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THIS INDENTURE, Made this 13th day of July, A. D., 1926,
BE TVmEI'J the LIT1\lU BEACH BAY mmnE CmiPANY, a corporation organized and
n01'1 existing und8r the laws of the State of Florida, party of the first
par-\:;, nnANTOn: and Tm; CITY OF llI.~lJ[( BEACH, of tho County of Dade ~md
stato of Florida, GRMTTEEj
WITJ'TP.SSETlT: TJ:.at the said part;y of tho first par.!;, for
and in consi.dcl'c.~tion of tho sum of Ton DoJ.lC\.!~s and othor good r.nd valuable
consic1.erationG, to it in hand paid by the party of the second part herein,
tho receipt whereof is horeby ackno~ledged, has granted, bargained and
Gold to the Gaid part;)! of the second part, its successors and aSGigns
forever, tho following de scribed land, si tuo.te, lying end being in the
County of Dade and state of Florida, described as follows, to wit:-
A parcel of land lying in Government Lot Seven (7)
of Fractional Sec.sion Eleven (11), Township Fifty",
three (53) South, RW1ge Forty-two (42) East, in Dade
County, Florida, more particularly described as
From a concrete monument at the northwest corner of
Section }'oUl'tcen (14) Tovmship Fifty-three (53) South,
Range Fort;'{-two (42) East, in Dade Count;)', Florida,
run north along the section line five hundred seventy-
seven and fourteen hundredths (577.14) feet to a
pointj thence deflecting to the right eighty-two de-
grees, fifty-t~o minutes (820 52') a distance of one
hllildrod seventy-six and rorty-five hundredths (176.45)
reet to the point of beginning of the parcel of land
herein described, continuing along the same aforesaid
line, being tile north line of 63rd Street, a distance
of one hundred thirty-five and ninety-two hundredths
(135.92) feet to a point; thence deflecting to the
left one hundred degrees eleven minutes (1000 11') a
distance of one hundred ten and seven tenths (110.7)
feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left one
hundred twenty-mvo degrees fifty-six minutes (1220 56')
a distance of one hundred fifty-nine and four tenths .
(159.q,) feet .to the point of beginning, containing one
hundred sixty-nine thous~1dths (0.169) of an acre, more
or less.
parties hereto that the above described property is hereby conveyed to
the City of Miami Beach for Park purposes ONLY, and that no building or
buildings of any kind or nature whatsoever shall ever be constructed or
erectod on any part thereof ,.Ii thout the written consent of the grantor
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herein being first obtained. Violation o~ these conditions shall
oause the above described and conveyed property, together with all
improvements thereon, to immediately revert to tho grantor herein,
its success,ors or assigns, with full title in fee' simple, as fully
and completely as if this conveyance has never been mado.
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AND the said party of the ~irst part does hereby fully
warrant the title to said land, and subject to the a~orementioned
condi tions, will de~end the same against the lawful claims o~ all
persons whomsoever.
IN WI~IESS ~EEREOF the said party o~ the ~irst part has
caused these presents to be signed by its properly authorized o~fi-
cers and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day And year
first above written.
:s,'::''.;.rn.lgl\ed, Sealed and Delivered
".. ~~'f..:.~.:~~Q.t'tf~n the presence o~:
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Assistant Secretar,y.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this It/d day of July, A. D.,
1926, before me personally appeared J. ATWOOD WALKER and W. B. BUCHANAN,
vice 'president and assistant secretary, respectively, of the ~rrAMI
BEACH BAY SHORE COMPANY, a,corporation organized and existing under the
laws of the State o~ Florida, to me known to be the persons who signed
the ~oregoing instrument as suoh offioers and severally aoknowledged the
execution thereo~ to be their free act and deed as such offioers ~or the
uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the
official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the
act and deed of said corporation.
1VITNESS my signature
St8:tO and County aforesaid, this
and official seal at Miami Beach,
/;,tdday of July, A. D., 1926.
Notary Public state of F orida at Large.
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.j ~\\..' · '11 P\' . St1f" of f!nridd C',,"dy (If lhdi~, My Commission Expires:
~\~(J.B \.. \ C j;:,:n,ic, i""",,,,,,,,,, W'OS fi'.~ !Of' recorrl the..('..3. day flf ~.' ,'. ..
<,,;;...:., ".~.~,'~ 19..~.t., at '1.:'1/ ",IV' dfld dilly w;ordr'd hi BI\"k(1.~."'~Jf
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CI.FHK (;WClITT 011 'liT
By..... t...cY:.-:~ ~ / ro f'
April 9, 1930.