WD-86 BOQx3537 PAGf,109 . , w ~ 'r~<-- " WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION) FORM R. E. 34 PAN AMIlRICAN PRINTING CoRPORATION MIAMI, F&.ORIDA m4is lUlltnturt. Made th~. ~ '2~ day of December, A. D. 19.:..SJ. BETWEEN LEQNABR COLEMAN' and EDYTHE A. COLEMAN, husband and wife, of the County of Dade And State of Florida pa~of the rU'8t part. and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH , a corporation exiatiDg und.er.the laws or the State of. Florida business in the County of Dade And State of , having itB principal place of Florida , , and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the second part. . WITNESSETH: That the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($lO~OO) DOLLARS and other valuable considerations JJaIJi'&l: to t:hA1" ---in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof ia hereby aCknow-' leclged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, itB mcceeeon and' usigns, forever, the following deacribed land, situate, lying and being in the Co~ty of. Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot Twenty-two (22), B1.oclt- Eleven' (11), of ORCHARD SUBDIVISION NO.4, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, at'. "."_ page 30, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This conveyance is made subject to restrictions of record; .zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; any 'municipal improvement liens which may be pending but not . . certified. """d :..,J';: STATE OF FLORIDA, BOOI< 3537 PAGE 110 i } County of_..._....__.._.~_.:.-___....._ I HEREBY CERTiFY, That on this day peilOoaUyappeared oatlts and take acknowledpnenu, " before me, an officer duly aodaorised to administer to me well known to be the person-- described in aDd who executed the foregoiog deed, aud aeknowledged before me tha' executed the same freely and voluntarny for the purposes therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the .aid , known to me to' be the wife of the aaJd . , 00 a separate and private examination lakeD and made by audbefore me, Ileparately aud apart from her said husbaud, did acknowledge that .he made huself a party, to niddeed tor'the purpOI8 of, reo_clog, relinquishiog and eonveyioga1l her right, title andinterMt, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, io and to the lauds described thereio, aud that she executed the said deed freely and vobmtarftylllftt wtdmut auy compw.sion, eoll8traint, apprehension or fear of or from IJer said huabaod. WITNESS my baud aud official .eal at and State of Florida, 'tl,f, STATE, OF FLORIDA, A=+ 'C.t ~ t.t ~. ~~ +-+~ =0 =U ~~ ~- ~. ~ iii a: :Ii ! ... o c:> c: 'L.---:-::' S2 o c..~) uJ ..... < cc c~ . County of day of I A. D. 194-- ~otary Public, State of My c~mmi&aion expire- ._.~---.;;;....__.....-.... -J Y CERTIFY, That on this day penooaUy appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to .dmloidel ., ,.' :',aowledpneata, LEONARD COLEMAN and ' EDYTHE A. GOLEMAN, '~- t",~:" "'{~,\ , husband and wife, , '., ' . ~iJ<<\~t ~':~;vu to be the penonS..- described in and who e~eeuted the foregoiog de~d, aud acknowledged before me :, "'~.'..";'i; ",r executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpOIleS therem expreslled. "'::~'.H';~~ my baud aud official ~t Miami Beach , County of Dade ,:t~1~~~~:~XP1::S ~)t~':~l fr4-::t~~:~qt.~~ i -li;= .. Q l.i...l '~:i.s~ i.~.i ~ ~ . bD "'tl Gl .....~ L.LJ ...... E1~ tUU >- 'Gl "" ..cl Gl_ ,.Q 8 . Gl..s ,CIS C ..ceQt~....~~ , ~~r.8g..cl~=m _ l~iJ'O~~~lB=> - 0 01-1 .::l~ Gl l"'tl ...... A .... ~ f 5' .: ~ ..cl1i",l'i I. I ~~ Q ) "" ~ Q ~ G:l "" ~ a P"' ~ J ~ 2 '<:\ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ;:a "'tl "'tl"" ""E:::: "'tlf- ~ Gl"'tl 8pClS cloc;( I Si GlrJ)"'tl =w~ ~_'~ = P:; rJ) ~ .E1...J - "'tl bD~~ Gl ~ ~ 0 ~ ~lf -= ~ 1..s E ai ~. ~.!1 =l~..cl'QrJ) ~ ~c!~ ~ j ;.s~ S'~1 WII t; 8 <.m ~ II.S i 8 'Q r-i <<J .J.) ::r:: Q) ~ r:r.1 ~ ~ f:Q ~ H ~ ~ 0 H 0 ~ Cl ~ ea 0 z l>l 0 E-i rx:I H ~ 0 J .-4 r I o Z Z o H Cf.) H l> H Cl g3 00 jj!!:;' Cl ~ ~ ~ 0 I'I.l r:l ~ o ; . ..:I- ~ Q , , .e: ..J - .- ..... ~ . "', ,~') ,.:;. (J . ~ ~~ ~ . f"\ .... CY' :.::i ;-_"l ~~,.j. 10- _--l ,,..~ cJ ~ i 0( i .: a: o \,I G Z j: z i L Z C u i .. :IE C Z C .. \