WD-57 '. . BOOK3210 P.AEE334 ~ -. , " W.ARB.ARTY DEED THIS IlIDENTUBE made this l7tA day of Novemberl A.D. 19491 between LOUIS MItX.ER, HARRY A. MILLER AND JEANNE E. MILLER I .his wife, of. th~':sCounty of Dad.el State of Florida, FIRST PARTIES, and CITY OF H:tAM1 'BEACH, a municipa1 corporation 'existing and Operating under the 1aws of the State of Florida, looated in the County ot Dade, SECOND PARn:. WIT I E SSE T H : That the said First Parties, torand'in consideration of the sum ot Ten ($10.00) do11ars and other good and valuab1e considerations 'to them 1n hand paid by the Second Party, the receipt whereot is .here- by aoknow1edged, have granted I bargained and sold to t.b.e sald Seoond Party, its suocessors and asslgns forever, the t0110wing desorlbed 1andl sltuate, 1ylng and being in the County ot Dade, and State ot norida, to-wit: ..... ~-\ U), .J ..J: \.0 C' Z 4 '0 ,~ ..~~ l Lots Thirty-three and Thirty-tour in B100k One (1) all in SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION ot the Miami Beaoh Bay Shore Company, as the same are shown, marked and designated ,on an amended plat ot said __QJ)'\:)(J1vla1olL, recor4.e4 ,in Plat Book 28, at Page 28, In the ottioe at the C1erk ot the Cirouit Court in and tor Dade County I F1orida,; Also the Southerly twenty-tive (25) Feet ot Lot Thirty-tive (35) In B100k One (1), at sa14 SECOND OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION at the Mlaml 'Beaoh Bay Shore Company I aooordlng to p1at atoresaid, and more par- tlcularly descrlbed as tollows: Beglnning at a polnt whioh is the Intersection ot the d1viding 1ine between Lots J4and 35, ot Block 1, and the Easterly 1ine ot Collins Avenue as same are shown on a plat ent1tled "Amended Plat ot Second Ocean Front Subdl-, vlsion., recorded in Plat Book '281 page 281 Public Records, Dade County, F10rlda, run in a northerly direction along the easterly 11ne ot Collins Avenuel a distance ot twenty-five and nine-thousandths (25.009) teet to a polnt; thence run In an easterly direction along a 1ine para11el to and twenty-five (25) teet distant norther1y tram the dividing 1in. between said Lots 34 and 35, Block 1, a distance at two hundred torty {240) tee~ more or less, to the mean high water line ot the Atlantio Ocean; Thence run in a Southerly direction meandering said mean h1gh water 1ine of the Atlantic Ocean a dis- tance ot 25.1 teet to a point, said point be1ng on the dividing line between said Lots J4 and 35 ot Block 1i thence run in a wester1y direction ~ong the dividing line between said Lots 34 and 35, ot Block 1, a d1stance of two hundred forty-three (243) teet, more or 1ess, to the point at beginning ot the tract of 1and herein described. '. 1 , -page 1- DAVID M. TRAU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 350 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA " BOOK 3210 PAGE 335 ... -' SUBJEOT TO restrictions, oonditions and limitatiDns of reoord, inoluding municipal zoning ordinanoes of the City of Miami Beaoh, Dade County, Florida, and subjeot to pending munioipal improvement liens ot the City of Miami Beach, Florida. AID the said First Parties do hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will' defend the same against the lawful olaims ot all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said First Parties do hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. (L.S.) L.S.) (L.S.) SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN PRESENCE OF: ~ -- ~~:...~~~~~ ?u~-----e-c:%'~/ GP~~ ~ -page 2. DAVID M. TRAU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 350 LINCOLN ROAO. MIAMI BEACH. FLORIOA BOOK3210 PAGE336 .. . - STATE or FLORIDA ) ) 8S: OOUNTY OF DADE ) I HEREBY OERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an offioer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledg- ments, LOUIS MILLER, widower, HARRY A. MILLER and JlIANNE E. HILLER, his Wife, eaoh to me well known to be the persons described in and Who executed the foregoing DEED, and aoknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein 8X- pressed. AND I FURTHER OERTIFY that the said JEANNE E. MILLER, known to me to be the wife of the said HARRY A. MILLER, on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, rel~nquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in-and to the lands described therein, and that she exeouted the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any oomp~lsion, oonstraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. WITNESS my hand and official seal at the Oity of Miami Beaoh, Oounty of Dade and State of Florida, this 17th day of November, d~.~-~~ . 2:t'~IO&~ State of Florida ~~~: ~, /7/ /,/ S-/~ A. D. 1949. >'i"~' 1 E,', ::""-'~<." ' ~ ,~,,'-' - '" '\ .,'.' , .:" .~., ,-~/' _ tJjA '\ f"fti ~ii',c~~ ". j: :.: , 'Ii' ." ,,~ './ li!.,. ,:'cd:' ,', "'" .'...\.J. .~~ ~'~1.~~~ttR"'l;... ..~ '0,'. ',' ....,. ! ,--_..~ --:........ ,. ~ ~:'. :: ._t;'~';,; ~ ~ ..... . ., . '}. ,,~ . <<, ",,', """". ,. it Ct "'~f;-l'l';:''it>.;._,.;,., State of Florida, County of Dade. This instrument was filed for record the___~ __day o~. 1949 a~~_~.L2.:M and duly recorded in___~__~ ~ Book 3,./ / q.on Pag~";;:~__FHe No. Y/-P,~~~~22~~-7 E. iiI, LEATHERMAN :3 ' Clerk Circuit Court -~ ~ . a~.__D.c DAVID M. TRAU. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 3150 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA