WD-82 Lot 19, Block 3 r---- '-' WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 34 P~ PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI sa. "LORrDA _I h~i I ~0] I ~ ~ . i'-<7'@ ~ ~) ~I'~ ~ I ~,~ ~~ I to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the reCeipt whereoC is hereby acknow- ledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors azul asaigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being hi the ~UDty .or DADE , ,\.' and State of Florida, to.wit: A parcel of land \l~sterly' of, ~, adjacent to Lot l8lrid, the Southerly 24.96 teet of Lot 19, Amended . Plat of Second Ocean Front - Subdivisi.on, being a subdivision of Government Lots 2, 5 and 6 of Frac1;ional Section .~ ~JJ 11 and Government Lot 1 and a portion of Government Lot 4~ all in Towsl.rl.p 53 South, ~ ~ Range 42 East, Dade County, Florida, and more particularly described as follo\lS: ' @ .- Bounded on the westerly side by a portion of -the line, described' a5 follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly extension of the southerly line of Lot 17, Block 3 of the Amended Plat of the Second Ocean Front Subdivision, according to plat thereo recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 28 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said .,' . point being 31 feet westerly of the westerly line of said Block 3; thence run in a ~~ '~ northerly direction to a point on the westerly extension of the northerly line of Lot Ii ~ 18 of said Block 3, said point being 31 feet westerly of the westerly 1111e of said ~~~ ,~ Block :3 ; thence run in a northerly direction to a point an the westerly extension of i!~er) the northerly line of Lot ~O of the .said Blo~3, said point being 31, feet westerly , ~~ ) of the westerly line of saJ.d Block 3;, J3oundedon the southerly side by th,e westerly j~ ~i extension of the. southerly line' of ' Lot 18' Of.' said Block 3 to its inte.rsection with the, . ~ .~ above described wes:terly boundary, said point of intersection being 34 feet, more or , o)"less, westerly of the westerly line of said Block 3. Bounded on the northerly side . \>) the westerly' extension of a line parallel to and 24. 96 teet northerly of the northerl line of said Lot 18, to its inter.section with the above described westerly boundary, _ \ said point of intersection being 31 feet, more or less, we,sterly of the westerly line of said Block 3. B01.mded on the. easterly side of the westerly line of said Block 3. mlris 3Jttbtnturt1 Made tM. s~ day of September. A. D. 19--51., BETWEEN A. ERNEST WOOLFE AND BETTY ~VOOLFE , his wife, of the County of DADE and State of FLORIDA pa~of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH , a municipal , , corporation existing under the laws of the State of FLORIDA J having its principal place or business in the County of DADE and State of FLORIDA andlawCully authorized to transact bU8iness in the State of Florida, party oCt.he 8eoond pm; WITNESSETH: That the said part i AA of the first part, for and m' coneideration of the SUID of TEN ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable COllsidera~ions mYY f1in1iif8, ADd, the .aid part ies of 'the first part do ht~p.by!up.y warrant the title to ,s:ai.Jland. nnd .'Till defend . ; .. '\., ~1.\ ~ th~~alIl'e against ~~lawful claims of aD p~whOin8OeV~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thesaid part les nf the first part have '.' .. hand, S aTld seaLa...th~ day and year ~~ve ~~~. hereunto set theif / I . . } STATE OF FLORIDA, C f DADE ounty 0" I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day penonalty appeared before Iq,e. an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aeknowledsments. A. ERNEST WOOLFE AND BETTY WOOLFE, his vi fA J to me well known to, be the penon-S..-, deserlbed in, aDd. who e)recuted the foregoing deed, and aeknowledged before me that they ~ecuted 'the sam~ freely aDd voluntarily for the purposel therein apreued. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, TMt the .-id B&TTYWOOLFE , knoWD to me to be the wife of the said' A. ERNEST WOOLF.E: , on a leparate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separatelt _ apart frOm her said husband, did aeknowledge that me made henelf a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncinlo relinquishing and conveyinl all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homeltead or of separate property, statutOry or equitable. in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, conltraint, apprehelision or fear of or from her said husband. WITNFllS my hand .... ol&da1 ~, M.iam1 and State of Florida, this . 1':j STATE OF FLORIDA, D ~ ,County of Me ~h {~~ day K s~. iZ~~!~~' . Notary Pultlic, State of :C' tv t # \ M JDJDiHi i . '; f~l"" ~ ~ } - \ '!Jo ..., Ii : ;.N.tItY Pultlic. St..t. .f Florida at lat~' '(0 .~~ ," .:- , · ~ -~:;b;"~"::t~Ji,';.'Z"~.7"~~'1I'~r:\~ ,,,_. " ...... ;"'1.' ;,~~..._..."", I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on ~s day penonany appeared before "me. aia officer duly authorized to adwai~,....../ and take acknowledginents,' . . , County of to me well known to be the penOD-- d~e~ in and who exeCuted the foregoinldeed. and acknowledged, before me that executed the same freely and voluntarilY for the purpOIell therein es;preued. WITNESS my hand aud ~fficial leal' at ' , CoUnty of and State of Florida, this day of ,A. D. 194---- __4'4--"-'- "~._.~-~-~. .-'-~- - .., l'l iii 0: ::;: II: o lI. Ul o o 0.. < 0.. ~ o.t ~' rJa- ~ =s~ ... 0 =~ ~u o · .. E-04 ....,. '-' ~ ~ ,. J ",",' I fI) ~ "'- o i ~ .' sr S.I'j Bl.t I'~d >, 'egl;,). ,QI'" ~.; ~ ~f\ \>,....;e~ ~ : J 0 ~ r~ .. <<I c= ~....1 -<~ lII: "=..cI....-.1Il ute. ... "= ~ ~ ...:a ~ ~.i \~';1 w '~ ; 'oS ~fI~ ~l, oS i "Cl "Cl rJ.. I ... ~ ... "Cl ~ '" <<I ~! cg!' ~ i .; ~o i .J~ ~ i,l~ ~ 1 ii ! ii ....Ieg''i '~'~ ;-=. 'C~ E 0 8~ ~;~ ~~~~ 00 0 ~. lIS lJ.! 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