WD-82 Lots 20, 21, Block 3 I' - BOOM3493 PAGE184 /;/~ "r-," ,'j,. 74 V ~'t:~" \ m3493 PAGE 185 '~s~t~s'~t~8~~'~~$~f~$~~t~~~ /f,L; :?........... STATE'QF COUNTY OF ,j .. ' ~. . 'fi'T.QPIDA .,-~' DADE t l ' . :; "t.J';'i'.f. 'J; ,. ,,!'.~ ~.~. ''-\~'~ - ,\ ~l ~;... \,>. ii . ~" :, ~:<,,' ,'. _L_ ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized : ."" j~^ ~~. ~ ~. .:" .~;('i' ';'l :":;~'-J.'.~~':, 1,-: io administer oath. and take acktiowledPnent&., 'tOUI S MILLER ~nd DORA MILLEI3 :-;.. . .: ""r ).' . ~, ',' ,;" ;. ,_::'t'" .. '.<1 . to me well known ~b~ th~ penoD-.s.'described' m' Bnd~h~.'~ecuted the foregoing deed, and acknowl. ~~d before ~e that , , I. .; \-. I.,. "\; ~. ,j . . ; " ':} r t.~, l' ~" .. th.eY "ex~ied the ~e fr~y and '~~IUD~iiiy '(or the purpcMe ili~~~ ~. preMed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said nO'RA MILLER , known to me, to be the wile of the laid' LOUIS MILLER ,on a IOparate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that 8he made herseIC a party to 8aid deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, home8tead or of separate property, 8tatutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the 8aid deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, conttraint, apprehcmaion or (ear of or from her 8aid husband. MIAMI, Florida WITNESS my hand and olieial eeal at Dade County of aDd State of dayoC. July, , A. D. 192.:L. My commission expires: ,\,.",i-ttU1I1, ' ~~'t~'''i TV. t4ZV "u"'lil' .~t4te' ~~''''I). Notary PtJ:~R~~are~iFlohaa at, ".'~~..!O ~ My CommIssIOn ExpIres Aprii 12 l~S4.. "'11 .,' .' ,". ~-y) Bonded by American Surety ~: tift~)' li1 ~' '\ ~ , ., : '*f .......... ~ a ';; ~," ~ ,= ,~,J~~~,,..,...,~-~J,,~~k " . ". ..;s.;.... . ' ...,.....fO "'" (y ,i':h.......~"\f::>.<:J' ", . I1t {l ,-,,'- jI'" "~ = \ a ~~ ::;1 ~ I'" tt:;, mI ~ fO ;t:Y > > t o ~ I 'I" ~ ~ ~'i~ ~t~o: ~ ~ 2- c. tl'"....' !a. 0 E. -= ~ f ", pi ~ ~, r ~ 1 i? JD S !i~~ E ~ -i"ii ~ 8 t [.Ii' ~ WS'i I. ~ !i'f2~, ~i:l 1.. t:J . ., r " ~ ~ -I :I: rrt . :u t-' ~ ~ :(c~ -..... D r .." r-r t' 'r ---......-.,.--.-... L _.:) ..... f'o ...~~ oi_-) or, , (}) " ,;;,><; !Tl m R 0 "'u ~ rY_ e. r- \) :-' rn " ;:::. .~ 0 -- "-.-~ ~ ." ~i ::.J 0 ,,- ('t, r'l ?: :u ." -'- rn <7 ~ C 7.? 0 ...., - \0 '::J ~ :;~ --' 0 0 .;::,. b', .. ., ,. : -,~'" ,) ~~~~~i~~~~~~~'~'~1.~;~~~~'~!~'}~' II