WD-82 Lot 19 & 20, Block 3 !foo~3493 PA6f193 WARRANTY DEED <<STATUTOIlY) PAPCO'. FORM D PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI :n. FLORIDA I i ~ ~ fA, I I~ ~ ~ Ie -.,.. em~~~~ fl.'Il~'~;=",,-;~~Z~~~~ I ; I ~,~ I m 'I",. , , I I .1 , ~f~J"... I I And ili~ :~d part j e s f'end the same against the lawf'ul claims of' all persons whomsoever. I) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part ies of' f:he first p~ I' han~ and sea~ the day and year above writteD. 1 m4tl1 3Jnilrnturr. Made thiA l,:t h day or 8 eptember , A. D. 195.l.... BETWEEN HARRY A_ MIT.T.F.R and .n:ANNF. E. MILLER, his wife, of' the County or T)~rlp. , in the State of' Florida, part t~sof' the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation, DADE COUNTY I FLORI:)A , in the ~tale of':FIbrida, partles of"~e ~Dd ~L '. H""" ':1 , WITNESSETH, That the said pirt i e s -of the first part, fot- and in cODsideratioft of' .tJi't 8lID1' of _ . . .', _ _ . .' ~'~ ",: \:j( 'i TEN~nf1 nthoT' enon;mfl val11abl e considerations--------~-~;...- :,'" ~o~ . '_ :. .. . -i< ~:,;r:-' } In" them' 'In hand paid by the part Y dr the se&Iid part, the receipt ~ereof is he~f i!ickno~ledged, have " granted, bargalned and sOld to the eaid part of~e(;~.J.d ~ successors ' .J.eitos-and assigns, forever, the follof,ingdJcribe41 land,sfiuate, Iyill<< a4d b_ inlh-e .,_._ . ' ,,-, ',A Dade" laDd ~te ~f' FIoricb., to-wit: oHhfa County or ,DADE i +'5 County or ~ , , NORTH FIFTY and TEN' ONE ~DREDTHS (50.1.0) FEET of LOT NINETEEN (19) and the SOUTH, FORTY-NINE and NINETY~FIVE ONE HUNDREDTHS (49.95) FEETof'tOT TiNENTY (20), BLOCK 3, of SECOND OCEAN FRONT"SUBDIVISION, accord- ing to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 28, at Page 28, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; ~"''''l :;~ .~.. Sub j ect to conditions, restrictions, "and limitations of record. , ';T,'T' :t-r ~i~ flt~r~ hereby f'ully warrant the title to said land, and will de- of' the first part do have their hereunto set } STA~ OF FLOHIDA } ~ -.- I, COUNTY. OF, DADE , I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized , , to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, MILLER. his wife, MILLER and JEANNE E. ! ; . ". .,- to me well known to be the persoILS- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowl- < ' ~. .....; edged before me that they , ' executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein ex- pressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the said .TEAl~NE E. MILLER , known to me, to be the wife of the said B:..uray, A _ 'MILL'.ER , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and m conveying aU l1er right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or. M equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and volunta~ and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. "'_"~"'::~~ l';~~~ -....;\= ...... ' ..~ /4,' 'L~" " '.... ,.. .,.~ \ 1 n ;: f'I:.',..."..",t., ", Q., /J .".fir,t~ r II .~:;":';""" r;~'" "'Q ~> ' ..( f..~' (I J.1 ~. "Iv-' . r 0 ,. ~I./.., . ',. ~........ ,It,.,.. \..... , '"Ii ' ,~~ 'It ' , Nomry PIl.blic, State of"" WITNESS my hand and official seal at County of Dade day of S l?rd:p.mhAT' , A. D. 19-5.].... and State of My conuniseion expires: Notary Public. State .f Florida at larlle, My commission expires Febru~ry 15, IQ52. Bondetl by Mass. Bonding &. Insurance Ca. ~ ~~ r'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ !u~ .l"'4 0 .. .... ~ i' .~ . Cl Cl .... tr.t ....' ~ =" U) ... ~ g- III en ~ ~ ~ iI' . ..' . Q.. t:r' ~ ~ ~ n OJ .ID a n ... . g ~ .. . .. n ~, e: :::. s:: r- .. ..' ~ -<' .. '~ ~ ~ S' .. e- n -I tx:I ~ ~ 8 ..; :I: ; 0 8 .. :t e .. e- .. rrt ~ t S. f11 .... -::0 (t ::u ~~ ~ -. :It l;',~ s' 0 ID ,~ ' 0 ~, I:S e. )> , XI e-~ ~ );0 ~ 0 .. 2 .... < ~ i' i :2 ~ ~ ; 'tl . g.. Q.o ;" = 3 ... n ~ Q.o C , ) , l.-\"/ I c._...\ L ::~: '-, I ~~:), eT; ~ ,'~H":=~~,.. q~' " ia- ~-' ~:.1lI. ' ~'" ' . ~,,@)~.viSfl~ .~,- ~ E:V Public, St.t. of Florida .t l.rl;.. , €ommluion expires February 15, 1'152- . D)' Mess. Bonding & Insur.nce C~ ',:~. , , . <-... -,'""/!, .~-',. '.... ~ ~' j ~ ~" ~ ~ t::;O ~J c a Ii ~ fa ~ ~ fa o:>~ ~ = a ~ ..s = urJ ~' +0 t:Y ~ i L'>17,/:'- o r- ;::; ~ 0'" -4 ro 0;- ,;-fA 07--; ~-~ ..:: ;E~ ~ (")~ ?~,. '"":~ r- --- .; i.~y, ('..""'l "",,-- ,-rt I m CJ) 'iij ,\) . ,;.:.. ""tl ' '0 ~ ....... ~ ::;: :;0 l"T1 o ,',,: "6-;' ::n , \D t, /:c ::> , <i "- i