WD-90 r- - .~-,--_..'--~'-. - , I' ( I: W .I- ,.... h. !lB t:-1 800KJJ4f PAGEt) I '~, ~..,.- ,C'.C' "-~ \~ ~C '1 ! ~ ~ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, ,} County 01____ ._._.__u__ I HEREBY CERTIFY, That o~ thia day penoD8lly appeared oatbs and take aeknowledpnents. belore me, an officer duly antboriud to aclminilter to me well known to be the persOIl-- described in and who executed the loregoing deed, and aeknowledged before me that ....ecuted the aame freely and voluntarily lor the purpOllflS therein expresllfld. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said I known to me. to be the wife of the said . 00 a separate and private eXlDlinatioo taken aod made by and before me, Ileparately and apart from her ~id husband, did aeknowledge that she made her5e1f . party to nid deed for the p1J1'Poae of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her riab.. title and Urteretlt. C whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear ()f or from her said husband. WITNESS my hand and official lIflal at , County of and State of Florida, tbi. day of , A. D. 1M-- . Notary Public. State of My commission espire. STATE OF FLORIDA, -~} CoUt)' of.___D ad,e ., I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on tbis day persoaally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to .dminilltel oaths and take aekn_ledpne"lb. VIRGINIA LEVITT and .TIJT,RS T,RVPPrp, hAT> hl11=lh,:rnn, and SAHUEL FRIEDIvIAN and ROSF. FRTRDlVTAl>T, ,nj ~ :wife, to me well known to be the penon..S..-- deseribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and aeknowledled before me that they executed the sIDle freely and voluntarily for the purpOllflS thereiD expretlsed. \.lilll~ my hand and official seal at Miami Beach, County ~\\ . I.", I r '',.. .aijl~t~ Qf~orida, thi, ~"'."".''''''''.'.<:> "..,... _.....11:' G'O-' ~'lssion axm.l"es: \ -:~ ~ ~.~::~if~['r~~~"- .. ..~ .-. ~"'<<f ~.,- ~ ii!: g=] ~.~~ ~ Iii : =~ ~. ; I ~ ~~ .: ...... ~ r-l ~ ..-I r&c ~ =0 cd ~ o~ ~ e~ ~ ~ t;g $.t -- ~ lH~ E,~, @ ~ ~ ~" . ~ ~ ~ CIS 0 Q H r-T d.y of A. D. IV 52.. at~.i'~rida _ . .:!l .; 0:51 s .=.,;$, -; t..i oS"Cl ~uE,I~-. r till "Cl ~ .~ ... 5:' U Q ] .~ i J ~ ~ ~:' .Q ~ ;;. ~ oS .S$'Z .g~g~j'O~~ Cd ;..l:QJ::! - 011::; r..... I .. CIS ~.... ~ a: ~..... u"Cl~'S"Cl.cIJ U ..s 8.... .; ~o ~ I :g LtI ..u f =- lfl -:S CIS:r: .f4 '09...~~'S~"tl~/:1- !;l ~J.20 al~' .2 S.....= ~ "Cl ~ '"f ~ &:: "Cl I ..... ~"Cl ~PClS a- I \" ': ~ =: ~ 1 .8 M ~ ~~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~"Cl -5 t ..... o \ ""Cl~~ ~ S tI.i i. m,!l s:lJS:; '~'OCIl is ~~~OG) ~ "Cl ~ 8c!~ b~ ;;~ ~ ~~ en -<.S CIS I... ~ u 0 .: ! G Z j: z i: ,~ z < u ii1 OJ :Ii < Z ~ -~'~~'.~':-_."- ",,,.<r:-~'*' ~..:;:.::'"-""~~~-f:~1:qli11o_~I"".A '1(:.........,.. '!l1li~_~'.Y.""'-~~"""'~:-'~~"'--_"'~""'~ ,; Cl'\ - ~ 0 ...J 0:: S % u.. 0 ~ 6 (.) ~ 0 w :;:: !:t:. td 0:', --:: H' Cl <( ~.' 4 0 '- -:.? " '.... w r- :..- ,.J ~ ,;::;, ,:0:. ...... '...~"" ~ '-I..l ~-: . ._~ W :x-: ..... tA_,. cv t..,._ ~n en - " ,..