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THIS IlIDENTUEE, Made this 13th da~r of July, A. D. 1926, BETWE~r
the M1MJI BEACH BAY SHORE CO!.1PA'~TY, a corpora,tion organized and now exist-
ing under the laws of the State of Florida, party of the first part, GRANTOR;
ancl THE CITY OF MIAUI BEACH, of the County of Dade and State of Florida,
WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in con-
sideration of the SUIll of Ten Dollars and other good and. valuable considerations,
to it in hono paid by the party of the sedond part herein, the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party of
the second part, its successors and assigns foreVer, the following described
land, situate, lying ana, being in the County of Dade and State of Florida,
described as follows, to wit:-
A parcel of land lying in a portion of the Northwest Quarter (NW!)
of Fractil)nal Section Twenty-two (22) 1"1. TO'l'lnship Fifty-three (53) South, Range
Forty-two (42) East, in Dade County, Florida, more particularly described as
Beginning at a pe1i118,nent refe.rel1Ce monument at the North;.rest (NW)
corn(>1' of tbe 'Northeast Q.'.1.8,rter (uEl,) of the 110rtheast Q.uarter (HE!) of the
Fractional Section ~venty-two (22) in Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range
Fort;;r-two (42) EaRt; th~nce southerly along the east line i;)f Delaware Avenue
three hund.red fifty-two and one-tenth (352.1)' feet to a permanent reference
monument; thence westerl;~r along the south line of West 50th street, one Hun-
dred (100.0) feet to the point of begim1ing of the herein 'described tract;
thence westerly contin,J.i:J.g a.1ong the SBme aforesaid. line a di stance of one
hundred eighteen and sevent~r-eight hundredths (118.78) feet to the point of
curvature of a curve to the left of radius fifty (50) feet; thence southerly
along said curve forty-six and sixteen h~~dredths (46.16) feet to the point
of tangency of said curve; thence southerly along the tangent to the last
mentioned curve, said tangent being the southeast line of Alton Road, a dis-
tance of forty-two and twenty-eight hundredths (42.28) feet to the point of
curvature of a curve to the left of radius one hundred twenty-five (125)
feet; thence southensterly along said curve one hundred sixty-five and eighty-
fuur hllndredths (165.84) feet to the point of tangency of said curve; thence
southeasterly alon{; the tangent to the last mentioned curve, s8.id tangent
being the northeast line of West 49th Street, a distance of forty-one and
four hundredths (41.04) feet to'the point of curvature of a curve to the left
of radius fifty (50) feet; thence easterly along said curve forty-four and
fift~r-eight hundredths (44.58) feet to the point of tangency of said curve;
thence westerly along the tangent to the last mentioned curve, a distance of
one h1t'1c1red si "lCteen 8n(1 eight tenths (116.8) feet to a point; thence deflect-
ill~ to the left eighty-nine degrees fift;r-six minutes (89 a.egrees 561) on
the west line of Delaware ~Avenue, a distance of two hundr~d fifty-eight
(258.0) feet to the point of beginning, containin8 one and nine hlUldredths
(1.09) acres, more or less.
A L S 0
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A parcel of land lying in a pJrtion of the Northwest Quarter (NW!)
of Fractional Secti~n Twenty-two (22) in Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range
Forty-two (42) East, in Da.de County, Florida, more particularly described as
----.- -- ~..~-- '-"
Begim1ing at a permro1ent reference monwnent at the Northwest (NW)
Gorner of the Uortheast ~uarter (:NEt) of the Northeast ~uarter (NE!) of
Fractional Soction' Twenty-two (22) in Township Fifty-three (53) South, Range
Forty-two (42) East; thence southerly along the east line of Delaware Avenue
Two hundred ninety-two and one tenth (292.1) feet to a permanent reference
monwnent; thence westerly along the north line of West 50th Street, one hun-
dred (100) feet, to the point of beginning of the herein described tract;
thence westerly continuing along the srune aforesaid line a distance of ninety-
eight and tlll'se tenths (98.3) feet to a point~ thence deflecting to the ri&~t one
hund~ed twenty-seven degrees six minutes (127 degrees 061) on the southeast
line of Alton Road, a distance of one hundred sixty-three ro1d thirty-two
hW1dredths (163.32) feet, to a point; thence deflecting to the right one
hundred forty-two degrees fifty-eight minutes ( 142. degrees 581) on the
west line of Delaware Avenue, a distance of one hundred thirty and twenty-
five hUl1dredths (130.25) feet, to the point of beginning, containing one
hunclred forty-six thousandths (0.146) of an acre, more or less.
IT IG HEREBY FULLY Ulr.DERSTOOD Alto AGREED by and between the parties
herebo th8.t the above described property is hereby conveyed to the City of
Mir-mli Beach for Park purposes OULY and that no building or buildings of any
kind or nature whatsoever shall ever be constructed or erected on any part
thereof without the written consent of the grantor herein being first obtained.
Viola.tion of these conditions shall cause the above descn-ibed and conveyed
property, together with all improvements thereon, to immediately revert to
the grantor herein, its successors or assigns, with full title in fee simple,
as full;\r a.nd completely as if thi s conveyance had never been made.
AND the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the
title fo said land, and subject to the forementioned conditions, will defend
the same aga.inst the lawful claims of all persons whomso~ver.
IN WIT1TESS ~~RR~OF the said party of the first part has caused
these presents to be signed by its properly authorized officers and its cor-
porate seal to be hereunto affi>>ed, the day and year first above written.
I H~tEBY CERTIFY that on this 13th day of July A. D. 1926, before
me personally appeared J. ATWOOD WALKER and W. B. BUCHANAN, vice president and
assistant secretarJr, respectively, of the MIAMI BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY,a cor-
por8tiCln org8.ui7.ecl 8.11\1. existing und.er the laws of the State of Florida, to me
~<nown to De the persons WI10 si~led the foregoing instrmnent as such officers
and. severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed
as such officers for the uses and. purposes therein mentioned; ancI that they af-
fixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument
is the act and deed of said corporation.
Witness my signature and official seal at Miami Beach, State and County
,'"N'~~~esaid, thi s 13th day of July, A. D. 1926. /7
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'.. :::'}...'.; 1'/\ b ....~~Sl;)tn o! r:lwld,l C(l.lrilv lI[ thd~. Notary ~ub~ic Sta~e of' Florida at L~rge,
','.. : ~ 0'( r\. 'rl" . \" j I d tl 'J ";/ ll~r go~~on ExpJ.res April 9th, 1960.
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