WD-84 .-/0 . '" :- WARRANTY DEED (Sta tutory) BOOK3521 p,~GE397 ~; yvO -q'f - THIS INDENTURE, made this 13~ day of November, A.D. 1951 between HENRY HOHAUSER and GRACE HOHAUSER, his wife, of the County of Dad e '0,.1 nth eSt ate 0 f F lor i d a , par tie s 0 f the fir s t par t , and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, of the County of Dade, in the state of Florida, part y part, of the second WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the first part, tor and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable conliderations, to them in hand paid by the part Y ot the second part, the receipt whereot is hereby acknowledged, have granted, its bargained and sold to the said part l of the second part, , 1 . heirs and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, liing and being in the County of Dade, and State of Florida, to-wit: t- - ~--""'-""'-.{'./'.f'..rJ"_"- "'ft'. .'~ TIl.\t.'.lJ..t ,of thf.t westerly portion of Lot 19, ,..,~.., ,~:...,,,, ot Block 8, FIRST ADDITION TO JlID-GOLrSUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, page 161, of the Public Records .,t''''D.de County, Florida, more particularly descrIbed'as tollows: Commencing at a point where the south line of West Forty-first Street intersects the east line of Chase Avenue as same is shown on a Plat e~titled -Forty-first Street Block- recorded in Plat Book 40, page 47, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being a subdivision of the Easterly portion of said Lot 19, Block 8, First Addition to Mid-Golf Subdivision, run in a westerly direction across Chase Avenue, along the South line of West Forty-first Street, a distance of 60.0 feet to a point; thence deflecting 900-00' to the left run in a Southerly direction along the Westerly line of said Chase Avenue as said Chase Avenue was dedicated by the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company to the City of Miami Beach, March 14, 1935, and recorded in Deed Book 1618, page 278,Public Records of Dade County, Florida, a distance of 120.0 feet to the point of beginning of the tract ""..-f land herein de scri bed. Froll poin t of beginn ing run in a westerly direction along a line parallel to and 120.00 feet distance southerly from the south line of said West Forty-first Street, a distance of 207.7 feet, plus or minus to the westerly Cace of the concrete bulkhead situated on the easterly shore of Biscayne Waterway; thence run in a S~utherly direction along the westerly face of said , bulkhead a distance of 68.9 feet, plus or minus, to a ~ point whIch is the southwest corner of Lot 19, Block U5~, as shown on the above mentioned Plat of First ~ Addition to Mid-Golf Subdivision, thence run in an ~ e~sterly direction along the dividing line between ,,-'Lots 18 and 19, Block 8, as shown on above mentioned Plat of First Addition to Mid-Golf Subdivision, a -1- , IRVING CYPEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .20 LINCOLN ROAD, MIAMI BEACH, FLOIIIDA - f -- .'.,-'.-.-, . .. .. !': BOOK 3521 PAGE 398 ....... ,..- ^.~ " distance of 202.7 feet to a point; thence run in a Northerly direction along the Westerly line of said Chase Avenue a distance of 68.71 feet to Point of Beginning containing 0.35 acre, more or less. Subject to restrictions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and taxes for the year 1951 and subsequent years. .~.~.. <:4 " ..I' :~, And t~e ,:aid )arties of the first part do hereby fully warrant the '.- -' ti~le ',to saiet ltnd, and will defend the same against the lawful ..,"'.''.,........ .}~. - cl.im~ of alE' ~~ons whomsoever. ,IN WITN~S~ ~EREOF, the said parties of the first part have, 1" ,1:. , . .~ ~':"'~ .~".~ hereu,uto set'~ t1ierr hands and seal s the day and year above wri tten. , ... ~~Q r .' A.c~-< <~ (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA: SSe COUNTY OF DADE . . I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aCknowledgments, HENRY HOHAUSER, and GRACE HOHAUSER, his wife, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and aCknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, this )(3~day of November, A.D. 1951. \\l'll/1I11111 ~~ ,\\'\\\ SCflW liilll 1fii# .... ~ ,,~ "" ..........':!-Ii' ;:"'" lr!:~-c,'Ft;.(\ Not ry -;;;~~C- . at-LUlie '~~$ ~ .y,-, i:t~slon expires: State of Florida, County of Dade. \~~~;~1T~jY~,~~~r~: [~~~~~t /~5~~ This instrument was filed for record the~ ___day of.~ -', ~ 0 "'",,""dfiId~~ric:;cn Surety Co. of N. Y. 0 ,,/) _, ~ "'" ."tLO n t ~~ " 1951 at,.. ~.,.? ~.4t..:M and duly recorded in_____...~ 1}111"'UI~lf't""" Book ~ / p . .., D F'I N AA ~ ~ ~~",v ~...:J _._on _ age.JaJ._.,.c...,?:_ I e o. ...u -ft.' A:.JC J E. S, LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court 8J ;~D.e -2- IRVING C:;Yf'EN, ...,.,.bIlNEY AT LAW, 420 LINCOLN ROAD, MIAMI BEACH, FLOIUDA