WD-71-F \ l \ \ ,. STATE OF FLORIDA, } " '. County of_.__....._...__. I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day penoaally appeared before me, an officer duly authoriaed to atlminiater oaths and take acknowledgmenb, to me well known to be the persOD-- described in and who executed the forelloing deed, and acknowledlled before me that executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the s.ud , known to me , ' 10 be the wife of the said I on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, lleparateiy and apart from her said husband. did acknowledge that ahe made herseH a party to .aid deed for the purpose of renouncinllt relinquishing and conveying all her ript. title and interest, whether dower. homestead or of separate property. statulOry or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said hutband. WITNESS my hand and official seal at and State of Florida. "'" . County of day of . A. D. 1M...-- 1liotary Public. State of My, commission expires ~ ~) C1] ~, ~ .,:;"::~ D~d~_-7 } 10'- ," ,',',-' ""''''~'~'. " ~!, ~: r, ':~Y CERTIFY. That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized 10 .dminiater '.,~tU*"'-l",., of' <'S .' ...... 'ht!': ..elmowledplleDtI. (," Q " . HAGEN oined :"'iI '~,-~ Ill.., (",..)IlI, .. . ' t I to_ e-i];," ~ 10 be the peno--1L.. described in and who executed the forelloing deed. and acknowledlled hefore me (.. ~L '---::~y exeeuted the same freely aud voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. ,.,. '- tt, .W~.Q.'l my hand and offi~al aceLat Miami Beach . County of Dade ! l'i,;.;'~~~;:rida. this fl!: ? 15: day of ~l . A. D. ~l. ' '17~~ r: J!()'Ul~/f'il~~~~~i~~ ~ ~ . I' ';j :i oS~ i 'W 'i~ ~ ': . :' till "tl cP ....:~ U ~ "'.. ~ 7 ~Q) ~ t U '-QII .....0 1';00 . Iot~ ..c: cP '7P'" . ~ rt:J ~Q ~ --0 ,.Q 8 r;. cP oS '" ~ Q) .!:l:l ..0 e Q ...' ~ .... . Z ~ z s:: .!:i 0 ~ cP~ g..c:~ ~~ o'8.g 6 a3 S I ... ~ .... U ~ ~ Q ~ . ......e or-;> a3 rn A. J 1:: Q ~ o~~ I:gO: ..-tt=: Q) ~ +' ..u ~... lIll .111 ....... 0 ;.~ r:Q '" ~ '0 9 lot ~ '0 ~ "tlj ::t == ~o ~ -n ~ M p... ~ J J 2 ~ ~ ~ .~ oS f-l5 ..... U a3 a ~ .!:l:l "tl "tl!:/.o~ , :; l:> ::: "g ~ ~ -n C'",) () s:: ~"tl up'. as ~ 0 't:l ~ :s 0 0 .... ~ ~ tI) "tl S ...J L :: ~ g ~ E @ ~ i ~ Q ~~! l~ d .;~ 'fai ~\ Ii ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~~ IH~:!jt '" H CJ') P, rn ~ <.5. II.S tl ~ Q ~ her husband MAXD. GOLDHAGEN ~ .. fI iii u: :I II:: o II. .,...,.: .' 0 I"l .d: cr; -J 0 - z u.. (.) <c. l&.J f: ::Eg cr:: a=w 0::: ~o --<t 0 , m ,!;i Cl LL.. , w ' -'~ 0 0 LIJ )- a:i"": .0 -I ~ LU . ii: ~ -' - (.:I Ion ct) -