A,~ V\ l~~ 1 hi D ~~
THIS INDEN'l'URE, Made and eDbrd into b1 and between
the CIrr 0' MIAMI BEACH, a .unlclpal corporation ot Dade county,
Flor1da, here1nalter called the "City,. party ot the tirst part,
~ Ttm BOAHO 0' P(roLIc.. }H8TlJUCTIOR OF DADE CO\lNTY, noR. IDA, a
."'" ., ~ ;'}, t.4,J': .'2J zy,;(.i'T~, ~0 G4.?J>.-.0 I r.R..AA--\. '; J,.,J.AJ,
boJy corporate and politic under the laws or Flor1da, heretn-
artor called the "Board," party or the .econd part, WITNESSETH.
That., ....'HERlAS, the Board ill the owner or acerta1n
tr.~t or land Iltuat.',1n theC1ty ot Hi&llll S.acb, Flor1da, par-
, .. ,
tclc~lul~' ducrlbe4 Vl tllat certain deed recorded 1n Deed Book
the Publlc Records ot Dade CountY,rlorlda
t\)wlllch' 4..4 ro:'('re~e 111 here ..de tor a 11101'& part1cular 4e-
laM. ana or Which the tlrllt herelnarter d.-
hn4, are a part, whlch u14 landlthe Boar4dell1re:s to
~. . .chool #teror thec:onst~ctlon ',m aalnhnance
, '
ilh.r.~ or a 'chool center butwhlch .aId traet 10 owned by the
.,!".I"':'~ 1. ro,)tJnd lnourrle lent an4 inadequate for sueh purpose J
.-.n..J ,
....H!pL!.J. thlt City is the OWMr or a traet or land
.1t~.~. &nJl,1nt adjacent to an4 l~dl.t.ly South ot~~ lands
10 owned by tn- eoard partlcularl, described in that certa1n
~,Jie.l recc.rcS-4 1n Dud !look 1916 .t Pac- 39 ot the Public: R~ord.
or 0.4- C~t1. 'lorl~a to which deed ref.rence 1. h.re sad.
a aore particular de.crlption or .a14 land. and whlcb land.
ue now t..lnc uUU&e4 tor parle purpo... and ot whicb the laDb
'. la.\. he...1naft., d..cr1bed are a part; and
WHlUAS, 1t hae been found and ctetera1ned b7"the C1tl
"r:<"':::S; b1 tlw Board, act1nc b1 and throuab their re.pecUve
,<;, lonrnlnc bodl.e, that an exchance ot lands b7 the partl..
ec:.3165 PACl400
each to the other as herein done, to the end that sa1d school
center lDay 1I0re adequately aer!e its intended purpose, will be
greatly to the benerit and best interests or the parties hereto;
~"""'. ':"'
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the prellises and
. '''''~ M ~
:(.';:"~::,,;the SWl or Ten Dollars b1' each ot the parties to the other paid
, . ,
,.,:,,;"::,:and other good and valuable considerations trom each party to
'S~~~~~~;;,~,i;~l{~;t"heO~hU lIov1nl, the receipt of all of wh1ch is hereby ac-
-:; ;<'~:,:~,! ,:,;: ~;ie;)cnovl~dl.d, the Board has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed
~~,,~,';'_,'::,~""_:~~:(::'::~'~:~~:'~-c~:..-~,;' '0' ,_ >~.~, _:< _ . _ _~
:~:':'5>!;':'>'r;~~~}'~cS,~,,~hese presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell and con-
i'~':~"":'?,:__'.l:~'_'""'H:~,':.;.>''''-,,-.j,!t:.:~):~,,..:J._::": _ . ~'. _ '''_;''
~~:j~{:\,..,;.. ;ier, '~p the City the tollovlnCciescr1bed lands situate, lying
.' .;-~", '::;" ;:;~:. '-" ,.;.:--~., . '. ,. . _: ,." ." ,
;';X;~~l~~&nd ~lnc in the City ot KlamlBeach, Dade Count" Florida,
, ~~~:;~'i;.
iP~:i;~~~,;!~*~~;'" ';t<~':~~i;~t!ri~:~~;j:m~;~cghE~:!:E;;~.
