WD-85 B r ----.;:,.--.......,....-- \, Ie -, WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION) FORM R. E. 34. PAN AIIUICAN PRINTING CORPORATION MIAIII, FI.ORIDA (J~ts lIttbtnturt. Made 1M. :2 7 ~ day of ~~ ~ A. D. 19.5l...BETWEEN A. E. MUNYER and PAULINE ,A.MUNYER, his wife, of the County of Dade And State of Florida part.1.as.. of the f"1l'8t part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH , existing under the laws of the State of Florida a mUnici 'Pal, ~corporation business in the County of Dade And State of , having ita principal place of Florida, . . . .;. ~., and lawfully authorized to transact btuineas in the State of Florida, PattY of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part . i.es of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN (810.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration~ to them~ hand paid by the said party of the lleCond part, the receipt whereof uhereby ~~:;_: ledged, have granted, bargained and BOld to the said party of the IleOODd part, its mcceaon'and' ,. '. 1 . ,r I' . uaigna, forever, the following described land, aitnate. 'lying and being in the County of Dade SInd State of Florida, to-wit: - .. . Beginning at a point" \.rhichis on 'the'w'este,rly line of' Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive) and ~lrty and twelve one-hundredths' (50.12) feet northerly of the interseetion of the westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive) and the northerly 11ne of 63rd Street measured along the westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive) produeed; thence run southerly and westerly along the curv tangent to the said westerly line of Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive) having a radius of'92.5' to a point on the said northerly line 0 63rd Street; thence run easterly along the said northerly line of 63rd Street for a distanee of ten (10) feet, more or less, to the point of curvature of the circular curve at the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Amended Seeond Ocean Front Subdivision; said circular curve, having as its elements a radius of' 25 feet a central angle of 64 degrees, 5 min. 45 seconds, and a length or 27.97 feet; thenee run easterly and northerly along said circular curve at the southeasterly corner of said Lot One (1), to its point of tangency with the westerl'y line of' Harding Drive (now Indian Creek Drive); thence run northerly along the westerly l1J4I~ti~,rd1ng Drive (now Indian Creek Drive) a distance of 34.47' t~7~lr M!~!nnlng; as said 63rd Street, Harding Drive~ Lot1. Block and Subdivision are shown on a plat recorded in Plat Book:2t5, at ~age 28 of the Publie Records of Dade County! Florida, and as said Indian Creek Drive is named ap.d.designated in C1.ty of Miami Beach ' Ordinance No. 232. This eonveyance is made SUbject to restrictions of' record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for the year 1951. And the said part.ie.s of the f"1l'8t part del hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all pe1'llOD8 whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the eaid partias.. of the firet part hR.ve her8JIDto set their han~ and seaUL the day and year above written. presence of WI: 1 a · <f:, ~r-J (SW) ~~ flJ.~ 1Jv- (Seal) /' ~ ( \ '\4123053 -----r /rj r