~ ,~o ~:o-. relll H U CIS ~ (~ ~ l ~ 0 8 ~ b ~ S oS ~ ~ ~ ~ 'II' \ Q ,,~c,,;l <.s III I.S &l U Q \" l.. f~ ~ 10 ~ ~ ~g =~ ...~ =0 ~U ~~ - i.O ~ ~ ~ L~ ~ ~ ~\ \t) ~ , I I ~ . . ~ (;:: ~ .., "l:f 0 ,..., .,;, \' ';~i c:::: ....J 0 0) zi.l.. 0 <'e;; ,I' UJ :F.: ~ (..) 0:: <:: W w 0 0: ..... #.t 0 ~ 4: 0 :..... (\! :.oJ ....: ,-. -I ,~ ~ ..... <.) .,,' ,,- .i -