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THIS INDENTURE, made this 12th day of lday, A. D. 1947, between
ANNA DELORES GANNON, a single woman, of the County ot Hudson, and
State ot New Jersey, and GRACE RITA NAGENGAST' (tormer1y Grace Rita
Gannon), joined by her husband, William J . Nagengast, of the County of
Dade am State ot Florida, parties of the first part, and crn OF MIAMI
BEACH, a municipal corporation of the State ot Plorida, ot Dade County,
Plorida, party ot the second part,
That the said parties ot the first part, tor and. in consideration
of the sum of Ten 11.0.00) Dollars, and other valuable conSiderations,
to them in hand paid by the party of the second tart, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to
the party of the second part, its succes~ and assigns forever, the
following described land, si~e~,lying and being in the Oounty of
Dade and State of Florida, to-wit:
Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Nine (9)
ot OCEAN BEACH, a subdivision according to
the Plat the reof, recorded in PIa t Book 2,
at page 38, ot the Public Records ot Dade
County, Florida.
This conveyance is given subject to restrictions, conditions and
limitations of record; z,oning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach,
Florida; taxes for the year 1947.
And the said pe.rties of the tirst part do hereby tully warrant
the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful
claims of all persons whomsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties ot the tirst part have
hereunto set their hams and seals the day and year above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in the presence :
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As t~ace~ Nagengast and
William J. Nagengast.
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BOOK28ti5 PAGE250
I HEREBY ClmTIFY, that on this day personally appeared before
me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknow-
ledgments, ANNA DELORES GABOR, to me well known to be the person
descri bd in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged
betore me that she 'executed the same freely and voluntarily tor the
,'i~"es therein expressed.
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f(~"'~'.';';',1i ".~S my hand and official seal at ,j..ersey City, County of
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I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on th18 4&'1 perSonally appelii-~ before me"
an officer dul'1 authorized to adm1Jl.1ster oaths and t"e 'acknowledgments',
GRACE: RITA NAGENGAST and WILLIAM J. NAGENGAST, her husband, to me well
known to be the persona deacr1bedinand who executed the foregoIng
deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely
and voluntarily tor the purposes therein expressed.
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the said Grace Rita Nagengast, lmnn
to me to be the wife ot the said William J. Nagengast, on a separate
and private e.xam1nation taken am made b'1 and before me, separately
am apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself'
a party to said deed for the purp08e of renouncing, relinquishing am
conve)"1ng all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead
or ot separate propert'1, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands
described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and volun-
tarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or tear ot
or trom her said huaband.
WITNESS 7lI1 hand and official seal at Miami BeaCh, Dade County,
State of Florida, this /#-!j'day of Ma'1, A. D. 1947.
My coDlD18sion expires:
'~blrt:L ~~~ at large
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Notary Pu."'~c, Sta~ of Florid. at l,',,i""'\ ~ 'W I ~:""'"
tAv romml<s<on er.plres Februery 19,1".,.. "': ,..,."\ .....,,'. (" ";
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