'~<T~f:,:;:~"r . i:o;~a~n B~:t 3~: ::u~;~:s 9~~~~si: ~~r~~ ::~~~:d ot
',',~"~~:~':'i~f::~.~~~'" Dade County, Florida, said point -being also the North-
*~II~c' ~~~J!t~:~F1:~;~~~2~~lli:~~~:i~;~~~f.i=.
,~1~\ft", i!E;~:~~~r~g:i~~!ij;~f:~~~~~;~~;.
slnnlne run in a Norther17 dlrec..lon alone the .aid Westerl1'
'::,S:??':~,i'~J'}~~~~rf, ,t~: Ort 1~~~~a~:r~~i: e~e F~t~;~:c:ndt t;~lt~~t~:et
. ,'.'.,'h.,..,(51.2 tee~ northerly troa the po1Dt,ot curvature as
<~~.< , "";}\."shovn on said Plat ot Kautilus Addlt1on; thence run
.,j,,: 'i'JP'-ln a Wuterly direction alone a line detlectlnc to the
,t'~S ..':f- l.tt "inet7 (90) degrees, a distance or Two Hundred
<.;:ej~;.;~'}:i!if;:> 81cht7-a1x aDd ti.... t.nths (286.5) teet to a po1Dt,
.,.:/jr;0~f, tbence denectlnc to tbe lett "inety (90) deiI'M' run
',.,j"". :..'?c ;1D . Souther17 direction to the at'oresaid lasterl!, ex-
.'."'<" .tendon ot the Souther17 11ne or West Fort1'-thlrd (lt3rd)
'~!;jjl~~ . !ill~~~i3~~g~~:r.;~:?~~~~r~
~ ,-
i?~~3165 M:E401
AND, tor the consideration af'oresaid, the City has
granted, bargained, sold and conveyed and by these presents
ibes hp;'eby grant, barga1!), sell and convey WltO the Foard.
described lands situate, lYing and bei~~ in the
M1~~1 ~each, Dade ,CmL~ty, Florida, to-wit:
Eeglnnlne at a point \4hich Is the I~tcr:;c>ctlon
of the Southerly 11M of ',le:;t !"orty-thlrd (43r1)
Street, pro,lllcl"d Ea~terly, ..dth the Easterly linE'
ofKorth:'~ichleal1 Avenup, I1S S!V)'J!l on Plat of
Ua~tHusExtenslon Third, recorded In Plnt Book
31..;' at paee 9d,of the Public R'~corJs of Dade
CoUnty, florIda;: said pobe of bceI:mIn~ leIne
'...lso the Northwesterly COrner of a five (';) acre
Citj' Park; thell~e run easterly. ..lone th€' SQuthf'rly
l1i}c 0:' '".'est Forty-third (.. 3rd) street produced
Easterly, saI:1:1I:Je oolne the !:ortherly lbe of
S;i!rl ftVl: ,(5) acr<> park, a dlstan('f.' of two hlltJdred
sixty (260) fl'et to a point; thrmcl? deflect1ne
to,'the right ninr.ty (90) Jeerees run ia a southerly
Jl rectlon a dis:tanceof two hundrer! twenty-seven
(2~}7) feet' to a poInt,; tht:ncp. deflecting to th.:>
ried nIMty (~;O) d<::gr€-ps run 1:1 a ':lesterly d.-
rN't t on to theEa:> te rly liMof l:or th :':lchlr,un
,/. V~flUE> as ~aIdr;orth :.i1r.hI/rnr. A Vl:r.l1e Is shown on
th" &lo''''''-~~f'!ntl()nl'rJ pIrit; tnnnce run In a
i;,'rtherly dl r~ct1on' a1 one the E:lr.tf'rl:1 Un*" of
zalJ !;Jrth l.:lchlt;bl1 Avenue to the poInt or i;c-
rlnnlnp;, containing one nndthrc>e tenths (1.3)
a~rej, mOre Or If"ss.
