Resolution 6269RESOLUTION N0. 6260 W~EAS, Dolores S. Gannon and Grace Rita Nagengast, Joined by her husband, William Nageng~st~ have offered to sell to the City of Miami BeaCh, Florida, those certain parcels of land situate, lying and being in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, and described as follows: Lot s One ( 1 ) and Two ( 2 ~ of Block Nine (9) of OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDa, a subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded · in Plat Book 2, at page 38, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, at a total purchase price of $32,000.00, payable $10,000.00 in cash and the balance in two equal annual payments on or before one and two years, respectively, after the date of the closing of the trans- action, said notes to bear interest at the rate of four (4%) per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and to be secured by a pur- chase money mortgage, and WHEREAS, the terms of said proposal are contained in a letter dated March 26th, 194V, and a telegram dated April 3rd, 194V, with the terms of which the City Council is familiar, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the offer contained in said let- ter and telegram be ~nd the same is. hereby accepted on behalf of said City and that the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized ar~ directed to consummate said transaction, subject to approval of the title by the City Attorney; to pay over the cash payment provided for in said proposal out of funds of said City available for said purpose; and to execute on behalf of and in the name of said City the promissory notes and purchase money mortgage referred to and described in said proposal. PASSED and ADOPTED Attest: ty er