WD-50 TUTBLANX "~G'9TERED U,S, PAT, OFFICE I ,_ '" Florid. WARRANTY DEl!lD-(8tatutory Form.) Tuftle Law Pnnr.Publishers.Rutland.Vt: ' .mhl~ ~nbtnfU~tSOOJ ;~~3 Made this I 1- -n, day 01 Ipril, A. D. 19 48 # --. . "Between KENNETH OKA, individually and as trustee, joined by his wife, GERTRUDEOKA. , ~-....-...,.....".......,..,., r~ I 01 th~ County 01 Dad. in the State 01 Florida I ~pa~t y 01 the second part, I Witnesseth, tkatth'e said part iee 01 the first part, lor and in considera-tion~ 01 the sum 01 Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations >>I,j,~ I to them ,in hand paid by the said part y 01 the second part, the receipt I whereol is hereby acknowled~ed, have ~ranted, bar~ained and sold to the ' said party of the second part, its successors ~ and assitns forever, the lollowin~ described land, situate, lyint and beint in the County of Dade , State of Florida, to wit: of the County of Dade, in the State of Florida, par~es' of the first part, and THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, Lot 17 in Block 8 of FIRST ADDITION ro MID-GOLF SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, at page 161 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SUBJECT to State & County and City taxes tor 1948. SUBJECT to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record. ..1 .And the said parties .01 the first part do hereby fully warrant the--title to said lana, and will defend the same a~ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In Witness Whereof,. the said part ies of the first part have hereunto set their handJ and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Our Presence: .~~LP~~ ~'L4- d'~ !e ~ - BOOl{ 3001 'PAGE 434 'i State of Florida, Couniy of Dade, } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowled~ments, KENNETH OKA, individually and as trustee, and 'GmTRUDEGtA,.: · to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the fore~oint deed, and they acknowled~ed before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said GERTRUDE OKA, known tome to ,be the wife of the said KENNETH on, on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from Her said husband, did acknowled~e that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncin~, relinquishin~ and conveyin~ all her 7i~ht, title and interest, whether of dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Miami Beach, County of Dade , and State of Florida, this / J- ~ day of April , .11. D. 1948 . My Commission Expires ~~Q?---L~ Notary Public ,-'_ 8' Le"'. f \Olaf'''' ." ,. . blic. statll ~ I Me" 4. Iq~: ..,\"....'11.".,.". M4J\81'1 "~mm;ss.\OI\ .lt9;:.". lir ,... ," \.t .... ""'I (v III.'" Ii- ~ \.. '. /) t... "~, "........... III ;'."..lI......,..,.4.-l,;. "ji." ~ .- tit f'~t ~ ,s, C) 'j" il h .... '.;.. \ : . . .' ' J.... ~"'"' ~.. tt: ~,~. :. ,.' f r" , ~::> oJ !1 L , v! '" ':. .-;t~ ,,'" :l',. " _. .4. ",:_. .1", ...c; . ~ _," _.'-'. i#~~~.~"~' ->....) ~....;--_.~~.----...::::: '-..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ioo..t 0"$' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ - ~Er 0" ~ ~. ~ a S z III ~. C ~ ;I';'"'lI ~~ fI) \ > It . ;l.. ~ ~ ~ 0 l,J~ ;l.. ~ . ,~ ~ ,~ i: -I !I ~ ~e''''~'''~~~~ e~ ~ :I ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~. "' ;; i: )0 > ~,~ tt'8 ~~ ~~~ lliI -l Z r- -~,..~ c <l"~a~ ~o ID CII -l en ~ /II 0 ~O ~. ~ ~;I ;I, ~ )0 ~ Z Z ~ \!lb.;. ~C l:!lll~ ~ ~~'" o z ::J: n /II . ;I .,,;ltt"C C~ . 0 ~ 0 :J: ~ O~... C~~ S W r- IA ;l.. ~. ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~~ C co z ~ J> ~ ~ ~ "". ~ ~;l.. r::," ;l.. e . :a I,~ ~ ~ ~,.;l.. '-'J l'.:l II'G. ~ ..... ;I "" 0 ~ ~ 'i;l..Q~ ~~CC~ t:1 r- l> o C ~~~~~.~~~~ ~ :u :e en ~.;I~~~~;I~ c '1J It ~~;I~'c[o . )0 > I ~ ~~ C~' '" I. ~~~ ~~." --.--.- ' ~ ,C'::l.Q. ~ .~. .,,;l.. . -I ~ ~ ~. ;l.. ~ ~ ~ C'" .. :~ ~ ~~Ql ~ ~~~~ ~ .' ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~"0. ~ ~ ~' , ~ ~. ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ;l.. ..... . '~~~I ~~.. Oc i ------_..__..-~ \0- ~ a {'D \).l ~ \ '- "-l) ;;tIC. E; ~ o ~ ;1 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ VJ ~ F' ~ ~ 'a,--- r 1'1 I:' r, ,;. (" "" .. , I......{) 1 ',J,h J.,I;...."nr.D ' ,\ ,.. Vvl\' liD)] 19' hl:1 l, I ~~ f'U jB.:jH r: ~; ~ -,~ r.o "l.".,~~-.J'.~-':J.-~~,::"'."HJ~N :";~;\.l,,;.~.:r. Dt:.:;;_~ CD, rLA.