A:'-ljc,r,,-:h of tni' par-tics does h<:.>reby fully w:.rrant
t.) thO" :lIn1.. b:: that pl1rty to the o~h(:r cC)r.'I'~:rcd-,
to d~rr.nd:;the sa::l(' aeatn~tthp. lawful claL~s or
Io'holl::>oo'ier ._
. " " ~', )". . .~;.
drore~aij ann bP.tter to
purposes of tte partil's for the
of a" school center as aforesali,
d:le.: h..r<,hy grant untothp.Eoard thp. right and prlv1-
~. ,
Il:::e for school purposes, in conjunction with the use
purposes, the l~nds hi'reln ~J
thp r.l~yconveyed and as well the resld1le and
the ia.nds described in Deed Book 1976 at page 39
for so lone only as a school and school center shall
. <'I-,';::,~.,-'\.;.'",' ",
and operated'by the Board on the lands herein by
,_ .7...,.....:~'.,_..
thE! Board conveyed; subject always to the control
~:a3165.dn3 .
., .~'.,
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this .1.!.L day of
June,; .1. D. 194?, before me personally appeared
MA.~CIE LIBERMAtl and C. 'II. TOMLINSON, Mayor and City
Clerk respectively of the CITY OF HWU BEACH, a
'municipal corporation or Dade COWlty, Florida, to me
knOwn to be the persons who signed the foregoing
instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged
the execution thereof to be their free 'act and deed
a~ ~uch officers for the uses and purposes therein
~ertloned and that they affix~d thereto the orficlal
3eal of :laid corporation, and that the said instrument
act and deed of said corporation.
','I'.:'!IESS my signature and official seal at
MLaml Beach, 1n the County of Dade and ~tate of Florida
thl' !.lay and ye..r last .foresa1cl.
Q. J'p1..f/t.D. .
t1o~ar pu~ic
\ '
H......, .....:. ~.... 1'\' ".,.:. .t ~.
"" c...........""'-..." .... "tr.~.."', ~ ....
.....,.. ~, .........w.... .....1... c... .. N. Y.
(,'.""r~' fI'/>
.-.-"", )-~.,
r-."~.,J -,
t:.'. . \:"1
.~ . :.~.....,
... ~.: -......
,,~ . .'
.~ .
~:-.:J16-5 ~4ot
I HEREBY CERTIFY ,that on this ~ day of
0.1949, before me personally appeared
.' - . .
<",H.,O" LASSETER and JAMES T. ...:rLSON,ChaIrman and
"'_",".':' ". :
,:)::/seeretaryrespectivelyof THE: BOA.'qD' OFPIrnLIC INSTRUCTION
OF DAI)E COUNTY; FLORIDA, a body corporate and politic,
or 'lor1d~, to me known to be the perso~s
foregOing instrucent as such off1cers
severally acknowledged the execution thereof to
,free act and deed as such ofticers tor the
purposes therein ment10ned and that they
seal or sa1d corporat1on,
Instrument 1s the act and deed ot
.....ITNESS my signature andofflcial seal at
1n thcCounty or Dade and state of Florida
lut atoresaid. ...~, ,_( '.....
. ~....-........:- / " ~...-
;JJj~~~, ~:;,J,
..' :, ," ~ Notary pUbliC ~ /;.... .' . .,: ",
'.- " :, '" .' ..... ' - " ._~~--.' -' ~ '
, ~.ry 1'"I.Ii.-: !'t~.. of Fl"ridut.t.tp; ~?.. .
"yt:um...i.~.. bpi.... ,,,,.. 24. 19:;1.
~ '-~~:',.' .
. $bled "I~~', r..lIIy"OI6e. '" ,Ie'
"'Thl1lM1 urnflY. #<tSJtIrt "".record ~L.dJy~'
1949 ,t.,4'~ ";~'.nJ dvIJ 'ec~~~ in...~. .":.....~
'8ooIl~~~J..~~ t'iceo;t.2..'7...f;.c fto . y:':,"...~J...::!.::i'
. _.' ........4r't~.........
, ,CIu".:ir~~,> .'.
.""'\. '.~, '., ,', '... j, " 6-
~ ~..,..~... r...;=-D.C. -
~ ..., .
~i .', .'~' ." i . .
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